Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I can not handle it when people say "oh, it's just a few bad people.." and then keep giving their hard earned money to organizations (such as churches) that cover up rape cases in order to keep up their reputation. I do not believe one's "Faith" is presented by how much tithes you give to a church 'business', rather it is a private conversation and journey between you and your God, if you have one. If you don't, perhaps you are better off, not being burdened with the guilt and embarrassment of seeing so many of your religious leaders being hauled off the jail for offenses they perpetrated or covered up, sometimes for things that went on for years. Perhaps, it is time for people to finally hold their religious leaders accountable, just as they except their congregations to be accountable and atone for their "sins' through confession and gifts of money. I have no tolerance for this, and have for many many years questioned the odd relationship between celibate priests and church leaders (including youth group leaders...) who place themselves in some higher order, and who constantly need to work with children. Children have their parents, and I would question anyone's motives to need to be around young children especially alone, in order to provide some type of church service and to make them feel secure in the church "family." Stick up for your children, and let them always know a "church" is just a business, always has been, always will be. It attracts those looking for answers, looking for positive relationships with others, but it has always attracted those who are weak in their hearts and souls, and who use the "church" to feed their egos (haven't we seen alot of that lately?), to have clear confirmation bias, and worse of all, to prey upon people who are lonely or perhaps see the "church" as their way out of life's tough issues...leading to more victims. Life is precious,and children need their parents looking out for them and to remember that it is not Fear that may protect them from church criminals, but Intelligence. Be smart, keep your kids close and your eyes open.

Prison for enabler of “monsters in clerical garb”

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