Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Resolutions don't have to be hard, just find friends that support your will to live.

      Great article on The Fix via Nobody likes a quitter  . It rings so true to me, not particular to a smoking addiction but also when I have decided to start running, lose weight or go vegetarian, among other positive life changes. When you decide to change yourself, the SELF that you have become means things to other people, whether you know it or not. Perhaps they rely on your habits to support their own, perhaps you haven't had a true talk with those that love you about what you are going to do to better yourself, or many other reasons. I have noticed in my past, that when you make a change in your or your family's lifestyle, that other people either support you (without a parade, just a silent acceptance and support) or they just nod and go their own way. you have to watch our for yourself, first and foremost.

      Being selfish is sometimes a good thing. Always keep in mind that other people in your web of life you have built are your friends for a reason. Most of the time, these friends love and support you, they don't need something from you and want you to be healthy and happy. Sometimes, you need to remember, as my husband and  I have learned, that some friends are not really true friends but like you because you offer a lifestyle, thing or object they can use (boat, etc, or just bad habits they want to get someone else to do). Also, watch out for the "friends" who are always judging others, I met a few in past years friends or family, who seem like they view the world from a super progressive platform that no one can enjoy. These people are just as poisonous, because if you ever come into their view, like eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings, you are doomed, in their eyes, you are not perfect. These are the people that may seem like they have many friends, but have only collected minions that only agree with them, on everything. I see these people as the silent bullies, the ones who bully someone into their way of thinking, and gather friends of only like mind.

        I say, on this New Year, we think of what we each need. We try to do better for ourselves, and then spread that help onto others, as I have always preached from this high mountain of internet gospel. The best I have ever felt about myself is when I turned off, tuned out and tuned in. (thank you Dr. Leary, who I saw live at UF years ago and know much about). Habits of others are easy to judge, what about your own? Perhaps we look too much at others for faults that match our own, or make us uneasy at their close proximity....Perhaps we should not project so much (hate that faux therapy term but it fits with certain people, doesn't it?) and look at our own lives to better those around us.

    In the end, our bad habits sometimes reflect the good habits we are doing, just showing the stress we put on ourselves. Take time, take time to care about yourself, take the time out from caring what other people think,and go InWard.

Happy New Year to you all. Talk to you again soon, be sure. Love to all, Juju Mcc (my true name)

Happy Day Before New Year's Eve which is the Day Before New Year's Day!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

Hello cats and dogs out there in the real world. I hope you all are enjoying a peaceful night as we are. Since having children, we have made a true effort to not do the whole "race to the mall for last minute stuff" but rather take time over the course of the month, to do holiday "events" (parades, looking at lights, volunteering, charity and baking goodies for the grandparents and friends.). I can say yes, we did all that. our children will wake up and have some neat-o cool things to open and play with, but we don't waste money on tons of plastic junk that we know they will get bored with in one week. It's a choice and how we choose to raise our children.

Every family has its own needs, and we have figured out at least some of our own the past three years. This is a relief, and a real gift- finding out what works for your own family unit, whether it be for a tight circle of friends, a couple or a single gal with her best dog- not worrying about how the Joneses next door are doing, and what they have, but rather finding your own true authentic path for your family. That is peace.

Personally, our family has  figured out what we need to do to keep "the peace", and it does come and go, giving us big windows of opportunity to move as a functional happy family unit.  I hope that we all find some peace this week and this night. I type this as my husband reads to our children as we move them into "quiet time". This time is when we give them about 30  minutes or so to play separately, in the quiet of their own rooms, away from tv.s, and noise makers. It doesn't always work out, as one will creep out of their space to bug the other in the evolutionary dance of "who is going to get in trouble first", but most nights it works. we turn the lights down, we step away from them and let their imaginations work as they play on the floor with their cars, quiet games or books. This is their peace. And it is ours.

Merry Christmas to you all dear friends. I can only hope that we all remain the lucky ones who can wake up and enjoy each blue dappled sunrise and each golden rose sunset, unscathed by violence or hate.

Peace on Earth, Kumbaya, and all that stuff to you :) 

The most wackiest Star Trek costumes ever on

Friday, December 21, 2012

Another white man shoots and kills random people in PA for no apparent reason.

Link here :

Merry Christmas to those families, right? 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

What did Miss Venezuela from Miss Universe 2012 say?

WHAT HAPPENED HERE PEOPLE?! Some gadget in her whirly head went "ding ding, splat splat" like the mechanical gadgets in Edward Scissorhands and went kaplooey.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not Judging Here. Ok yes I am. This is hilarious and why can we not laugh at fellow human beings who say really dumb things whether on purpose on not, just like you and I have done on occasion. I really like her answer, and for a brief shiny happy moment, pondered what I would have answered if I was representing a foreign nation in a pageant like this (albiet even trying to translate the moronic questions from English).

Here are some possible answers:

"Si, no, eh - I don't not think Trump hair is really spun gold but rather smooth like yacht boat."

"Me tu tambien. Yes please sex on the side and zapatos con peros also. Yes."

"Brazil si is el bano y discotecha tambien. Oh!"

You see, I can be just as tacky as all the other websites making fun of her, perhaps because I know that I could never do those pageants, cannot imagine having a body like that ( cannot imagine!). If I had a body like that, I would never wear clothes. Ever. I would just go to my local coop and beach just butt ass naked. I would be so damn proud. Who cares? YOLO, right? Stand up paddle boarding would also be a joy.

 Oh, one could only wish. But for one moment, we get to giggle. humans - because they're all messed up.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oily stuff leaking into Gulf.

Link here :

Being an old fan of the incredible "X Files" show I instantly remembered an episode where oil coming from an old oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico ended up being some alien life form that came to life on Dec 21, 2012. Seriously, the writers of that show (Chris Columbus particularly) - that is a weird coincidence. And i'm not into conspiracy theories.

So, enjoy your clean shower today as the creatures in our Gulf enjoy a more oily bath of goo and mysterious substances.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

20th High School Reunion Part 1 - The Endless Summer Night that was about One hundred degrees

This previous summer, our high school had it's 20th reunion. Reunions are the stuff of legends - movies are full of poignant moments of tender hugs, late night rendevous with old lovers, previous homecoming queens getting high in the bathrooms, science club nerds who fly in on their private jets after making it big in Silicone Valley. But that's all fiction. Based perhaps on same tiny sliver of real life of some screenwriter but still - fiction. Here's how the first night of our reunion went (names have been changed to protect the guilty and it's all well meaning so chillax and enjoy).

My husband and I get all gussied up for this event at the Buccaneer Lounge - yes "The Buc" as its called in Panama City Florida. It's an older place recently fixed up a little that sits on our beautiful St. Andrews Bay facing Shell Island and the tip of Panama City Beach. When I was growing up, "The Buc" was one of those mysterious taverns that your parents or someone else's might go to for dancing while you were left with some young babysitter who sat on your parent's phone the whole night, eating Domino's pizza while you got to sneak in some PG-13 HBO watching (if HBO was having one of those free weekends). Anyway, by the time I was old enough to go to the Buc, after graduating college, visiting home and local friends, it retained a certain "air" of smoke, smoke and alcohol. But you could enjoy the odor while watching the sun go down on the water, always a bonus. 

Pulling into the parking lot was a little butterfly inducing, I'll be honest. I was way more excited about this reunion than our 10th (which was fun but there just wasn't any distance between most of us by then). I had been on the committee again for our 20th and knew who to expect and was very excited about seeing friends that had shared certain classes or clubs with me, and of course many many memories. This was the one for the books, because after this we're going to start getting cancers, get eye problems, hip replacements, dementia, liver disease and other nasty things that take away our youth and fun. So, with this my always darker side on my shoulder, I walked into The Buc like some orphan duck looking for signs of my past that seemed, by now, very very far in the past. 

Side note : My husband of over ten years was a good soldier, displaying the grace, politeness and of course having fun while I talked for about two days straight to people I mostly hadn't seen in over 20 years. Some of the friends he has known anyway for a very long time, and others he just hit it off with and was able to find common ground with this strange group of panhandle Floridians, which indeed is a unique crowd, in all the best meaning. 

Back to the night. Let me just say this because it is important - it was a record breaking hot weekend. I mean that night barely got below 90 degrees at night(not kidding look it up). So, everyone was trying to maintain some kind of cool in an indoor/outdoor bar lounge tiki hut kind of place while sweating. Everyone I hugged was sweating, so I just pretended we were all back at Salty's (our old fave place on the beach) dancing and sweating to Grease Lightning and it was ok. Lots of sweat exchanged, perfume, alcohol, cologne, and sweat.  By the end of that night, my hair looked like a yellow q-tip from the humidity but that was ok, I was having a blast. 

This is going to take several posts I realize, and I have an appointment in one hour to get ready for (dishes, wash kids, do nails before going). So, I will return for the next post. Tentatively titled: "The Endless Summer Night - Happy People and Bathroom Wuh-ohs". 

No gun talk for now, except I just did. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

One of the better posts from Gawker the past few days - yes it's about guns. You should read it and take action.

Link :

And now for something completely different.

Hello cats and dogs. Whew it's been a tough week for our country. But it's been a few days so now apparently is the time for us to move on with hope and fingers crossed that the no more angry white men shoot us while Christmas shopping this week. So - with that let's talk about more important things, like Old Navy's fabulous pre holiday sale, the wonderful barrage of Christmas cards we get in the mail (oh the family poses!) and the fact that I still have not spilled the beans on The Most Important Event of 2012- my Bay High 20th Reunion in Panama City, Florida this summer. That is coming, maybe tonight - so keep reading, don't let my gun posts scare you off, in fact they might keep coming. Once these topics are out of sight, they are for most people, out of mind. (Advertising + Journalism 101). 

Take care, my friends, watch your step today and keep it on the road! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Are you there God, it's me the NRA.

I believe in helping others. So I have used my editing and writing skills to help the NRA with an open letter to God (their Santa Claus) that they are more than welcome to use at any time, with no freelance credits or compensation required. Here you are, Merry Christmas NRA>

"Dear God,

It's me, the NRA. Please be with us in the time of great tragedy and need as our country mourns the loss of innocents lives lost due to another random act of violence. This latest act of violence came at the hand of an obviously confused and mentally unstable young man who killed his own mother before shooting innocent children and staff members in Newtown. We pray for your love at this time Lord.

Dear God, we pray that you help the American citizens remain calm in these times, not pointing fingers at a respectable and ingrained institution as ourselves but rather look inward for answers to these horrific crimes of late. We pray that you are there to guide our citizens to the path of common sense when reviewing how our country has turned into a place of random horrific acts of terror. Here are some humble suggestions that you may place into the hearts of our dear citizens who need direction from our leaders in these times of crisis:

1. The mother obviously did not love that poor child enough. We're not saying she deserved to be killed but surely more hugs and Sunday School would have kept that poor boy from using her semi automatic weapons  on her and all those innocent angels.

2. Bibles. Nough said. If only Bibles were read every night to our children then they would not feel the need to find our well hidden (in the closet upper right corner in shoebox) guns we keep in our homes in case of tiny chance of home invasion by robber or zombies from Hell, and use them on other citizens.

3. Mission trips. Sending our overly medicated young adults who are not fully diagnosed or understood to other countries to convert the heathens is not being done enough. More missions! Better yet - let them defend our great country in third world countries loaded to the max with all the guns they would ever want.

4. Intense gun safety training. This is the most obvious answer to these heinous crimes. Every child, upon getting their driver's license, should be tested and trained on all types of guns. Guns are only dangerous to people who don't know how to use them, or to people whose mothers did not love them enough (see #1 above).

Thank you Lord, for looking out for our best interests and protecting our right to bear arms.

Sincerely and Amen,


"Guns, Baby Yeah."

Shots fired at CA mall before gunman kills himself. Because strangers were not killed, it is not making huge news. Only when people get killed is it a bigger deal. Next time you go out in public, as we all will, think about what kind of person may be walking among your family, gun ready to randomly pick us off. Because GUNS. YEAH BABY.

Reprinted in case we're too lazy to go to previous Gawker link. I made it easy for you. Guns and this decades long growing wave of mental health issues in young men is not a good mix. Whether it be more sociopathy or autism not being diagnosed or helped, something is happening. perhaps higher toxins, perhaps not enough closer parenting. Get off your cell phones and Facebook and look at your children.

I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother

Liza Long
Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants.
"I can wear these pants," he said, his tone increasingly belligerent, the black-hole pupils of his eyes swallowing the blue irises.
"They are navy blue," I told him. "Your school's dress code says black or khaki pants only."
"They told me I could wear these," he insisted. "You're a stupid bitch. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!"
"You can't wear whatever pants you want to," I said, my tone affable, reasonable. "And you definitely cannot call me a stupid bitch. You're grounded from electronics for the rest of the day. Now get in the car, and I will take you to school."
I live with a son who is mentally ill. I love my son. But he terrifies me.
A few weeks ago, Michael pulled a knife and threatened to kill me and then himself after I asked him to return his overdue library books. His 7 and 9 year old siblings knew the safety plan-they ran to the car and locked the doors before I even asked them to. I managed to get the knife from Michael, then methodically collected all the sharp objects in the house into a single Tupperware container that now travels with me. Through it all, he continued to scream insults at me and threaten to kill or hurt me.
That conflict ended with three burly police officers and a paramedic wrestling my son onto a gurney for an expensive ambulance ride to the local emergency room. The mental hospital didn't have any beds that day, and Michael calmed down nicely in the ER, so they sent us home with a prescription for Zyprexa and a follow-up visit with a local pediatric psychiatrist.
We still don't know what's wrong with Michael. Autism spectrum, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant or Intermittent Explosive Disorder have all been tossed around at various meetings with probation officers and social workers and counselors and teachers and school administrators. He's been on a slew of antipsychotic and mood altering pharmaceuticals, a Russian novel of behavioral plans. Nothing seems to work.
At the start of seventh grade, Michael was accepted to an accelerated program for highly gifted math and science students. His IQ is off the charts. When he's in a good mood, he will gladly bend your ear on subjects ranging from Greek mythology to the differences between Einsteinian and Newtonian physics to Doctor Who. He's in a good mood most of the time. But when he's not, watch out. And it's impossible to predict what will set him off.
Several weeks into his new junior high school, Michael began exhibiting increasingly odd and threatening behaviors at school. We decided to transfer him to the district's most restrictive behavioral program, a contained school environment where children who can't function in normal classrooms can access their right to free public babysitting from 7:30-1:50 Monday through Friday until they turn 18.
The morning of the pants incident, Michael continued to argue with me on the drive. He would occasionally apologize and seem remorseful. Right before we turned into his school parking lot, he said, "Look, Mom, I'm really sorry. Can I have video games back today?"
"No way," I told him. "You cannot act the way you acted this morning and think you can get your electronic privileges back that quickly."
His face turned cold, and his eyes were full of calculated rage. "Then I'm going to kill myself," he said. "I'm going to jump out of this car right now and kill myself."
That was it. After the knife incident, I told him that if he ever said those words again, I would take him straight to the mental hospital, no ifs, ands, or buts. I did not respond, except to pull the car into the opposite lane, turning left instead of right.
"Where are you taking me?" he said, suddenly worried. "Where are we going?"
"You know where we are going," I replied.
"No! You can't do that to me! You're sending me to hell! You're sending me straight to hell!"
I pulled up in front of the hospital, frantically waiving for one of the clinicians who happened to be standing outside. "Call the police," I said. "Hurry."
Michael was in a full-blown fit by then, screaming and hitting. I hugged him close so he couldn't escape from the car. He bit me several times and repeatedly jabbed his elbows into my rib cage. I'm still stronger than he is, but I won't be for much longer.
The police came quickly and carried my son screaming and kicking into the bowels of the hospital. I started to shake, and tears filled my eyes as I filled out the paperwork-"Were there any difficulties with… at what age did your child… were there any problems with.. has your child ever experienced.. does your child have…"
At least we have health insurance now. I recently accepted a position with a local college, giving up my freelance career because when you have a kid like this, you need benefits. You'll do anything for benefits. No individual insurance plan will cover this kind of thing.
For days, my son insisted that I was lying-that I made the whole thing up so that I could get rid of him. The first day, when I called to check up on him, he said, "I hate you. And I'm going to get my revenge as soon as I get out of here."
By day three, he was my calm, sweet boy again, all apologies and promises to get better. I've heard those promises for years. I don't believe them anymore.
On the intake form, under the question, "What are your expectations for treatment?" I wrote, "I need help."
And I do. This problem is too big for me to handle on my own. Sometimes there are no good options. So you just pray for grace and trust that in hindsight, it will all make sense.
I am sharing this story because I am Adam Lanza's mother. I am Dylan Klebold's and Eric Harris's mother. I am Jason Holmes's mother. I am Jared Loughner's mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho's mother. And these boys-and their mothers-need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it's easy to talk about guns. But it's time to talk about mental illness.
According to Mother Jones, since 1982, 61 mass murders involving firearms have occurred throughout the country. Of these, 43 of the killers were white males, and only one was a woman. Mother Jones focused on whether the killers obtained their guns legally (most did). But this highly visible sign of mental illness should lead us to consider how many people in the U.S. live in fear, like I do.
When I asked my son's social worker about my options, he said that the only thing I could do was to get Michael charged with a crime. "If he's back in the system, they'll create a paper trail," he said. "That's the only way you're ever going to get anything done. No one will pay attention to you unless you've got charges."
I don't believe my son belongs in jail. The chaotic environment exacerbates Michael's sensitivity to sensory stimuli and doesn't deal with the underlying pathology. But it seems like the United States is using prison as the solution of choice for mentally ill people. According to Human Rights Watch, the number of mentally ill inmates in U.S. prisons quadrupled from 2000 to 2006, and it continues to rise-in fact, the rate of inmate mental illness is five times greater (56 percent) than in the non-incarcerated population.
With state-run treatment centers and hospitals shuttered, prison is now the last resort for the mentally ill-Rikers Island, the LA County Jail and Cook County Jail in Illinois housed the nation's largest treatment centers in 2011.
No one wants to send a 13-year old genius who loves Harry Potter and his snuggle animal collection to jail. But our society, with its stigma on mental illness and its broken healthcare system, does not provide us with other options. Then another tortured soul shoots up a fast food restaurant. A mall. A kindergarten classroom. And we wring our hands and say, "Something must be done."
I agree that something must be done. It's time for a meaningful, nation-wide conversation about mental health. That's the only way our nation can ever truly heal.
God help me. God help Michael. God help us all.

liza long is an author, musician, and erstwhile classicist. she is also a single mother of four bright, loved children, one of whom has special needs.
Republished with permission from the Blue Review, a non-profit publication affiliated with Boise State University that publishes a mix of scholarly essays and journalism. The original post can be found here.
Image via AP.

"I am Adam Lanza's Mother" - A MUST READ POST.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Past Year in Mass Shootings in the United States: A Timeline

posted by  on FRI, DEC 14, 2012 at 12:08 PM

Posted by news intern Chelsea Kellogg
According to former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt, who was just interviewed by reporters in the wake of today's elementary school shooting in Connecticut, there are 20 mass shootings per year in the US, on average. Let's take a look at a year of lax gun laws in the US:
December 14, 2012: At least 27 dead, approximately 18 of whom were childrenin a Connecticut elementary school.
December 11, 2012: One injured, two killed at a mall by gunman in Clackamas, OR.
December 8, 2012: Four killed and two injured on the Tule Indian Reservation including the shooter's three children, only one of whom survived the initial attack.
September 28, 2012: Five killed by a recently fired employee in Minneapolis, MN.
August 24, 2012: Two killed, 9 wounded in 'Empire State Building' shooting.
August 5, 2012: Seven killed in Sikh temple shooting in Oak Creek, WI.
July 20, 2012: Twenty killed and 58 wounded in Aurora, CO.
May 30, 2012: Five killed, one wounded in mass shooting at Cafe Racer.
April 3, 2012: Ten shot, seven killed in Oakland's Oikos University.
March 31, 2012: Two killed and 12 injured in a shooting outside Miami funeral home.
March 2, 2012: Fourteen injured in a mass shooting at concert in Tempe, AZ.
February 27, 2012: Five shot, three dead in a Chardon, OH school.
February 21, 2012: Four killed in a Korean Spa shooting in Atlanta, GA.
December 25, 2011: Seven killed in Grapevine, TX on Christmas Day.
December 1, 2011: Four killed in Bay City, TX mass shooting.
Meanwhile in China today, where guns are tightly regulated and not available to the public at large, a man wielding a knife allegedly stabbed 22 children, none of whom died.

Guns. Locked and Loaded in America

30,000 Americans die from firearms each year

A release from Stop Handgun Violence in response to the school shooting noted "If this country has not yet hit a tipping point on gun violence, it never will."
It cites a series of troubling statistics about gun violence:
Every day 150 Americans are shot and 83 (including 8 children) are killed by firearms:
Every year an average of 30,000 Americans (including over 3,000 children) die from firearms
Since former Congresswomen Gabby Giffords and others were shot in Tucson, AZ (Jan. 2011) there have been over 65 mass shootings in America-3 every month.
Since 1970 over 1.4 million Americans have been killed with firearms-more than all US service men and women killed in all foreign wars combined.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

John McAfee arrives in Miami - in other words, you can rest easy tonight my friends.

Please enjoy link here: John McAfee arrives in Miami  in order to further your knowledge on this incredible journey of one man's soul into the enlightenment years (otherwise known as mid life crisis of a very wealthy, drug abusing, globe trotting "inventor" who happens to have a "brown" girlfriend half his age) Yes I mean that. If you have read this blog for the over 4 years it's been going, then you know what I meant, too. Anyway, this story just needs some coked up screenwriters, and BAM - a big movie that exploits the misadventures of a "misunderstood" possibly about to get charged with murder former multi-millionaire. I can't wait. Here are some working titles:

"McAfee and Me - Dog Will Hunt."

"Cartel City - A Man's Journey Through Booze, Boobs, and Bedlam"

"Underage Is Only a Mindset"

"The King of Blogs - How McAfee got Caught"

"Virus Scan - How McAfee was Busted"

"Broken Kingdom - John McAfee and his White Castle in Paradise"

"Palm Pavilion - Holding Court in John McAfee's World"

"Escape from Guatemala - Die Hardest"  

And that's all for now friends, I have much more to come this weekend so you cats and dogs behave (mostly) and stay sane! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

John McAfee - the gift that keeps on giving.

If you have not had the privilege of following the insanely "real" story of virus software founder John McAfee, you are missing out my friends. This story has everything a great Carl Haissen novel has, but it a TRUE STORY. It has these several components that make it a tale of true human imperfection, faultiness and yes, mostly tragedy.

Link here:

Like a true story of Backwards Cinderella, McAfee (after selling his company) chose the road of the eccentric, overly wealthy, hugely uninformed, drug use prone, high risk taking billionaire lifestyle and now, sadly, may end up arrested for an acquiantance's murder and may be having a heart attack. All this after being on the run for weeks now, protesting his guilt in the murder but also having weird impromptu interviews with ABC, CNN and other news sources that any defense lawyer would cringe at. Like any good ego maniac, he's all about himself, posting pics of his supposed bevy of young beauties on his blogs, painting himself a self styled Jimmy Buffet (but with more coke) and partying with drug dealers while wearing parrot shirts and leather flip flops, tanned and white toothed.

Let us take a moment for this latest McAfee Moment, and as he started off being heralded by some media as  some sort of misunderstood hero, now has continued his fall into the "yesterday's news" abyss, created by his own drug fueled insanity, his ego, and his lack of understanding of what big money can do to one so determined to be a Character, not a real person. Who knows, he probably had great intentions at one time, he seems smart enough, and money is not the culprit here - it's the not knowing what to do with it, and who to surround yourself with.

Waiting for the next McAfee appearance, hopefully it won't be a RIP but rather a "he's innocent of  murder, he's giving up his exotic compound and heading back home to Kansas so open an urban chicken farming business". That would be an ending as great as any Haissen novel.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I feel the need to post more original bad poetry. Enjoy with your latte, toddy or smoothie!

the only met.

In perfect form.

the what if
 the where if
the why not
 the do not
the yes 
the no.

that was easy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


How are you turkeys out there? Long time no write. Did you have fun with your relatives...digging into infamous Thanksgiving fare or did you go to save the bales off the coast of Honduras somewhere? I had a very nice time in my old hometown, getting around, sticking within the family circle this time, not trying to see every old high school friend but making memories with my own parents, my close family members and my sons. This will be another short post, but it has been vexing me lately- this question of when are we satisfied, what does is mean to happiness, will we recognize it when it comes, and are we really grateful for what we have? AND - is it a bad thing to want more for oneself, not in material stuff but just more in personal achievements and dreams. I say no. I say we have that inner voice for a reason, the one who tells us to get off the couch, stop dreaming and start doing. When we achieve one goal, our minds just need more. I believe this is what makes us different than the other monkeys swinging from branches - the ability to want more, to make plans, to consciously choose a dangerous "rush" or to choose a peaceful route that makes our lives feel that much more wide open, and less roped in.

As the old gem says "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might just find, you get what you need."  Ahh...that old chestnut. I don't buy it. I say- don't settle. Just tread lightly on the rainbows of others in search of your own. Time is too short. (TITS - sounds like a great tshirt logo right.)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Capote, dishing on his friends, losing his religion

This article from Vanity Fair is the true essence of Vanity Fair, offering a fresh insight into one of the literary giants of our modern era, Truman Capote. I love VF articles like this, choosing to sidestep politics and fashion posts for true literary gold, nicely packaged essays on the people I treasure most personally - writers.  I cannot imagine what kind of confused childhood Capote must have had, partly raised in deep south with "flamboyant" tendencies and the need to escape to more metro places that accepted the differences in humans.

 From what I have learned of him over the years, he was soft spoke, lispy, but large - a contradiction in stature and sound and a friend to many high society NY people once he was among their elite.
According to this and many other articles, he started to "dish" on these people who had welcomed and adored him towards the end of his life. This is similar to how Fitzgerald wrote his stories, using real people for his glimpses into this very exclusive, elusive world of the ultra rich. And both writers were paid in spades for it, the lower classes eating up the stories like tabloid bits, making the writers more wealthy.

However, using your friends to entertain the masses has its price- losing your friends. This has always been the writer's problem, and I've read so many writers say that they did not feel free to write until many of their own friends or family members had passed away (yes). I can understand this, as people with conscious feelings of guilt worry about how their loved ones would feel about seeing their obvious characters in print, for all to see.

Somewhere along the rosy path of indulgences and Park Avenue parties, Capote decided to incorporate his friend's true stories into entertainment for all, and they called each other after the stories appeared, hissing his name and growing paranoid and angry at such a betrayal. This is life, this is the writer - selfish, truthful, using life to satisfy a need to purge out all the hypocrisy of others, even their own friends. Capote, losing his religion towards the end, losing his loyalty to friends but perhaps trying to save his sanity.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Philip Roth: “I’m done” - A sad day, but understandable.

If I had written as many novels and works of non fiction as he has, I'd be checking the calender also to see how many years I may have left, in order to enjoy life from a non -writer's perspective. This man has written his entire life, churning out acclaimed work for decades. We should all be so lucky to find that passion for the ONE thing we love to do, do it well, get honored for it, and then have the chance to say goodbye. Thank you, Phillip Roth for the angst, the dry wit, the sometimes over-wrought characters, the narrative, and for leaving my children a HUGE library of your work to enjoy when they are older. After all, like Hemingway, his stories I feel, are something every young man should read, like a rite of passage to manhood. Sounds silly, and women appreciate them also, but I can accept that his stories are written from the male mind's perspective, as it should be. Write what you know...and people will love you.

Article here : Philip Roth: “I’m done”

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"I've got this."

What appeals to me about this photo of a very young President Obama, is how youthful, somewhat goofy and iconic it is. It is simple, it reminds me of how naive yet hopeful we are as younger adults, doing things we should not do (perhaps like smoking or snorting Nerds). I don't believe our President is that naive person anymore. I think we need to back him and give him credit for overcoming a hard campaign and opposition. I still did not wait up for his speech, I still dislike his grandiose way of speaking, but this has been a similar refrain of mine during the Clinton years (and Gore- ugg). This is is common among politicians, this manner of slight arrogance, confidence and stilted speech, I accept this fact. When Romney spoke, I felt nothing, a complete void of feeling is not going to get my vote, and he lost this woman's vote. I could not vote for a black hole that was filled with PAC money, strange fringe groups and plus...his faith states that he can have "spirit babies" in the afterworld. (no let's not go there - the whole Mormon cult thing- it's a free country and we can worship what we like).

Between two candidates I felt no love for, I chose to go with the one that sat better in my heart, and made sense for my mind. I will sleep well tonight, the party is over and hard work for this man to do for us. I hope my fellow friends on Facebook don't start sniping at cars or burying guns in their yards for fear of this President, it seems like they have an irrational fear of him. This one man that I did not vote for in 2008. When McCain lost, I did not feel the urge to run out and purchase firearms or join a local White Supremacy group. I disliked Obama intensely, I did not think he had experience needed, really REALLY disliked his legions of arrogant fans who treated him like their God. I still hold some of these feelings, and have no regrets of voting for McCain and Palin. However, time marches on.

Now, four years later, we were left with the two to choose from. I chose this man and hope he does something. DO SOMETHING MR PRESIDENT! I changed my vote for you!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

NZ Hobbit coins- YES PLEASE!

Well, now they've finally done it. If this doesn't make you smile among all the political chit chat snark today, then you truly have a heart of stone. See you later, friends..parent duties call and there's a dog snarling at my ankles right now who needs attention too.

New Zealand issues Hobbit coins as legal tender

Saturday, October 6, 2012

good reads

Do yourself a big favor and read "Farther Away" new essays by Jonathan Franzen. Now this is the author who famously gave Oprah the blow off a few years back at the outset of his huge bestseller "Freedom" (later to reconcile) and I frankly never got the chance to read it (yet). Also, his had a previous following from other books.

"Freedom" is supposedly the best novel of our generation, and is being made into a movie starring Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton and Amanda Bynes which makes sense since it follows the utopian world of 2014 without a drunk pseudo celebrity in sight- ok no it doesn't do that at all.

Stay with me folks.."Farther Away"is so fine tuned, wonderful and I cannot help but want someone else out there to enjoy it. I am not going to do a play by play review of each essay, as the essays flow one to another, not at all like some smooth river, but much more like a tumbling rapids that, out of the blue, gushes over some dry Utah riverbed soaking it's inhabitants with shocking climate change. (what a deliciously horrible metaphor).

"Farther Away" contains characters every single one of you would recognize, I bet money on it. The essays although non fictional, reveal anxieties about divorces, the Earth, the mid life crisis type moments we all get when our dreams seem "out there", and so many banal things that are really, truly significant moments upon reflection. The author goes through some literary therapy in parts, describing his life changing divorce (in little tid bits and with a very un-pretencious tone), and can immediately take us into his new found love of bird watching and embracing a very deep acceptance that he is, late in life, an environmentalist and Earth advocate. Don't be scared by this, he's not some hippy stereotype and he doesn't preach. His essays are about "evolving" and not letting our egos rule our lives. His essays are about so much more than that, and i can't write more today because there is a Gator Game on in two hours, and time waits for no man in college football.

Read on, friends, read on! It's a healthy habit and for me, like watching a great film. "Farther Away' will make you laugh out loud and completely surrender to fact that most humans, all of us, are very very much alike.

I give it the best review-   two Gator Chomps. Chomp Chomp.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tacos for breakfast maybe?

It's National Taco Day!! Create your own homemade tacos and have fun with friends and family today. No better excuse in the world to enjoy the lively crunchy spicy flavors of chilies, cilantro, beans, fish, shredded toppings or other imaginative items. Food play should be fun, and tacos are one of the most "fun" foods around. Enjoy friends!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.  - Ernest Hemingway 

fruit loving dinosaur..or is it our dog?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An Apple a Day Won't keep you from dying but this flow chart is awesome.

Greetings and salutations my dears. In this slate link :  you will find the perfect flow chart for choosing the right kind of apples for specific occasions. It is fall, it is apple season. I don't really like apples but force myself to eat one almost daily while driving my kids to school. In affect, eating while driving but at least it's not fast food. (eye roll - go for it).  Anyway enjoy this tidy little chart and plan for your next apple bobbing contest (nasty!) or when you next plan to chunk apples at the squirrels that have taken over your backyard. Green granny apples are particularly good for practicing your archery skills - just stick them on poles in your yard, aim and get ready for the next zombie invasion when the lights go out and we have to fight off the infected ones. Good times ahead ! Happy apple eating.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

No NO No!! People keep dying! We must stop this thing from happening.

All the good ones are dying this year. What I really mean, people i really like or admire are dying this year. Andy Williams passed away and although he lived a long respectable life and made many people happy with his smooth almost innocent sounding crooning, it still sucks when the news flashes a headline that someone we like has passed away.
A quick list of people I didn't know personally, but admired for various reasons who have died include Christopher Hitchens, Nora Ephron and now Andy Williams. Nora Ephron was particularly special to me because i loved her early essays she wrote for Esquire and she entered the literary world in the 60's and 70's when it was dominated by men who prowled their industry like lions, examples of ego and bluster like Norman Mailer, Tom Wolfe, Christopher Hitchens, Truman Capote,Gore Vidal and Martin Amis to name a few. In short, you should check out her volumes of hilarious and dry essays sometime- they are like gifts on Christmas, nice surprises of honesty and men and women could enjoy them. Christopher Hitchens was another favorite of mine, I started reading his works in high school, then college, then kept it a habit, using the internet to search for his later Vanity Fair articles and interviews he would do. He was always funny to me, sometimes unwittingly funny, just his purposeful (not on purpose) look of swagger, brushed back mane of hair, large watery eyes that spoke of long nights in British pubs arguing with early friends during his college years. He was a "character" but he had real talent. He was uneven as a writer, sometimes spot on, sometimes rambling but his delivery was honest. He changed his mind about politics later in life, deciding to be pro -war after 9/11 but his ditractors (most of them) forgave him for they seemed to see it is either a sign of his growing old, or just a way to be contradictory. Whatever his personal beliefs, I just kept loving his work. He was human. He was flawed and I do miss seeing something new from him on the web.

Andy Williams is a weird one for me. I am not a big crooner fan, never saw the big deal about Sinatra or anyone in that genre. But, I do have very early memories of my parents playing Andy Williams records in one of our early homes, which may explain why my ears always perk up when his songs are played. One day, years ago, I heard Moon River, and it was love at first sound. Yes we've all heard parts of it in movies, ads, or general pop culture but I heard the entire song and could not believe the sound of his voice. It was, as they say, like "buttah". I am picking on this one song because I've heard his other songs and this one is my favorite. It sounds innocent, sweet but also has a very understated darkness to it, haunting. Of course, during my more moody days, i agreed with other lyric interpreters that Moon River is really talking about death. So, when people slow dance to it at weddings, they are dancing a macabre sweep to crinoline and lace. It may just be about old memories or just happiness. The lyrics are wonderfully open to interpretation and that is it's beauty. RIP Andy Williams, not that ghosts read the internet (but I hear the read FB)...but a lot of people will miss this voice.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Avett Brothers need your vote.

My message to you today is support good music. Everyone has their own taste . I offer the Avett Brothers as a fine example of skill, earnest songwriting, and fine sound. Please support them by buying tracks from their new album and try to catch them live. I am still getting over (mentally) a 3 day music festival. Wish me luck on that. We were in the sand and sun for about 12 hours each day, camping out for our fave bands, stopping in on smaller sets, hearing new talent, meeting cool people from all over the country who trecked onto our pretty beaches. 35, 000 tickets sold to Deluna Fest this year, we have loved every year and this one was the best so far. Live music has always been a priority for me, luckily I met a partner who enjoys it also, and was big into music before we met. Sometimes, it helps when your man has some common ground with you, right? Anyway,enjoy this nice tidy Vanity Fair link and get some Avett Brothers this month. Am I biased, yes. That's what blogs are for. I am hoping Avett Brothers come to Deluna Fest next year, so this is my way of sending them a silent message....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Hello my friends! Today is "Talk Like a Pirate" day (yes for real) so this will make your day truly fun. To go full on "pirate" here are some helpful tips:

*You really should not have bathed the last 3 days. Pirates lived on ships for log periods of time, so rarely got a real bath in. Just splash some fresh water on your pits and go free into the public confident in your pirate swagger. 

*Brush your teeth- HAR! that's for weaklings. Pick your teeth with the rib bone of a ship rat and join the ranks of the truly scary pirates. 

*Learn how to smell the air for land ahoy. Simply stick your nose in the air, close your eyes, and let the gentle breeze waft past, taking in any signs of land nearby. Reverse pirate- if you're already on land, stick your nose up and wait for the scent of salt water. Hmm. brackish bay stink is always refreshing!

*Make your bad neighbors walk the plank. Build a long plank off a ship (or land bluff) and camouflage it until needed. When your neighbors crank up the Kanye West at 2a.m. (or worse, Katy Perry), just put them in your car, drive to your hidden pirate plank, and make them really walk the line. 

*Pillage the nearest country for their women, food and gold. Just do it! YOLO! What are you waiting for? And other cliches to follow. 

* Father children in many lands..little pirate babies are so much fun and cute to boot. Send their mamas bars of silver often and visit on holidays. Baby pirates need their daddies too.

*Talk like a pirate as much as possible, "Arrg! Ahoy ! " are the only pirate sayings i can think of, so watch Pirates of the Caribbean with Mr. Depp to catch up. 

*Get an eye patch, a parrot, and a pirate flag (most available in Tampa, me). 

Have fun pirates!! 

Monday, September 17, 2012


Let's take a moment to ponder the image below. Many people in our country are getting up in arms over the food policing of our nation by politicians. "Get your hands off my fat ass, my vagina, and my children's happy meals!" seems to be a common battle lately, private citizens drawing their lines in the sand on what policy makers have a right to decide for them.
 My thoughts on this issue are unusual for my normal anti- policing stances. This image says alot about how our country "grew" the past century. our houses got bigger, our SUVs got bigger, our dreams got bigger, our wallets (for the most part) got bigger, and our butts got bigger too. I've always been a BIG believer in downsizing and simplifying  - so this NYC law making larger cups of soda less attainable has an appeal to my sensibilities. Sometimes, we need to start with simple changes to create larger solutions. Yes we have the right to eat and drink whatever we want - freedom. But I like that someone is taking a small stance against the soda industry to say that Big Sugar is not a food group. Even if that's not the legal reasoning for it, i like it anyway. Unlike the gun owning issue people get all crazy about, I wish we could appreciate that healthier thinking sometimes begins with a leader who says "enough is enough." 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Marriage Tips from ye old advice dispenser.

Hello cats and dogs, it's been a while again. Since our latest move our lives have been infused with more social activity than ever, which is a good thing, trust that. Now, on the aftermath of my 10 year wedding anniversary, I am offering you a few tips to keep that love alive in your own life. Because, as the oldest child in my family, I know everything and have experienced everything, so feel morally obligated to give you my best advice on my whole 38 years of life experience, especially on my super perfect past love lives and the one I hold dear now.

Here goes:

1. Change the tune - literally, change the radio station in your loved one's vehicles. My husband and I often trade vehicles, depending on what we need it for like shopping, salvaging, beaching, hunting whales, bringing home Milton Florida wildebeasts to graze in our backyard. I like to stir the pot in a relationship, I hear it's good for couples. So, when I "borrow" my husband's usual ride, I like to change his programmed radio stations from rock to NPR, and leave it fully blasted. This makes for a fun moment in love when he gets up at 6 a.m. for work, gets in his vehicle and gets to hear the soothing, nasal, whiny, enduring voices of the NPR morning staff, gently delivering the hard news with a Midwestern twang and subtle left tilt (ever so slight). I find this to be a great way to keep the love alive, and to remind my husband that indeed, love is blind to everything, even our personal music choices.

2. Text with sass - I find texting to be dull, i don't do it often, sometimes during football games or holiday mass text messages (Hey, happy holidays! talk to you next year!). I like the tangible big feel of our home p.c. and keyboard and find texting about as appealing as shaving my toenails. However, sometimes in this modern world of love, texting your sig other can broaden your romantic horizons. For example, when my man sends something like "You are adored, you are a wonderful mother, and I love you", I like to respond via text with something like this - "Whatever,  hooker!".   This warms the cockles of my man's heart for sure and let's him know I have always got his back.

3. Watch violent tv shows together nightly - we have found in our ten years experience that shows like Law and Order (the new ones not the old ones with Lenny that I LOVE), CSI,  Cold Case, and the like...make us feel all warm and cozy when we feel lost in our relationship. So putting on about 4 hours of any of these shows in a row at night, reminds us how lucky we are, not being raped, crimed against (yes that a phrase),  sitting in a jail cell, or being a bad person in general. It's true, these shows further strengthen the bonds that tie us together, enforcing our beliefs that somewhere in a bright neon jungle of strippers, jetskis, aqua water, and lab coats, Horatio from CSI is going to peer at us from our t.v. screen, and say "I think they're going to make it."

4. - don't listen to anyone else's advice folks. Ta ta for now and hold onto your spouse for dear life. It's tough out there.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

it's going to be ok.

This is one of my favorite scenes in any Monty Python film, sketch, outtake, or archive (and we have many in our home). I'm not uploading the scene via youtube because sometimes one still from a film says it all. Knowing what happens before this scene, and what happens after the scene is a part of being a Monty Python fan. But if you were to only see this picture what would you think? Fake red blood gushing out like a campy horror movie...well I'm just going to say to all those pulling out their nosehairs about politics, that is really going to be o.k.

We always have comedy and we will always have political history (like the picture above) to spoof.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Don't say a prayer for me now...

Hello friends, greetings from my bat cave of sand, salt and usually happy family life. We have news, however. Since yesterday at 7 a.m., our home air conditioner decided that during a mild tropical storm, with 90 degree weather, wind and rain, it was a great time to cease to work. I woke up at 6a.m. (normal time) and instantly felt a change in the air. Our indoor air. The kind I like to keep ice box dry and cold during July and August. I immediately called for help, and it came (kindof) at 4 pm. LAST NIGHT. So yesterday with two kids home due to school cancellations, we basically tried to endure. Now, the a/c was looked at at 4 p.m. but alas, they have to return today, supposedly by noon to finish the repairs.

 So, for about 24 hours now, we have been living in this house with no a/c. I just took Jude to the gym with me, leaving my husband here to wait for the repairmen. This was not a good night, we all slept on the cooler tile area of the house, windows open, blinds banging it the Isaac wind, my thoughts turning paranoid at the thought of all the little critters creeping in- West Nile skeeters, Siamese earwigs, African silverfish, Arabian beetles. (wait, that was just the left over paranoia from the Republican National Convention last night).

Anyway, we await the repairs, trying to not get in bad moods, schedules out of whack, one son to school, and we wait. Please say a prayer for us, or at least feel a little sorry for us sinners who are sweating it out, all fans on, watching the temps rise, keeping our tempers to a minimum. This is not a common thing we've had to endure, being spoiled on our controlled indoor atmospheres all of our lives. Just driving in our vehicles gives us a huge blast of cold air, and we once again remember how grateful we should be for these common conveniences.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Enjoy your meat num num num!

According this newser article, there will simply be too many people in the world to support with a omnivore diet, so start playing with your tofu and tempeh now. Read this : You May Have to Turn Vegetarian by 2050 and if you're still alive by 2050, your burger patties may be meatless but full of black beans, chick peas (my favorite) and other veggie items. Start messing around with meatless recipes now-it's cheaper, less bacterial worries, and less fat. Who know what the future of Earth holds, but it will not be holding up the meat industry too much longer.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012


If this little storm looks like it's coming your way in the next 3-5 days, here's a list of things we have personally found to be handy to have in case of...emergency. Phillip and I have been through many storms together, losing electricity for days on end, waiting for dampness to leave our homes, and watching the sun go down, wondering if it's time to high tail it to my parent's house on higher land, When younger, I stood with my dad on our front porch during Hurricane Elena and watched our pine trees bend in half. It was exciting, I still love good storms.

The list:

Old style boom box radio that works, with batteries that work.

Big fat candles and flashlights.

bags of ice.


Charged cell phones.

Good friends who have generators.

Cash on hand (before the storm hits).

avoid the Home Depots, etc..if you need to get supplies, get them now. If the storm doesn't come your way, you have some stuff for next time.

Don't panic.

Dog cologne.

Beer, fresh water.

instant coffee, because it's so nasty but is a nice reminder that you're camping out now, and living a dangerous life of no electricity and inconvenience.

Vehicles full of gas. If the heat gets to you after losing electricity like it does me, nothing better than to drive around and check out all the debris. Watch out for power lines. duh.

Tunes matter, man.

In the Salon link here : Musicians vs. politicians , the more modern trend of politicians using pop music as their theme songs is highlighted in a nice spiffy gallery. We like to think of an artist's music as "our own" but indeed, we need reminding that to the most seemingly innocent lyrics are personal to their creator. This entertaining wry article is just another among many political posts you'll see today on the web, but I think it's more fun than plucking the eyelashes out of Paul Ryan's purty face. Plus that may get me in trouble.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Devo is releasing a song about Mitt Romney's dog, Seamus

dot dot dot, who was allegedly strapped to the roof of Romney's family vehicle during a vacation. I thought the song "Whip It" idolized the art of S&M but apparently this love of power plays does not extend to the Man - Domestic Pet relationship, and Devo is not going to stand for that type of animal abuse. Thank you paste magazine for the link, please read full story here :


and the next time Obama turns you off with his talky arrogant voice, just imagine strapping a family dog to your car roof and driving off, kids inside, ready for Wally World. Which candidate suits you best? Maybe the mean dude from "No Country for Old Men" will run and flip a coin for every big decision our country needs to make. At this point, no better idea is at hand.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where have you been?

Hi old friends! Where have you been? I've been waiting here for like, weeks, wondering where everybody was and what you all were up to! Glad you made it back for a quick chat. Don't even ask about the reunion post yet, it's coming. All good things take time, and I need a big chunk of it for Bay High 2.0 Reunion - "Back to the Bay" where everyone showed up in red bathing suits, running with pecs flexing and boobs wait that was definitely not us at the 20th high school reunion. 
In the meantime, please click on this link :  and rejoice in the fact that Terry Gilliam is finally going to give the world a nice gift- another Terry Gilliam movie. If you have never seen "Brazil", which was a huge college cult hit that I still enjoy, despite bad ending (i won't spoil it for you but damn), then please do so at your earliest convenience, lazy people. "Brazil" draws the viewer in with the Brave New World/Big Brother vibe of suffocating cruel darkness (I know! I know! It sounds like fun doesn't it!!) and then bam- hits you in the end with a mind blowing finale. And feels like someone plucking downy soft wings off a little yellow chick. Nice, all in all.  So, while you're out there back in the work week, I'll just sit here waiting for your return, twiddling my thumbs and eating bon bons because that's what stay at home mommies do, and we get fat and angry too but that's another post. Until you return, look up some old Terry Gilliam clips and keep in mind he was a significant part of the Monty Python crew (the best one is dead). 

Ta ta for now old chums. Be good most of the time, and be very bad only when people are paying attention. Otherwise, what is the point. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beware the Placehookers

Now that officially Facebook is starting to wear out it's welcome with users (according to ultra-hip predictors of this type of thing, usually friends of startup CEO's who are really just trying to get us to pay attention to other new trends that their startup CEO friends are creating..), it's time to have some fun with Facebook. Truly, Facebook is nothing without its users, to let's have fun with Facebook users. I am one, so I'm included, and will mock myself too. Let's begin:

Facebook Furbombers: These are your FB friends (aka "fbf") who during the weee hours of twilight push about a zillion pictures of maimed, dying, needy, big droopy eyed, pleading, sweet looking animals that need adoption through the fb world for all their friends to see. So, when you finally make yourself a cup of joe or hot tea or Red Bull early in the morning, you turn on your FB and are smacked with dozens of images of these sad images to make you feel guilted in adopting or otherwise enraged with outrage (FB is great for outraged people). These friends mean well of course, it's their platform for showing us what they care deeply about. Sometimes, one person's midnight crusade becomes another person's morning image of total bad reality.

Flirtbookers: Ohhh, the flirting that goes on in Facebook. Across thousands of miles, new and old friends, send zany messages that are meant to delight, tease, anger, depress or perhaps contain a little nugget to stroke your ego. Ohhhh, the ego. Your deadly little devil friend. Every time that old boyfriend "likes" something you say doesn't mean he's dreaming about you. However, from what I can sense, there's alot of mutual admiration going on and some serious emotional relationships built all the time. Some stay in a comfort zone of trust- like "hey, we might have gone out before, and I know you actually are very smart and attractive and charismatic, but we both seem to know its all good now, and we can communicate, even tease, without it ever going anywhere.." But sometimes, after the fbfs have had a martini or two, there's some serious sexy poems sent out to the interwebs, just knowing they have a secret place to land, and usually not on the one they sleep with every night. You can tell...just pay attention. It's their little flirtbook land, and they "like" it that way! Back off.

Placebookers: these are the fbfs that constantly need you to know every where they are checking in. All the time, not just for that cool trip to Nepal they may never get to do again, or some great restaurant they are hooked on..but the ones who let you know that they are at the local co-op getting produce, the CVS for meds, Publix for the buy one get one deals, the playground with their kids, and home at 4 pm. Some would probably "check in" at their bathrooms but some innate sense of FB decorum holds them back. Placebookers - now you know, where they are...all the time.

Facehookers: yes, i'm just making this up as I go along cats and dogs...Facehookers are the friends who love to post pictures of themselves. But we're not talking just any pictures. I mean some seriously seXXXy pictures that don't have full nudity but that would definitely send their teenage sons to therapy if they ever saw them (it's not a matter of if anymore, but be careful). These are the friends who are great looking, and they KNOW IT. And they want you to know it too. And all their 600 friends. The tan, the chest, the nails, the hair, it's all perfect and that goes for the menfolk too. Facehookers- living la Vida Loco on the Facebook stage.

Ok- i have to take care of some family business time has flown...oh look I didn't even get to pick on myself. Imagine that. Ok - I'm sometimes a do-gooder on FB and probably make people roll their eyes, posting stuff that interests me, posting pics of my family, love love love crass adult humor, get annoyed with those that are too sensitive about every little issue (the world has too many issues and that stinks), I love to tease my FB friends who know my sense of humor and whom I trust to "get" what I write, I like to keep in touch my old girlfriends, learn from people, ask advice, and post annoying political stuff I find funny, because politics is damn funny, every year it gets better and people get more uptight. But, that's a tangent. this isn't about tangents but something very serious. Facebook. Reach out and touch someone now, because FB may be an embarrassing trend in our rearview mirror in a few years, and those shots of your tight chest will be there...waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.

So she’s a mom. So what?

So true..stop defining women by how many and if they have any children. having children is a huge event, a huge decision, a huge choice to make - but it does not need to keep defining the heirarchy of a woman's success. I get so tired of women I know, who should be truly confident in themselves, making snarky comments about other women who do not have children (for example "wow, i wish I had time to take a day off! or.."wow, I'm work full time and have two kids, I can't imagine being able to come home and not have to make them food, change diapers, etc..."). This type of comment is sometimes said in an intentional, nice way, but mostly it comes with a dose of direct zing aimed at putting the other woman down. On the other hand, the media right now, is having a love affair with women athletes who have children. You, know, because women are supposed to sacrifice one thing for another- it's our matryism that makes us women- right? Because, you know, if we could only do that one thing we're really good at, AND make some money (professional athleticism) AND have children- well that would be too much and what would we have to complain about or make ourselves into martyrs over? No- then the media would have to focus on that other "new" phenom that is happening - OLDER women athletes- you know..the ones over 40 who are just incredibly fit and it just never happens these know women living longer and (gasp) being active and fit?

No, let's just leave the women alone and eventually they'll realize they cannot do everything they love. That would be expecting way too much.

Hey Media - i think another celeb couple has just broken up. Leave us women folk alone in our red tents.

So she’s a mom. So what?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I can not handle it when people say "oh, it's just a few bad people.." and then keep giving their hard earned money to organizations (such as churches) that cover up rape cases in order to keep up their reputation. I do not believe one's "Faith" is presented by how much tithes you give to a church 'business', rather it is a private conversation and journey between you and your God, if you have one. If you don't, perhaps you are better off, not being burdened with the guilt and embarrassment of seeing so many of your religious leaders being hauled off the jail for offenses they perpetrated or covered up, sometimes for things that went on for years. Perhaps, it is time for people to finally hold their religious leaders accountable, just as they except their congregations to be accountable and atone for their "sins' through confession and gifts of money. I have no tolerance for this, and have for many many years questioned the odd relationship between celibate priests and church leaders (including youth group leaders...) who place themselves in some higher order, and who constantly need to work with children. Children have their parents, and I would question anyone's motives to need to be around young children especially alone, in order to provide some type of church service and to make them feel secure in the church "family." Stick up for your children, and let them always know a "church" is just a business, always has been, always will be. It attracts those looking for answers, looking for positive relationships with others, but it has always attracted those who are weak in their hearts and souls, and who use the "church" to feed their egos (haven't we seen alot of that lately?), to have clear confirmation bias, and worse of all, to prey upon people who are lonely or perhaps see the "church" as their way out of life's tough issues...leading to more victims. Life is precious,and children need their parents looking out for them and to remember that it is not Fear that may protect them from church criminals, but Intelligence. Be smart, keep your kids close and your eyes open.

Prison for enabler of “monsters in clerical garb”