Monday, September 17, 2012


Let's take a moment to ponder the image below. Many people in our country are getting up in arms over the food policing of our nation by politicians. "Get your hands off my fat ass, my vagina, and my children's happy meals!" seems to be a common battle lately, private citizens drawing their lines in the sand on what policy makers have a right to decide for them.
 My thoughts on this issue are unusual for my normal anti- policing stances. This image says alot about how our country "grew" the past century. our houses got bigger, our SUVs got bigger, our dreams got bigger, our wallets (for the most part) got bigger, and our butts got bigger too. I've always been a BIG believer in downsizing and simplifying  - so this NYC law making larger cups of soda less attainable has an appeal to my sensibilities. Sometimes, we need to start with simple changes to create larger solutions. Yes we have the right to eat and drink whatever we want - freedom. But I like that someone is taking a small stance against the soda industry to say that Big Sugar is not a food group. Even if that's not the legal reasoning for it, i like it anyway. Unlike the gun owning issue people get all crazy about, I wish we could appreciate that healthier thinking sometimes begins with a leader who says "enough is enough." 

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