Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An Apple a Day Won't keep you from dying but this flow chart is awesome.

Greetings and salutations my dears. In this slate link :  you will find the perfect flow chart for choosing the right kind of apples for specific occasions. It is fall, it is apple season. I don't really like apples but force myself to eat one almost daily while driving my kids to school. In affect, eating while driving but at least it's not fast food. (eye roll - go for it).  Anyway enjoy this tidy little chart and plan for your next apple bobbing contest (nasty!) or when you next plan to chunk apples at the squirrels that have taken over your backyard. Green granny apples are particularly good for practicing your archery skills - just stick them on poles in your yard, aim and get ready for the next zombie invasion when the lights go out and we have to fight off the infected ones. Good times ahead ! Happy apple eating.

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