Sunday, October 31, 2010

this is a crazy statistic:
Last year in Pinellas County, more people died from prescription narcotics overdoses than died from automobile accidents.

That's alot of people in alot of pain, and a very sad growing trend in our society. I think younger people need to be taught better coping skills, and healthy ways to deal with emotional, financial and social stress in order to avoid relying so much on prescription pills to deal with life. Public education should evolve with our society, and include more classes on emotional health so that young adults grow into adults who can handle problems without needing so many destructive coping mechanisms.

That's my two cents for this morning.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gym Rats, Gym Groupies, and Me

Ok, So I joined a gym here in our fair city a few months back. As with every time we have joined a gym where we have lived, it's always an interesting place to observe human behavior and reflect on my own love/dislike relationship with my own body. I was raised with a good amount of self confidence to due my caring parents and never had a problem with my somewhat short curvy stature until...some evil person sent an anonymous letter with honest to God magazine cut-out letters to my parents house that stated something along the lines of " eat a salad..." Now, to make things clear:
1. I never told my parents or friends about this.
2. I never found out who sent it.
3. This was in 1990 right after we moved from our Pretty Bayou address to a somewhat more affluent neighborhood of Kings Point..where we had a pool in a very private backyard where I would lay out and swim, assuming I was not being watched by some troll. Let me correct- Pretty Bayou has many expensive homes but I am pointing out the higher bully/competitive/mean girl quotient went way up upon this move.
4. Being a lover of water, swimming and boating, I had never been afraid to wear swim suits until this weird letter was opened with much surprise in my bedroom.
5. After this, for my entire high school life, I wore board shorts etc when swimming or boating with friends (among family members I was always very happy to be myself).
6. This incident was strange because I could never figure out who would send that to the time I had really close, long term friendships with girls I loved and trusted.
7. I always suspected it was someone who I didn't really know, perhaps someone who was jealous that I always had a steady stream of questionable but really cute boyfriends. Perhaps a King Point beauty queen who felt better by hounding me instead of living her own life?
8. Thus...though still quietly very confident of my own body due to my own undiminished self esteem and many many compliments from men who loved my curves...I grew into a woman who was 98% good with herself- sucks that someone else took that 2% and never gave it back.

Here we are- gym time. Really, wanted to get that little secret off my chest. Ahh...feels so good! Now, I have always enjoyed walking, a little running and alot of swimming laps in the Gulf or in a long pool like my folks have. The gym experience has been great- I had three free meetings with a personal trainer, got my BMI done, weight and developed a really great weight training program to focus on balancing my body out- less stress on my shoulders (tension, due to kids and picking up baby stuff all day) and build a stronger back, core and legs. I know my weaknesses and am always in a better mood after a good long trip to the gym.
Here's the fun part- noticing the different types of gym rats including myself....

The Senior Getting His Kicks: down here, we have alot of retired people who are prevelant in my gym. They talk, they hang, they attend the classes, and it's a social event for them. For me, I usually have about an hour own my own, or more if I bring both kids during their daycare hours. Several times, I have noticed pretty fit older gents who sit on the chest, leg presses, slowly crunching away, blantantly staring at my chest as I do arm presses, or staring at anything under 40 who is not in a walker. These men have every right to stare, as they pay their fees like I do. So, I just stare back. Hey men! Don't be so obvious, maybe a slight quick glance at the women will do aye?
The Gym Rat: This is the person who is always there. I must know this because sometimes I go twice a day (not often but like to). THis is the person I wonder "what do they do for a living that they are always here and not at work" I'm talking 9:30 am and maybe later at 4 pm. They hang onto the equipment, take their time, socialize and have arms the size of cannons. Sometimes, their arms are so disportionately big that their legs are like little musketballs crying out "hello down here, I need some tlc please!"
The Bronzer: This is usually a woman who is so perfectly tan, it must be painted on. Her forehead is the same as the ankles, and I wonder if it ever rubs off on her pillow.
The Pro: There are many of both sexes like this at gyms - the professional body builder, and boy do they mean business. They seem to all know each other, and are really big. They wear tanks and are built like cannons, all in/out, in/out and look like they could crush you.
The Sidewayser: this is usually a guy who is just checking you out, sideways and non-offensively. Sometimes, there are the ones who get on the treadmill right next to yours even though there are ten down the aisle that are free. Why? To check out how many miles I've done? To see how high my incline is set to? to set up some non-happening conversation? Hmm..or just because all the other treadmills are in repair? I will never know, but it happens alot.
Just like when you park your new car far away at Walmart and some random person parks their car right next to yours, half a mile away from the entrance. It's a mystery.

So..that's some news from the fitness front. I am in the category of "beginner, again" or "Gym- Redux". The ones who have finally committed and are seeing results, so will not stop as it is a part of daily life now. The ones who have etched out their own time for themselves with no apologies and who are in like with themselves, later in life, and are not waiting for confirmation.

Good bodies are great, but when the mind is present, it's all in sync. I just wish no other teen girls would ever have the dubious honor of nasty hate mail to further complicate very complicated young lives.

Giving Thanks

There are major benefits of saying "thank you" and expressing gratitude in your life.
1. It helps you feel more in control. This suggests that people feel better when they take credit for the good things in their lives, according to Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of " The How of Happiness".
2. It improves your health. People who kept gratitud journals tend to be exercise more and sleep more than the average person. Also, they report more energy and vitality. (from Robert Emmons, Ph.D. author of "Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make you Happier."
3. It helps you cope better with trauma. Lyumbomirsky says that by focusing on positive gratefulness, one doesn't focus so much on negative feelings and memories from the past.
4. It bolsters self-worth and self- esteem. By being positive, one focuses more on things you value most rather than things that you want or think you need.

from "Real Simple" Nov. 08, reporting by Nykia Spradley and Lesley Alderman

So..make "thank you" a new daily habit. Everyone benefits, and if you have children, they will learn the class and grace of gratitude.
He knows nothing: and thinks he knows everything. That clearly points to a political career. - George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spoiling the young kingdom.

Recently I saw Jamie Lee Curtis do an interview on a morning show...stay with me. She was asked about the recent death of her famous and beloved father Tony Curtis. She explained that she loved her father like her fans did, as he was distant from her family and was not really a "father", and she further explained that this was in no way negative but that it was what it was. She also said her own actress mother who raised her and her siblings, was also distant emotionally, although she was always "there." Curtis was very calm when explaining that for her generation (similar age to my parents' own parents, and perhaps yours), parents were "there" to function as parents but did not go out of their way to be "touchy feely" and that she knew her parents loved her, but there was not the hands on parenting of today. She expressed no regret at this upbringing- in fact joked about the fact that the parents of that generation would "parent" while playing cards with friends over toddies and ciggies, after giving the kids a good night kiss and off to bed you go. I personally enjoyed her opinion that parents today "over parent", that they "clap over every move" (her words) and create little people who need so much acceptance at a young age, and who need so much emotional boosting it is debilitating.
Amen. I agree. We applaud every single thing at our home since our kids are still both under four, and are doing the whole first step, first potty, first school art work thing. However, I do think there is something to be said about letting kids learn without being given stickers for every single thing, or else they are being set up for ALOT of expectations (spoiled) when they grow older. It is not "tough love" to say "that's great" for something, without all the bells and whistles kids get every word they speak means they are a poet or a future scientist. Kids need to be kids, and adult parents need to retain a part of their adult world. It does not have to conflict, in fact, I have many memories of my parents having get togethers with their own friends, and we were expected to have fun playing for a while, and never were allowed to just "hang out" until 10 pm with the adults. I respect that very much about my parents, and my husband & I both share memories like this. A child had boundaries, and adults had theirs. I see parents now who allow their kids to run around like zombies at events until 11 pm and then wonder why they are having behavior issues....umm probably because, as my pediatrician told me- kids under 12 need at least 10 hours sleep to feel normal.

So...I thought this was the first person in a while to come out as a little more conservative in the parenting field. To admit that though her parents were "actors' and therefore a little more remote emotionally, she thought that she benefited from the fact that she was not allowed like a alot of child stars, to hang out until midnight with her parents, pretending to be a grown up while a child.
Kids are being raised by parents today who have alot more divorce issues, money issues, instability. Trust me, I know about these things. The one luxury we can give our children is to allow them to be kids, to allow for their flaws, and to allow them to make mistakes to learn from early in life. This is a lesson I need to remember also, as I kiss and hug my boys over every single thing they do. Stickers, rewards, all adds up to material rewards not emotional.

Enough learning...let's just all have a great night!! Life is good, lots to learn, some things better later than never.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello People

Wow- it's been a while. While we were off single-parenting (temporarily), seeing live music, and visiting the panhandle of Florida, I had many ideas for blog subject matter. Here are a few:

1. Why Obama needs to grow a pair to save himself and his administration. Time to tell his voters to stop being ninnies and bandwagoners and get back on his train pronto. Alas, I am not his p.r. person so I won't get to advise him of this valuable advice. Also, I am conservative- minded and would charge him for this advice in the name of capitalism. Sharing is good if it's toilet paper know what I mean?

2. Panhandle showdown- Pensacola versus Panama City: advantages of each city and what each one needs to become a major player in the future of Florida, as the available coastline properties shrink and why Six Flags over Redneck just won't be enough.

3. Interstate I-10 and why I love it. As one drives West from Tallahassee, the potholes grow and the weeds grow taller. The people get weirder and land grows hills. Once you hit Missisippi, you are back in time post Civil War, economically, for real.

4. Why I can't drink beer much anymore.

5. How having children has made us reinvent our marraige. 5 steps to stave off the old "we used to have so much fun" doldrums.

6. Why I think the slow destruction of our planet (through pollution, war, and any other horrible things) is a part of natural evolution, and how humans may wipe themselves out, but the palmetto bugs will thrive (and that's not so bad, right?)

7. Crime shows and how they make people paranoid, sad, and give couch potato sociopaths all kinds of "how-to" ideas. Thanks, CSI for showing how to kidnap, rape or build bombs.

8. Why "Dexter" is a great show. And how "Eastbound and Down" is made to raise your i.q.

9. Why Halloween shouldn't scare the Christians who avoid it. Boo! Jebediah needs to get on a witch hat and have some fun.

10. Top ten places we could live, and why we don't mind moving every few years.

11. Proper ways to feed and tend to your pet shark.

Well, I have to answer a children's whine for bedtime help. I will write again soon and look forward to friendly, self-fulfilling, one-way correspondence. Hope all of you are having a wonderful full moon October week. And, I wish all of you lots of peace this night.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Salt and Lime

Wow, how I have missed writing this lately. It's so easy to write on Facebook- little lazy comments, blurbs, postings...but this is so much more personal (to a point) and always makes me feel like I owe something to the readers.
I am not a poet, nor some great intellectual. You all know that. What I am saying is that when I write on this, I feel some responsibility to entertain or give something to the reader so their five minutes of websurfing isn't in vain.
Fear not- I still hold no great ideas!! So make a great martini and enjoy my non- intelligent blogging tonight...My family life lately has sucked any intelligence from my mind, holding it out in space for me to grasp again and pull down in the future for some great moment in blog literary history.

Here are some random thoughts of the past few weeks:

There is a Southern Baptist Minister who is criticizing the growing popularity of yoga among a Christian who pracitices yoga, I can only assume he is scared of the rising numbers of Mid Eastern religious practitioners in the US and that he does not realize that Christianity draws from the Mithra cult practices, pre- Roman pagan practices and other "pre- Christian" beliefs ...thus he must have graduated from Auburn and never left his homeland of Alabama the beautiful, where stars fall.

Obama is gaining popularity in my own head, due to the sole fact that he favors a longer school year. True. We have considered home schooling, but only in the case of a traveling/roaming kind of lifestyle...which we could do at any moment due to Phillip's job offers. We are always discussing this.

I truly believe after being back in FL for two years that the extreme heat in Western FL makes people crazy. Really. The crime rates go up...but after that harvest moon and cooler air...everyone chills, until Christmas and the druggies need to steal stuff for their presents.

The Gators do not suck as much as people think. It's all relative. I am enjoying the whole bandwagon thing, where alot of big Gator fans are suddenly not so vocal. So...where were you during the sketchy but exciting Chris Leak years? Hiding under a rock waiting for them to have winning seasons? Where were you right after that....waiting for Danny W to show up and remind you what came before him? (Terry Dean). I love it that AL is doing so great- any SEC team that is number 1 is great, and I have to give props to alot of AL fans, they are a hell of alot classier than some of the other fans...

To end this post mercifully, I would suggest if you live in the lower 45 degree mark please sleep outside tonight. I haven't done it yet this fall, but there is nothing that makes one feel younger than camping in a tent (like Phillip and I do when possible) or just snoozing outside for a while...there is nothing more "un-suburban" than to sleep under any stars and wake up with the birds. I highly recommend it for anyone who can..if you have kids- just lock them up safely, bring out your phone/baby monitors and snooze away for 7 hours...(on your patio or outdoor chairs). Your kids will wonder why you look so happy that morning. It will utterly change the way your day starts, and you may want to do it again.

Well, good night friends, old and new...far and very far away.
I think of all of you often, and hope that everyone is taking care of themselves and realize how important they are in this world.

Love, JLynn

Friday, October 1, 2010

F Scott Fitzgerald

A little salt and lime:

Forgotten is forgiven.

Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind.

Her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud but yet guarantee a flower.

For a while, after you quit Keats, all other poetry seems to be only whistling or humming. ( I agree)...JM

In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.

Personality is an unbroken series of succesful gestures.

Thank you, Fitz... I almost named my second child after you, but thought the better of it after deciding it was best not to have ignorant people taunting my son while he perhaps dreamed of writing and highballs..something they would never understand in this sometimes intolerant world.