Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Resolutions don't have to be hard, just find friends that support your will to live.

      Great article on The Fix via Nobody likes a quitter  . It rings so true to me, not particular to a smoking addiction but also when I have decided to start running, lose weight or go vegetarian, among other positive life changes. When you decide to change yourself, the SELF that you have become means things to other people, whether you know it or not. Perhaps they rely on your habits to support their own, perhaps you haven't had a true talk with those that love you about what you are going to do to better yourself, or many other reasons. I have noticed in my past, that when you make a change in your or your family's lifestyle, that other people either support you (without a parade, just a silent acceptance and support) or they just nod and go their own way. you have to watch our for yourself, first and foremost.

      Being selfish is sometimes a good thing. Always keep in mind that other people in your web of life you have built are your friends for a reason. Most of the time, these friends love and support you, they don't need something from you and want you to be healthy and happy. Sometimes, you need to remember, as my husband and  I have learned, that some friends are not really true friends but like you because you offer a lifestyle, thing or object they can use (boat, etc, or just bad habits they want to get someone else to do). Also, watch out for the "friends" who are always judging others, I met a few in past years friends or family, who seem like they view the world from a super progressive platform that no one can enjoy. These people are just as poisonous, because if you ever come into their view, like eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings, you are doomed, in their eyes, you are not perfect. These are the people that may seem like they have many friends, but have only collected minions that only agree with them, on everything. I see these people as the silent bullies, the ones who bully someone into their way of thinking, and gather friends of only like mind.

        I say, on this New Year, we think of what we each need. We try to do better for ourselves, and then spread that help onto others, as I have always preached from this high mountain of internet gospel. The best I have ever felt about myself is when I turned off, tuned out and tuned in. (thank you Dr. Leary, who I saw live at UF years ago and know much about). Habits of others are easy to judge, what about your own? Perhaps we look too much at others for faults that match our own, or make us uneasy at their close proximity....Perhaps we should not project so much (hate that faux therapy term but it fits with certain people, doesn't it?) and look at our own lives to better those around us.

    In the end, our bad habits sometimes reflect the good habits we are doing, just showing the stress we put on ourselves. Take time, take time to care about yourself, take the time out from caring what other people think,and go InWard.

Happy New Year to you all. Talk to you again soon, be sure. Love to all, Juju Mcc (my true name)

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