Thursday, August 30, 2012

Don't say a prayer for me now...

Hello friends, greetings from my bat cave of sand, salt and usually happy family life. We have news, however. Since yesterday at 7 a.m., our home air conditioner decided that during a mild tropical storm, with 90 degree weather, wind and rain, it was a great time to cease to work. I woke up at 6a.m. (normal time) and instantly felt a change in the air. Our indoor air. The kind I like to keep ice box dry and cold during July and August. I immediately called for help, and it came (kindof) at 4 pm. LAST NIGHT. So yesterday with two kids home due to school cancellations, we basically tried to endure. Now, the a/c was looked at at 4 p.m. but alas, they have to return today, supposedly by noon to finish the repairs.

 So, for about 24 hours now, we have been living in this house with no a/c. I just took Jude to the gym with me, leaving my husband here to wait for the repairmen. This was not a good night, we all slept on the cooler tile area of the house, windows open, blinds banging it the Isaac wind, my thoughts turning paranoid at the thought of all the little critters creeping in- West Nile skeeters, Siamese earwigs, African silverfish, Arabian beetles. (wait, that was just the left over paranoia from the Republican National Convention last night).

Anyway, we await the repairs, trying to not get in bad moods, schedules out of whack, one son to school, and we wait. Please say a prayer for us, or at least feel a little sorry for us sinners who are sweating it out, all fans on, watching the temps rise, keeping our tempers to a minimum. This is not a common thing we've had to endure, being spoiled on our controlled indoor atmospheres all of our lives. Just driving in our vehicles gives us a huge blast of cold air, and we once again remember how grateful we should be for these common conveniences.

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