Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ron Paul will never win because he is short and not conventionally attractive

Ron Paul will not win because he is short and not conventionally attractive. I have a ton of friends who love him and have been his fans for over a decade, and I have seen his popularity grow the past few years. I appreciate some of his platforms. I can respect his fans, just like I respect some of Obama's fans. It doesn't matter.

 Way back, I realized on my own, not through some UF professor who thinks they know everything ( and there were alot of those on UF campus even though they hadn't left Gainesville since the Nixon era...) that most leaders are either TALL, GOOD LOOKING or Have a Great Personality that weirdly attracts people  (Clinton). Take away what you must, go cry in your RP embroidered hankie, it's not going to happen. God Bless us all..we'll be o.k. whatever happens..we always are and will still be bickering with others who aren't just like us, and will always believe we are more savvy and "more knowledgeable" than anyone else. Good luck with those feelings. Hope you all sleep good at night. I will be dreaming of BP oil slicked oysters and hot sauce with Saltines. good for the skin I hear..num num.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Endangered Product List- Dire Dire!

Please be advised that many products that have been with us for decades are in true decline and need your financial or at least meditative support. In dire straits, these products have been pushed aside for more "safe" products that will never stack up in comparison to the original. Like the politically correct landslide of the past 20 years, so to has the market and demand changed for ordinary staples. Take notes! The world is changing.

First let us remember the good old days of permanent markers. once upon a time, you could go to an Ace Hardware store or Eckerd's and buy packs of real markers...meaning permanent markers. I needed one recently and searched every one of our boy's craft boxes and computer area for ONE. None was to be found..but plenty of washable, fragranced, wipable, and other variations were found. What happened to markers that were supposed to Mark- and stick around. Isn't that the point? If I wanted something to fade or not mark anything permanently, I would use chalk. When did people get so wimpy that the demand for UN-permanent markers went into decline? Is it going to kill you if oops some gets on your kids hand? no. That's what soap is for..don't even get me started on soap.

Soap- There are bath gels, antibacterial pumps, bath mousse, bath cream, and many variations put out by brands like Axe, Bath and Body Works, etc. I enjoy a hard bar of soap that smells like soap. Even Irish Spring. Yes, something that is not liquid and that costs $6 a bottle. Soap- old school. Clean smelling. The kind that when you open a bar package, the whole room smells like it. Soap, goodbye old friend, your world is surely fading.

Butter- stick butter. If you ever have the time, notice what is in the butter section. Olive oil margarine blends, oily pans of weird formulas that keep your heart healthy. Everything is in the butter section except for butter.  I enjoy and use products like this on occasion -rarely. But look for the real butter sticks. remember sticks of butter? I don't mean the "Mad Men" era use for it when people poured vats of it onto Thanksgiving turkeys, but just butter you would use with your mom to make cookies or pies. Butter. it was nice knowing you...

Real Whole Foods - this addresses the problem brought up in Michael Pollan's books. (read them). You can buy all the produce you want (whole foods) and still won't get the same amount of nutrition that the same foods offered 30 years ago and beyond. A carrot sold today, even organic, does not have the same amount of vitamins and minerals a carrot eaten in 1940 would have. Common sense but why? Because we don't farm the old school way. We leach our soils, add in "nutrients", use genetic superfood production to make things bigger and prettier. All of these things have now created a vitamin deficient world of produce. Best advice- eat a ton of organic whole foods, try to take action for new ways of farming, grow your own, and take supplements. Beer helps with this problem too. Solves all the world's problems I hear.

Well, I am enjoying a very corporate Starbuck's homemade coffee and a quiet morning, but time has come to return to mommy world right now. I enjoy it more these days, parenthood was more a struggle for me than I ever thought, but my mind is finally wrapped around the reality of this incredible responsibility given to me. Life isn't always perfect, but who cares. Life is always good just by being there.

enjoy your day friends...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ants marching.

The most formidable being on the Earth is not the elephant, the great white shark or even the parasitic disease carrying creatures that rule the news, terrorizing minds everywhere (think "Contagion") - it is the sugar ant. I am too lazy to look up it's formal Latin name, but do we really need to? Must we give this horrifically relentless being even more credibility for it's super powers? I have been waging war with some of these sand size black varmits for about 20 hours now. They have not reached our kitchen, but rather have made a trail through a small space near our front door, marching in like dutiful cult- like soldiers, going after whatever small thing brought them there in the first place. I wage war with crumbs daily since our kids eat like pigs in a trough, but they know to help clean up and I of course, clean up again when everyone leaves the table. I am a neat freak. So- you can see my inner anxiety boiling to the surface when the ants come in to say hello. Hello, my little friends...get ready for Battle Royale. You will not win. Didn't your Queen bee tell you to never cross a girl born in January? You may make it out alive, but trust the other survivors - you'll never be "right" in the head again. :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Greetings and salutations cats and dogs. I am currently listening for the bubbles of macaroni boiling and hearing a Charlie Brown movie in the background. The ones made in the late 1960's- our kids LOVE them. Boy, they have some truly groovy "far out" sequences in them also, pretty funny stuff. I wanted to touch base, ask you to give yourself a big mental hug, and like some old wise lady tell you that everything is going to be alright. how could it not be after such a pretty day? I hear the wind whipping around our house, that old spring friend who comes knocking before the real heat comes. What a day- supposed to be in the 50's at night- hooray. It's time to say tata for now but we should all get out and enjoy the last few hours of the weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Makeup, art deco graphics and an infamous LA murder....

Hello friends out there...I am having a busy morning and a crazy week. I hope you are all doing fine and living each day to the fullest. This story from was interesting to me for all the pop culture items it links to the Black Dahlia murder. If you think it would bore you, you are missing out. Please enjoy while I get back to my main career of parenting, but I will miss the click of the keyboard soon enough.

So, until I return with some stories, poems, and other various fun things, behave. DO behave...

Black Dahlia beginnings

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Salty Limes and Spring Weather

Greetings and salutations. I am enjoying a second day of dark, tornadic, ultra hot weather that is the spring vortex of the upper part of FL. Lucky to have such beautiful woods, hills spring lakes, rivers and beaches, not so lucky to capture bits of crazy Texas, AL and MS weather. It flies our way full of gloomy doomy weather which flings patio furniture around like toothpicks and send shivers down the spines of the old Milton moonshiners (I hear). They say things like "You 'member that old twister that came through Hwy 90 and like'd to tore off that roof of the onion ring stand back in '77?" or something like that.

Sometimes this weather takes one back to the old days...the old days of 1996 when one would come home from college, all excited about it being "spring break", ready to get a tan and mingle with the ghostly pallor of the Michigan kids to the sound of Hootie and the Blowfish under tiki lights, spinning in joy under the sexy panhandle sun.

But no, mostly one would be greeted with the Spring vortex of doom, dark rainy nights, slashing winds and even some last blasts of winter temps. One would drive back to college with photos of big smiles, wet heads and black clouds in the distance, satisfied but cursing the cruel teasing Earth served up.

This is spring - days of light sun and hope, and then bam! Mother Nature brings the Thorhammer down and rains on our Corona and Lime parade. Weather channels scramble to bring us the most accurate weather available from Super Whopper Doppler but sometimes, the wet blanket still arrives. So, we wait like cats in a cabin, ready to pounce at the next ray of sun.

Life's a Beach- until it rains.