Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mystery is good.

Sometimes I think that Facebook is steadily killing any and all nostalgia about people we knew in the past. Perhaps there is something to be said about leaving the past as it is, stuck in a haze of one-sided memories, dream like perspectives, and memories that were meant to remain left alone. i am not speaking of anyone in particular, but rather after some events that have recently transpired that leave me thinking the past is better left in that safe closet of old times, where the present doesn't shine the light of harsh present day reality. I say, leave the old ghosts alone, peaceful in their graves buried under years of questions left unanswered. Mystery is slowly dying due to the large connectivity of today. There is romance in not knowing everything, and romance (not the passionate kind, but the sentimental kind), is necessary for humans to keep using their imagination. Remember that- before Google? Imagination.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Look in our own backyard.

Soo---- this message will self destruct in 10 minutes. I'd like to be around for dinner tonight.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Story time.

Once again, I am left with little time to write some things down. However, there is this - I am reading a best selling book about how our children are going to need the education of "nature." Furthermore, the book describes how we need to teach the next generation to deal with their time management between the technology of their time ( the obvious stuff now- texting, gaming, Facebooking, etc) and incorporate real "outdoor time" so that they have balanced minds.

Now this seems like some fluff, but it's not. It's great if your kid is fast on the texting, twitter, etc but our minds have evolved from ancient cousins who used to listen to the air, smell the air, and taste the air for survival. It doesn't take much time to take our children into some local nature sanctuary and just picnic or walk ( there are thousands of state parks in our country) nature trails and secluded riversides, lakesides, beaches or mountains. I have specifically noticed changes in our own young kids (ages 2 and 4.5 now) when they have spent the entire weekend or day outside of the house. I know it helps their imagination, their creativity and their personal growth. It reminds them that the tv, dvds, and yes even music - are better enjoyed after they are "missed" for a while- aren't most great relationships like that?

I say- get your kids outside for quiet time- yes, they may want to run around, yell and have fun. But also remind them that the trees talk, the wind speaks, and the water definitely has a story to tell- every single day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Give it a rest!

Read link below and give me a big AMEN. Put that song to rest where it belongs. I remember buying my first Jeff Buckley CD years ago and playing it to death (learning shortly after about the great songwriter that Leonard Cohen was). Still a great album but when they put it in a SHREK soundtrack- ten years ago- you know its time to let beauty lie still in the grave. Forever at peace, never to be sung again by some reality show contestants.

As AWOLNATION says "Can I get an AMEN?"

Saturday, September 17, 2011

You- Please Run for President

Michelle Bachman is not going to become our next President. Neither is Rick Perry or Mitt (I have no other wives) Romney. Do not panic. I am so still trying to wrap my mind around the extra-ordinary hoopla over Obama in 2008 (and his win) that I cannot even hold my breath for a better candidate this time around. There are no rays of hope - only a light down the road, waiting for the next election in 2016. He had two years with his own party entirely in power and here we are, still pointing fingers and of course, I am reminded why in the end, we need to elect people who have actually had some leadership and managerial positions. This isn't a local environmental group who needs some permits to clean up a lake, this is the entire country someone needs to LEAD.

That is all for now, Go Gators and please, if you think you can be a better leader, PLEASE Run.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Coffee Perks

According to a recent Southern Living article I came across, coffee has many perks. Now, I am a purist when it comes to my Joe- I have never added sugar or flavored creamers to my coffees, when possible. I only like it black with a smidge of milk, cream or lite cream. That's it - no lattes, foam, whipped cream, cherries, nutmeg, syrups, espresso shots for me.

Here are the perks of being a coffee drinker: bottoms up!!

It may reduce your chance of diabetes- 3-4 cup drinkers are 25% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This of course without adding all the sugar and cream calories and fat.

It helps reduce muscle soreness after workouts. - caffeine reduces post exercise muscle soreness by nearly half.

It's a great source for antioxidants- good for your heart!

It''s a brain booster - increases short term recall, and 3-5 cuppers are 65% less likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Whoah!

It may reduce your chance of getting some cancers such as liver, breast and colon cancers.

Drink up..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is up friends???

I can't stay long, but plan on checking back here by midnight for some more items, as I will be "writing" (that means for $$ and career baby steps) and in the meanwhile will be posting fun stuff on here, as this is my creative notepad. Let's get real - there's alot of CRAZY to talk about these days, ameye right or what?

Let's think about this while you work, if you had a dinner with any 10 people in the world (let's keep them alive for this one) - who would they be? Let's get some out of the way (Jesus, Mother Theresa, Nixon, Vlad the Impaler).

So let's go from there ;)

I am thinking Jack White for starters, Christopher Hitchins, Jim Carey (I have never loved his movies but have always thought what a bucket of crazy to have as a friend), Oprah (great hostess gift giver right?), Tilda Swinton, and those are to start. I have many favorite authors but most I truly admire are in the land of the light and glittery clouds, except for Amy Bloom and a few modern poets, and I don't know about saving a spot for them, don't want to discuss pentameter, symbolism and free range writing all night.

It's hard to really pick so few. I mean there are circles of different people- the ones I admire for their life's works, the ones I am just curious about due to their unusual or infamous behavior, those who still manage to retain some mystery in their lives, and those that I want to just share good food and conversation with. (Javier Bardem or even Kathy Griffits for two very extreme examples).

Anyway, time for school pick up and then errands with the kids to keep everyone busy until bedtime- the best time of the day.

Tata for now dogs and cats.