Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Saturdays have always been the best day of the week for me. Fridays are good too but if you're working the work part takes up too much of the day! I love waking up here in FL and hearing the seagulls and bluejays in the early morning before they get settled in their trees to beat the warmer noon air. It got up to 78 yesterday, thus the palmetto bugs, spiders, mosquitos and gnats made a reappearance in the late afternoon around our porches and tried to invade our home before I closed all the windows. Those buggers just wait for the temp to get over 70 and then it's war.
Nick, the "Dominator", is playing with a yellow Playskool bus that came with little people in it. I always wondered why the only black person is in the a driver's uniform- was this manufactured before the 1970's maybe? Or have I just been so programmed to see everything in racial lines lately that it seems that way? Possible... some of the old Playskool things we get from Grandparents are very old and I'm keeping some in case WWWIII happens and I need to trade them in for fresh water and canned food. Anyway,I hope you all have a blessed weekend and be nice to yourself. Ta ta for now kids, JM

Friday, February 27, 2009

In case you're planning ahead..

The next Democratic National Convention is in 1275 days.
The next Republican National Convention is in 1282 days.
The next election for president is in 1348 days on Tues. Nov. 6, 2012.
Start researching the upstarts, the newbies, the innovators now that might seem under the radar- that's how Clinton and Obama got elected- by not being the most obvious choice. By 2012, that won't be so novel anymore, but you never know. As we know now.
Still need to look up Libertarian party websites. To be announced....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Once more with feeling...

Revisiting the whole inspection/ house buying issue that is a part of our daily lives right now...our realtor is great and i just made her one of our faves on my phone since we talk every day :) Our inspection report just got emailed to us all....all 37 pages of it. It turns out this house is fine, with up-to-code hurricane tie downs, trusses, window shutters if we have to evacuate, cement type paneling under the eaves instead of plywood or sheetrock, etc etc etc. Despite the fact the current owners apparently had sexy time in the bedrooms with syrup, cigarettes and a lot of dog hair, the house of 1600 sq. ft. is nice, airy, well-built and has room for my crafty stuff and room to breath. No joke about the syrup, it's on the carpet in goopy piles, but the carpet is being replaced and the rest of the home is new tile. Whew!
Next step- termite inspection, survey, VA inspection and painting and moving, eventually next month. When we bought our home in Nashville, there were no flood insurance issues, termite or mold inspections required (always recommended of course), surveys or high insurance costs. Who knew that getting a home here in sunny Florida is like having a glass of Pinot at first it sounds good, it tastes good, smells good, but you're later tired by noon and your mind isn't right the rest of the day.
My mind can only handle so much information on codes, deed restrictions (no boats in plain view!), water drainage, automatic watering systems, missing garage door openers, the number of gallons of primer we need for interior paint, lubricant for all the sliding doors, checking out the neighbors for potential friend/foe problems, neighbors and their dogs, how well the fence is made, and why there is interior tile installed around the front door-porch area where people can slip and crack their noggins. After that, my mind slowly starts to fade away and I go into my own Jennifer world of rainbows, unicorns, fairies and leprechauns. Maybe, I'll see you there someday in the future.
Until then, our closing date is March 27. Yee. Haw.

Wise Words for today

Because there are so many more people smarter than are some fun quotes.
"Prejudice is the child of ignorance" - William Hazlitt, Sketches and Essays
"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." - Tennyson, The Passing of Arthur
"We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1939
"Familiarity breeds contempt, and children." - Mark Twain, Unpublished Diaries
"He lies below, correct in cypress wood, and entertains the most exclusive worms." - Dorothy Parker, The Very Rich Man
"Money is like an arm or a leg- use it or lose it." -Henry Ford, Interview w/ The New York Times 1931
"Republics end through luxury, monarchies through poverty." - Montesquieu, Spirit of the Laws
(How true is that?? smart man!)
"In wine, there is truth." -Pliny, Historia Naturalis
"If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone, they'd never marry."- O. Henry
"What a pity it is that nobody knows how to manage a wife, but a bachelor. " -George Coleman, The Jealous Wife
"There are three kinds of lies- lies, damned lies, and statistics. " - B. Disraeli
" I can resist everything except tempation. " - Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan (this quote is my favorite for the day). Have a wonderful Thursday!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear Barack, I need some Titanium White. Thanks!

All you hear about on the news is Recession Recession Recession...and how we Americans need to strap down, hold tight, dig deeper, pinch pennies, buckle up, hang on, and be patient- cuz things are gonna get real hard before they get better. We know. Thanks for hammering that into our heads every single day and on every single press conference and speech. Now that we are getting down to the nitty gritty thrifty new American society, of course there are sacrifices we must make- ground beef over t-bone, sand over diamonds, grits over caviar, hard candy over platinum. However, there is one thing I love to do that will be not going the way of the Hummer, and that is my oil painting hobby.
Since about fifth grade, I've dabbled in water colors, acrylics, and oil painting (the most expensive type of painting). Over the years, I've collected tubes of brilliant colors, brushes of boar hair and horse hair, canvases of all sizes, linseed oil and paint thinner for clean up and correcting whatever booboo I make on the canvas. I love the texture of oil, and like to have my pictures rise off the canvas in thick brush strokes. I like to play around with the linseed oil, which makes the medium glossy and stronger. Recently, I purchased some large canvases, on sale, because I finally got brave enough to try some big pieces, instead of the safe 12x 18 size or smaller that i have scattered around our house. The most interesting part of this hobby, though, is the oil purchasing.
If you ever look at oil paints, you'll notice the tubes range in price, from around 6 dollars to 20. This is due to the type of pigment, some of it rare and hard to process, that each color needs to become a true oil paint. Today, I used a coupon to buy some canvas and Titanium White- a large tube can run to about 22 dollars, today I got a smaller one. Some jewel toned colors that I love (Cadmium Red, Colbalt Violet, and Magenta) can get really pricey. The earthy tones for landscapes, such as Yellow Ochre and Burnt Umbre are also expensive. I try to make the tubes of paint last by toning down the thickness of the application, but it isn't my style to have a thin, watery look to the final image.
Could I sacrifice my oils, brushes and canvases in honor of the new American way of life (at least for the next four years)? Of course. Could I just dump out the box of Nick's Crayolas and draw to my heart's content with Yellow-Green, Pumpkin -Orange, and Bubblegum -Pink? Yes. But, I'm holding tight and buckling down... I've got a closet full of clothes I'd sell before giving up my Prussian Blue and Ivory Black. It's not about being thrifty, it's about peace of mind.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Now, I'm aware there are a few more corrections that need to be made in previous posts, but I'm just too lazy to go back through them all. However, I needed to correct this oh-so-important item. The Kings of Leon song is called "Sex on Fire", not "Sex Is On Fire"- so now your day can begin with a new enlightened sense of purpose.
We're having a busy morning and I went to the gym and did more leg/ torso weights today. So I may not be able to walk to the computer tonight to write anything else. I may sit in the yard getting sun and then have someone carry me in later so I can start on a new painting. It's just too pretty out to stay in, so get out and enjoy some fresh air. Ta ta for now kids, JLM
PS. We watched "Anchorman" again recently with my mom (she nearly fell off the sofa) and I have to say that it's one of the most insane comedies in recent years. Everytime I see it, I think- what were these writers on, and how do I get some of that? I also love it when Ron calls the new anchor woman "Tits McGee". hope i didn't get that wrong- it's too funny.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A new blog to follow...

An old friend of mine, let's call him "Thomas Paine," has started his own new blog at - check it out sometime! This blog contains useful information that is very relevant in today's American landscape. It's fact-filled and straight forward, and I find it nice to re-educate myself on some of the things we learn about in high school and college, only to loosely remember as adults. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This much closer.....

We're officially this much closer to closing on the larger home we took a second look at recently and are very excited about it working out. We've been looking for about 2 months, which is how long it took for us to find one in Nashville. Once the holidays were over we were waiting to get out there and get on the ball about getting out of this rental (although there's nothing wrong with renting, especially if you're not totally job secure!) before the hot summer months come back with a vengeance! This place is great in cold weather but during the summer I felt like Hemingway stuck in a Key West shotgun shack with no ice and no a/c. The a/c we do have quickly disperses out of the house and into our yards for the birds and mosquitos to enjoy.
I love being busy and the home hunting search is always interesting to me, learning more about this area and the different insurance codes and neighborhoods. Some day Phillip and I are going to buy a small condo or house in Mexico Beach so that we can always go home to visit our old friends and haunts that we miss. I know that place is growing so fast but it's so laid back and the seafood there is freakin awesome. In the meantime, we're chillin in Mid-Central West Florida (how do you name this place in FL?) south of the arm pit (Tally south to Perry) and north of the beautiful Siesta Key, and even Miami.. yes i thought Miami was gorgeous. Except everyone honks there like they do in Honduras. Hope you're having a relaxing night like I am and keeping good thoughts flowing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little Salt, Lime and Corona.

Salt- What movie?
"I have a head for business and bod for sin. Is there anything wrong with that?" Answer: "Working Girl" (Tess McGill's character played by Melanie Griffith)
Lime- What book's first line?
"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. Answer: " The Catcher in the Rye, written by JD Salinger, spoken by Holden Caulfield
Corona- What movie quotes?
"What's your name - Catcher?" Also, "I'd like to be a slut, a lesbian slut." (this is a hilariously misleading quote). Answer:"The Good Girl" with Jennifer Anniston & Jake Gylenhall, second quote by that dude who was one of the three ex-cons in "O Brother where art thou?" sorry, I dont have time to Google that one. I just know his face.

Bye kids! Have a great morning.

Monday, February 16, 2009

nice things

Some ideas for cheering up people in and around your little world today:
1. Compliment someone, especially strangers.
2. Pay for someone's groceries- I did this at the GO (Grocery Outlet) a few times in PC and the looks on people's faces of surprise was priceless, plus it helps out people you know are having a harder time than yourself.
3. Give away bunches of stuff you don't Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. Every time we move, we do this and we never miss what's gone.
4. Call up an older relative to catch up.
5. Write letters to's way classier than emailing.
6. Find something to do with your free time that is for someone else - volunteering, babysitting for a friend (for free of course) or a neighbor's yard or home project.
7. Spend time with your pets, you got them so you are responsible for their happiness.
8. Give someone a big hug every day.
9. When you cook potatoes, do it without quartering them first- it keeps much more of the minerals and vitamins intact- this probably goes the same for most veggies ;)
10. Buy a few of those thanksgiving or Christmas dinner coupons that your local homeless shelter sends out- it's easy, cheap and a hot meal goes a long way towards making someone's day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

R.E.M. - a love note

Still in the shadow of Valentine's Day, I wanted to give a shout-out to the super group R.E.M. for an oldie but classic, "It's the End of the World as We Know It". When this song came out, I went to Russell Mills, bought a t-shirt, drew a skater chick on it, and wrote the first few lines all up and down the shirt. I promptly wore it all through middle school years with my blue Converse hightops and huge hoop earrings. Because - I was a nerd, and for another really really deep reason...
The young River Phoenix- looking dude in the song's video. Who can forget the seemingly meaningless video of a skinny shirtless boy with a dog hanging out in an abandonded shack doing handstands with his skate board and moshing around a little to the music. No - it wasn't meaningless, it just wasn't like the glitzy hair band and pop videos that were emerging at that time. I would wait for this video on 120 minutes and jump around like Molly Ringwald on Jolt hoping my newly bobbed hair was just the right kind of alternative cool. Besides the cute young lad, the shack looked like any old shack in Bay County or Georgia. I related. Who wouldn't want to blast R.E.M. while hanging out with your dog and skate board on a sunny day...maybe while skipping school? Anyway, this is my love note to you, anonymous skinny skater dude, and the wonderful song that our generation began our young adult lives with.
We can still relate. We feel fine....

Storm Clouds are Here....

Today is one of those days- fill in the blank. Moody, dark, an air of anticipation mixed with some feelings of melancholy and memories. In honor of the dark side of Valentine's Day, I have made a very short list of some songs and albums to keep in mind or to view on Utube if you, like myself, need a fix of sad ballads and rainy day blues.
"One" by U2. I get chills when this song plays, and it reminds me of two things, inexplicably- my senior prom ( I remember seeing the video on a condo tv during all the partying hubbub, and just like that a sweet snapshot memory was born) and the words are so perfectly written it makes me teary-eyed. The "Joshua Tree" album was a pinnacle in their history, but this song just blew it all out of the water.
"Running to Stand Still" by U2. More of a love song to drug use, this song is bittersweet and the crescendo of Bono's Irish wailing towards the end is beautiful.
"Mad World" by Gary Jules. I first noticed this song at the very end of "Donnie Darko" and looked it up on UTube for more information. It's a soft, playful melody that gets sharper as the strings come in alongside the piano. It's mournful, catchy, and a very pretty song that fits "Donnie Darko" perfectly.
Any song on Beck's "Sea Change" album fits the mood for this day so well. Songs like "Paper Tiger" make you feel like wallowing in Beck's misery for hours because he makes it sound so cool.
Any song on Tori Amos's "Little Earthquakes". Except for the funky "Leather" song, about the fun side of leather, almost every song on this album, like "China", are songs about loss, hope, lost dignity, and revenge- all great themes for a lover in crisis.
"Hallelujiah" by Leonard Cohen- sung by Cohen, Jeff Buckley or Rufus Wainwright.
"Creep" by Radiohead. This song played almost every time I crossed the Hathaway Bridge during two years of my life in PC and my Tercel speakers could only go up so loud to blast this tune. Even now, the lines "you're so very special...I wish I was special" send me into a blissful moody heaven.
"Save All your Love" by Great White. Don't laugh! This ballad is dark, eerie, mournful and bluesy. Turn this one up loud and dive into a classic 80's hairband ballad. I had a boyfriend (for a week) a long long long time ago who would call me up and play this on my parent's landline. Amazing what love does to eighth-graders.
"Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt. I don't always love Blunt's warbly voice, but sometimes it's perfect for a day when you're teetering on the edge of sadness. This is a musical letter fit for a current love or for someone you've held onto for years, in secret.
Wow- I need a tissue and to get to the gym to run off the melancholy clouds that have surrounded me today.
It's good to dive deep into the dark side of love, for then you can appreciate the light and happy air of love that lifts you up and makes life sweet.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Third time's the charm?

Today we made our third offer on the third house we have really really liked. We have looked at around 20 homes and in the end, came back to one that always called out to us "take me! Take Me!". Without going into too many details, it's Tuscan orange, built in the 50's, completely remodeled, has a full bath in the garage (this is common down here, from the segregation days several locals have told us- I am not kidding), and it's right near a cool little beach area that we always fish near. It's not that big, but just right. It has a back yard full of oak and tangelo trees and it's a blank canvas (no landscaping). I can rest this weekend knowing we took a chance on the one house we always kept coming back to, after looking at all the newer homes with bells and whistles. Although the garage bath is done in funky 1950's original blue tile - that can be changed later. All we can do now is wait. And hope that if the offer is accepted, that the inspections pass. Also, let's pray that there are no hurricanes blowing this way anytime the next 20 years, we're only about 12 feet about sea level down here. Otherwise, we'll be moving back to PC to live in my parent's garage. My old room with the Bay High sticker on the door and a poster of Australia on the back has long been turned into an office. Well...we're going night fishing today around 7 or so...maybe I'll catch a flounder this time. Happy Friday !



1 oz vodka
2 oz. Champange
2 oz. pineapple joice
Freshly cut pineapple
Combine vodka, Champagne, and pineapple juice in a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with fresh pineapple.
For more than 1, multiply the ingredients, mix in a pitcher and play spin the bottle all night till fun things happen.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Be very afraid.

When people act because they are afraid, they easily give up their freedom to higher powers, of whatever kind they feel is going to quickly ease their fears. When people act with knowledge, they fight for those freedoms, and are not so quick to let someone else fix their problems for them. The loss of personal responsibility has quickly led other nations down the road to....fill in the blank- they're all in the history books.
I loved the Tracey Ullman skit they played during the SAG awards last month. She was playing an American anchor person holding a mike with a stern teacher face on saying..."Be Afraid. FEAR. CHAOS. Anarchy. Fear.." (paraphrasing.) It was so spot on and it was the only highlight of that self-congratulatory awards show. Anyway, she might well dislike conservatives (who knows) but her intuition to the rising heat of the paranoia that has come up the past few weeks is so intense it is almost laughable- if it weren't for the fact that so many people get caught up in the fear hype.
Be very afraid- if you can't figure out your own life and think that someone else is going to do it for you. Get a grip- or a glass of bubbly. There have always been bad economic times, there has to be, since they follow good ones. It's logical and cyclical. There will always be some generation that has to deal with bad job stats, low home values, high gas prices, etc. It just so happens it's our current problem, and alot of people in this generation aren't used to anything but fluffy soft Egyptian cotton in their lives. These are the type of people who would not know what to do if the world went on black out tomorrow. They would stand in front of their blank tubes waiting for Anderson Cooper to tell them what to do.
Those people may be waiting for, and may get some help the next few years. How quickly they will forget about that fear and will go right back to living like help was to be expected.
Doubt anyone will send the president a "Thank You" card.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Kings of Leon

Despite some people saying they've sold out, I have to give a huge proud shout out to Tennessee's own Kings of Leon for their Grammy win. Every time I hear "Sex is on Fire" ...the guitar riff and bass makes me want to drive faster, and the lead vocalist sounds like a rusty nail stuck in an old Nashville tin roof (if rusty nails had voices). I have heard theories about the meaning of this song...std's, some back room S&M fun, or just, well, plain sex. Anyway, they do have other great tunes like "On Call", "Use Somebody" and "Molly's Chambers. So , if you're ever in the mood for new rock that sounds like classic rock with an darker emo twist...get the Kings of Leon.

Bogart rules.

So, this weekend I revisited "Casablanca", one of my fave old movies. I forgot how cool, modern, and smooth it is for a black and white over 50 years old. I also fell in love, again, with the very cool, modern, and smooth Humphrey Bogart. As the leading man, Bogey was never a beautiful preening metro-sexual of today's cinema stars... he looked older than he was, had a receding hairline, had big sad dog eyes, and when he smiled it was like a painful effort. However, the way in which he spoke, the way he always leaned against the shiny wood of a bar downing a martini or scotch, the way he had sudden outbursts of rage and emotion- well....that's what a bad boy does well, doesn't he? And under it all.. he was always the hero that sacrificied his own happiness for his leading love (as in Casablanca.) be cliched... here's looking at you kid...
Some of the best quotes from "Casablanca"...

"Play it again Sam" - Rick to Sam the piano player in Rick's Cafe (The song.. "A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh...")

"The Germans wore gray, you wore blue." Rick to Ilsa, remembering their love affair in Paris when the Nazis marched in.
"Yes, well I put that dress away a long time ago." Ilsa responding.

" Louis, I think this is a the beginning of a beautiful friendship." After Renault helps cover up Rick's crime.

"We'll always have Paris." Rick to Ilsa before she leaves in the plane with Laszlow for America.

" We read five time that you were killed, in five different places" Berger to Victor Laszlow
"As you can see, it was true every time" Laszlow responds.

"Monsieur, what kind of man is Capt. Renault?" Annina
"Oh he's just like every other man, only more so." Rick responds.

"You give him crdit for too much cleverness. My impression was that he was just another blundering American" Major Strasser (Nazi)
"We mustn't underestimate 'American blundering.' I was with them when they 'blundered' into Berlin in 1918." Capt. Renault in response

"You depise me, don't you?" Ugarte, who sells black market visas for those trying to flee ahead of the Nazis.
"If I gave you any thought, I probably would." Rick responds.

"Here's looking at you, kid." Rick to Ilsa after she pleads with him to help her have the courage to leave him for Laszlow...and safety.

"What's your nationality?" Major Strasser to Rick
"I"m a drunkard" Rick
"That makes him a citizen of the world." Renault

"Who are you, really, and what were you before? What did you do, and what did you think, huh?" Rick to Ilsa during the early days of their Paris affair.

"I'm on their blacklist! Their roll of honor!" Rick about the Nazi presence in Casablanca.

"I must be frank with you sir. It would take you a miracle to get you out of Casablanca, and the Germans have outlawed miracles." Senor Farrari

"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." Rick while getting drunk after the shock of seeing Ilsa again. (My favorite line)

"Ive often speculated why you didn't return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds? Run off with the senator's wife? I like to think you killed a man. It's the Romantic in me" Renault to Rick.
"It was a combination of all three." Rick responds.

That is only a taste of the wonderful writing that makes "Casablanca" so special to watch. The plot, exciting and exotic, is almost overtaken by the gritty, efficient, and at times funny lines the main characters get to chew on. It's the best un-romantic "romance" drama in this genre...and well worth watching. I wish there were more Bogeys in the world today taking care of business...

Friday, February 6, 2009

another house in the sun.

So, we just got back from a quick house hunting jaunt in Dunedin, a pretty little artsy- fartsy beach community north of Clearwater Beach but still accessible to HYW 19 (the hard to ignore artery that runs north -south in Pinellas County). North of Dunedin, you hit Palm Harbor, Tarpon Springs, and then start hitting the outer retirement sprawls of Spring Hill, Hudson, New Pt. Richey, etc. It's really beautiful up there, with fresh water springs, saltwater harbors, pine forests and oak and magnolia woods. OMG! EXCUSE ME WHILE I TURN BARNEY OFF>>>
ok, so after you pass that part of Florida, you hit the "half-way" point to Panama City, which is Perry. Ahhh....the beautiful village of Perry. I always hit the Subway shop there and refill the gas tank. This is also the half-way point from PC to Gainsville...but those days are over. From here, we go up I-75 to Gville. Anyhoo, I stood in front of yet another dream home today, not two streets down from the waters of Gulf of Mexico. It's on old beach cottage with original terrazo floors, wooden walls and sandy yards. The bathroom has mint green and pink tile, which I quickly envisioned with Mexican tile and a warmer tone for the walls. So, i said another prayer to the house gods, and am awaiting a call from the realtor so we can do a walk through. This is the house that would lull me to sleep to the sound of wind, sand and slow moving fans on hot sunny afternoons. hope the house bandits stay far away.


I have notice lately that the log in times for my bloggin range from 4:14 am to 10 pm. Believe me, I don't ever blog before 6 a.m. just saying...must be the computer timing that is off.


^%$#@! $*&#@!
Late last night, we got a sad call from our hard working, semi-related realtor with some disturbing news. Friday, we submitted a good offer for a 1600 sq. ft. home that had alot of upgrades, a boat pad (for our invisible boat), a fenced backyard, a florida room, built in bookshelves, 2 car garage, large bedrooms, no flood zone issues, etc. etc etc. At this time, there were no offers standing. Monday, we were told there were 2 other offers, so we resubmitted an offer for full asking price plus some closing costs covered by ourselves...the best we can do considering the comps in the area, and the fact that the value of the neighborhood won't be rising for at least a few years.
Wouldn't you know it. last night our realtor called to tell us that another buyer had swooped in with a cash offer and, of course, was accepted. Who are these people with $150,000 plus cash just sitting around to buy houses within days? Are they following us around? Why has this happened twice? According to our realtor, it's because we are choosing the good ones, the ones who at one time were worth over $230K or so. We're not choosing "fixer-uppers".
Maybe it's time to look for the sweat equity projects that have the same square footage but need some TLC...that is what we got in Nashville and it didn't take long to make it perfect for what we wanted. vexes me. Who is this masked house bandit? Why has looking for a house suddenly become a competitive game in this supposedly easy buying market??? I will Nick and I have a new list of places to look at (we drive by first before bothering the realtor with walk- in appointments) and there just so happens to be a Chik-fil-A on the way to make me feel better. Have a good Friday kids!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Friends...several kinds.
Like most people, I've always had a very small, close knit group of friends that know me very very well. My close friend circle has always grown and shrunk over the years, with some friends dropping off the radar due to us moving around. However, there has always remained a few people in my life who I know always have my back, as I have theirs. These are people I have defended, stood up for, cared for, and shown kindness to. This also includes some friends who were super close for a while, then we drifted apart only to pick up that trusting chemistry the minute we reconnected.
The other kind of friend is the one I keep at a distance, the one I love dearly but know from experience that they haven't always had my back. In fact, sometimes I've been witness to these people throwing me gently under a big yellow bus. Why they do it is beyond me, except I wonder why they waste their time trying to act like they really like me, if they don't underneath it all? This category, as in all friendships, includes family members. Recently a good friend of mine and I talked alot about how family members are the ones who do this quite frequently. It's very common, even among the tightest clans. Also, I've kept some friends at arms length because I have to in order to have any kind of privacy. Discression is not everyone's greatest virtue.
The worst kind of "friend" is the frenemy. These are the ones you already know you don't really care about but they insist on orbiting your life like a dying star puttering out sulfuric gas. These people give out compliments lined with razor blades. The compliments are really full of insult, and they are about as warm and fuzzy as a rhino's hide. I have met alot of these type of friends through out life, mostly at jobs. One time, I had a fun get together with about 20 people at our home in PC. A woman came who clearly didn't like me, who was always asking me about my marriage, my background, and clearly had a competitive itch to scratch with me. My own gentle husband, stood up for me and told me during that party that she was never allowed in our house again. Enough said. That particular woman was never invited again, and even years later tried to track me down in Myspace! can we say nutso? Anyhoo... that's one extreme from the other. I'm sure we all have our relationships that are tried and true, and have maintained their trustworthiness. Whatever your friends are like, they should never be hard work!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Answering the previous post trivia...

Vanilla Sky, directed by Cameron Crowe, in 2001. The actor is Tom Cruise playing David Aames. I recently came across this movie again after 7 years. The first time I saw it, I hated it. Penelope Cruz doesn't act, she just murmurs demurely with a Hispanic accent, and Cruise overacts as usual. However, upon another viewing, and ignoring the mediocre acting, I found it entertaining and thought-provoking. I re-examined the ending, and have different theories as to David's "real" ending. Also, what a great soundtrack! Nancy Wilson (crowe's wife, how cool), laid some wonderful melodic tracks, and Pete Yorn has a song or two floating throughout the scenery. Yorn has this flowing voice and a mellow sound to his music that is perfect for the chic, easy urban life in which David inhabits. Anyhoo- there's some movie trivia. Gotta get back to the day. Wind gusts up to 28 mph and temps going down to 30's again...must bring in the plants off the porch!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Movie trivia

just something that came up what movie was the term "pleasure delayer" explained in over -dramatic fashion, and by what actor (or better yet...what character name?) don't Google -it's not fair!

What's black and white and read all over...

Last week publishing titan Conde Nast announced that their high-end decorating magazine Domino was done with, due to very low ad sales. Also gone the way of the dinosaur is Jane magazine, House & Garden, and other variety special interests glossies. The newspaper industry is also sinking like a lead balloon. Tribune Co., which owns LA Times, Chicago Tribune and Newsday filed for bankruptcy, and the 146 year-old Seattle Post Intelligencer and Rocky Mountain News have closed their doors forever. Locally, the Tampa Tribune has been busy laying off staff as has the St. Pete Times, which disappointed me when we moved here, as I have always wanted to write for the Times. In general, the news publishing industry is failing miserably due to several factors, and I think it stinks.
One of my greatest personal pleasures is picking up a crisply folded city paper wherever we have lived and enjoy reading the news over a cup of hot coffee. The ink smell is like an aphrodisiac to my need- to -know personality, and different sections of the paper appeal to whatever mood I'm in. How nice it is to have the jabbering tv off, and just read. Magazines have the same appeal. I subscribe to three, and love getting something in the old-fashioned snail mail box that I can take to the beach, the gym, or read at night. Usually I read a book about 2 hours every night before sleep, and save the magazines for daytime distraction. There is something nice about having convenient entertainment that has nothing to do with the tv or internet. Which leads us to the causes of this sad slow demise...
The most obvious problem is our slower economy. Which won't last forever. When I worked at Hot 107 during 9/11 ad sales were the first thing to go. People panic during economic hardships and publishing ad sales being already inflated as they are, are quick to get cut. The other factor is the internet. I can go to free blogs and websites to find news on music, decorating, houses for sale, political debates, random bits of information. Most people do this now, without it even being a big deal. Ten years ago in ethics in journalism class, my professor said to watch out, because the internet would take over news and entertainment. We knew it to be true, but at that time, not even all of us students owned our own pc's, it was still considered a luxury item, not a necessity. It's weird to remember that turning point in time- the mid to 90's, when you had to load up AOL to get online....It was just easier still to turn on tv, or read the papers to get fast news (and pick up the phone to contact friends).
So....if you really love your Rolling Stone (which by the way, recently changed it's infamous large print size down to "regular" size), get your subscriptions now and store them a in a nice, dry place for your grandchildren to have. Especially treasure the niche magazines and newspapers, because those are going first. With a shrinking subsription base and ad revenue, they will be icons of a bygone era of entertainment. When your children ask....what's this "myspace" thing your generation keeps reminsicing about, smile and bring out your old Esquire issues, your Brill Reports, your Martha Stewart Living, throw in a few Wall Street Journals, and say- this! This is what used to be cool!