Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Justified" Is the best new/old show on tv right now. Watch it or I'll come find you!!

Link via Salon. com here: “Justified’s” Joelle Carter on breaking bad  but don't read it if you care about spoilers (we are only into season two and I don't mind spoilers that still leaves alot to the imagination. Anyway, short memo to people who love good writing and witty entertainment- "Justified" is your show. For two years, we kept ignoring it on Netflix instant, but I couldn't resist the temptation to fill a void left by "Sherlock" until they release new seasons and I also kept seeing the online buzz about it. Timothy Olyphant was always a big deal to us since we loved him in "Deadwood" (ooh how I miss that great show!). So, you take a few actors, producers and writers from "Deadwood" and give them some time on AMC and there pops out "Justified" which I would say is like Deadwood Light, but really that woudl be doing it a disservice. It takes place in small town Kentucky and Olyphant plays Rayland, a Fed Marshall who has some bad history. He is back home and with a quiet zest for trouble goes about dealing with all the bad elements in town. This sounds too simple, believe me it's not. The writers are great at weaving more complex stories together and the characters that live in this town are not some simple rednecks. They are people who walk the fine line between good and bad, they are survivors in bad economic times, they justify their bad behavior and they mirror Rayland's inner demons. The show is great, it has very strong roles for women (in case anyone was wringing their little hands over that overwrought topic) and every episode has gotten better. Don't write it off as some watered down "Sheriff's in town" type show, it covers more cultural ground that most PBS shows do in one weekend, touching on race issues, economic issues and the most important ones- human issues that anyone can relate too. More importantly, it's all done with the most humorous writing I have seen in a long time. It's Very Funny. And that's hard to find sometimes. Adult humor spread throughout some serious storylines, made for adults who are smart enough to read into the subtext for intelligent and funny entertainment.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

60 second film reviews...

The past few weeks have been a great time to catch up on the always dubious Netflix Instant and getting some films via mail. I enjoy reading the critics' reviews although I always ignore them when actually choosing what I may want to see. So here's my own cheap and easy review groupings for the month:

The Biggie - THE HOBBIT

The Hobbit is the film I was most excited about as far as going to the theater to see. About three times a year we pick some to see on the big screen, usually something that we are already fans of or decide needs that big  screen treatment. This was it. I had read the reviews, the complaints about the newer faster film techniques that bothered some people, I had read the complaints that there weren't enough female characters (ugg..why does every author have to cater to any one particular gender?? Why do we expect some British man from the first half of the century to write For Women..why do these complainers not see that some of the most important characters in the LOTR books are in fact Women? Ugg. ) Anyway, we went with three hours of free time and open minds, ready for action and fun.
This is the bottom line - this was a great film. I mean great in the sense of bigness, of writing, of character development and story. I read the Hobbit when very young and dismissed it as too young for me. Of course later I knew better. It does not have the edginess and darkness as the LOTR trilogy or The Simarillion but it's main message it clear all these decades later- little people can do big things - and what a great message for today's world.
I won't bore anyone with a story retread. I will suggest you see it while it's still in theaters. The vastness of the Shire and the lands Bilbo Baggins enters into are rich with detail, and I never once got bored during the long film. The adult themes of good vs evil are just sophisticated enough to remind me that although the book was really made for young adults, the heart of the story is something an older person can appreciate without feeling silly. It is also full of very good humor and moments of relief during intense action and adventure without feeling too "Disney" (not a huge Disney fan).
I give The Hobbit Two Shakes of Salt and a Big Chunk of Lime - the best rating one can ask for. 

The Dark Knight Rises

Ok so the hype on this was incredible. So we finally rented it. I have adored Christian Bale since his days in Steven Spielberg's Empire of the Sun (one of Spielberg's best films ever and it had a fine performance by John Malkovich). So in short order, this movie has some great actors - a roster of "greats" like Gary Oldman, Michael Cain (as the butler again), Morgan Freeman and Anne Hathaway as a not so believable Cat Woman. Yes she's leggy as hell but she reminds me too much of Julie Andrews so be Cat Woman, even Angelina Jolie could have been a much better choice for this role.
The movie was Big. I mean Big as in very very long stuffed with many many stories. Halfway through it, I turned to my husband as said "it's only halfway !" That is not good. Everyone acted well in it, and the plot made sense ( in Batman world) but it just seemed like an overstuffed baked potato, taking away from the nice simple main course of sesame crusted tuna. Christopher Nolan is an excellent director, and he made it a worthy journey into Gotham, but it just seemed like as an audience member I felt the way that Batman does in the beginning, just wanting to go back to retirement and leave Gotham for a while.
I give it One Shake of Salt and One Lime Squeeze - worth an evening viewing but if you have better plans

Friday, January 25, 2013

Salt Water Polar Bear

Hello everyone, I hope your week was great or at least bearable. We were lucky enough to have a gorgeous weekend (and are right now) last one and went to the beach twice. On the last day, I found my nerve and swam into the Gulf of Mexico, near a big pier and MAN IT WAS COLD. I find that swimming in the winter months of north Florida is one of my favorite things to do. I love summer, I love the heat and the long days, but winter makes everything snap into focus. You only have so many hours in a day (by the time we were packing up to leave at 4 pm. the sun was making it's way to the finish line), you have only so many hours of midday warmth (maybe) and my eye is always on the clock (which is normal for a type A Capricorn). So my more laid back family members get the benefit of me planning our days around nature and what is "out there" to do before night comes and brings the chill. 
So here's what it feels like to lay out and play football for hours in the warm sun and then dive into the clearest coldest salt water in the Gulf of Mexico in January:


Really really cold

Squeeze your chest tightly cold

Makes everything illuminated cold

You keep thinking the sun will warm you up but it doesn't

As you swim long laps yards out from shore in the most spring like clear water you've ever seen, you remember - damn it's cold.

It's really so cold that the surfers who have on wetsuits (we're getting some for next season's wave sports) paddle past you looking at you like you're crazy.

Even the manta rays we usually swim among are long gone to the deep, hibernating and thinking LOOK AT THAT CRAZY WHITE GIRL SWIMMING.

That's what it's like to swim right now in the Gulf in North Fl. Afterwards, I felt so good having soaked in salt water for the first time since November (my last swim) and now my bones are screaming for more.
More salt please!! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Good Morning Fargo!!

Here's a little salt - it's going to be -7 degrees in Fargo this weekend.

Here's a little lime - I don't live in Fargo, do you? If so, I'll be watching the sun go down over the Gulf of Mexico this afternoon, enjoying some time on the beach or another favorite place of relaxation, thinking about you guys and those long winter nights of ice and white that turn a person into a pasty mess before spring comes out to thaw you out.

Sorry, Fargo. So Sorry. It's five o'clock somewhere right?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

The Avett Brothers - January Wedding (Live on The Interface)

The Decemberists January Hymn - Beacon Theatre NY 1/24/11

The Day After Tomorrow I will still be 39 Years Old.

Well, it's been a great day so far, how about you? After treating ourselves to a birthday at McGuire's (the best Irish steak and seafood house in the lower 51..including Cuba) I slept like a little baby bear in hibernation as the cold front rolled through, knocking over our backyard furniture and reminding us that it is indeed, still January. I have always loved January, not because it's my birthday month but due to the New Year, the putting away of Christmas stuff (yeah!) and the settling in to enjoy the last of the winter months to come. I love the changing of the seasons where we live, it's not Vermont or pastoral Tennessee but gosh there's some pretty colors that change here, and the cold windy beaches are never without our visits. Winter is a great time to scavenge for driftwood and shells. Last weekend during a warm day  (70's) we were out there, soaking up the rays and throwing footballs with our kids. I say Get Out! is my New Year's motto every year. January just seems to really be a "new time" for me, I even list things I want to try that i've never done before (not THAT geez) like underwater basket weaving, backwards roller skating while texting in Spanish or paddle boarding naked. One of those is entirely possible.

So, here's some music that includes the word January or invokes particularly high airy colder images. Don't worry, the videos will stop soon.

Ta ta for now and remember don't mess with a Capricorn. We don't like babies especially the big ones.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rodrigo y Gabriela- "Hanuman" OFFICIAL (outstanding band)

Scottish Music ~Amazing Grace~Bagpipes~Scotland.

Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries

Carl Orff - Carmina Burana - O fortuna (lyrics)

YAZ "Midnight" LIVE 7/11/08

The Cult - Fire Woman Official Video

Lindsey Buckingham "Big Love" Live Acoustic Performance (AWESOME!!! )

Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill

A little personal note...Little Earthquakes is my favorite female artist's album of all time....Still holds up so well what a talent!!

Tori Amos - Winter (From "Live At Montreux 91/92")

Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye (Live)

Jeff Buckley-Lilac Wine (miss you Jeff truly...)

Hello there!

I'm taking another quick break to break out some fab videos for you guys! Like I said earlier, my birthday is just reminder that every day is precious, every day is a birthday - a day to start over, to try something new, to be bold, to let go of more training wheels and begin again!

Johnny Cash DK 1971 (playlist)

Johnny Cash and June Carter - "Jackson"

Keith Urban Stupid Boy

Alan Jackson - Like Red On A Rose

Soggy Bottom Boys - I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow

Eric Church - Springsteen

El Cerrito Place - Kenny Chesney (I've been looking for you, baby)

Reba McEntire - Fancy

Today is my birthday and I have gifts of music for you.

Hello cats and dogs today is my birthday. Last year I wrote about how everyday is a birthday, meaning each day we wake up we should be grateful and joyful that we are alive, and to enjoy Life to the fullest NOW, not  Later or Some Other Time. 

Today as we sit and wait for this rainy weather to blow over and bring us the nice cool high 30's temps I love so much for a beautiful crisp weekend, I will be posting fave songs of mine. Music is fun, not matter what and I enjoy a range from classical to "world" to old country...enjoy! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Live music is a gift!

Eagerly awaiting for the new lineup for WSRE's Studio Amped, the series of live local performances at the local state college that are taped live and aired in April. This program is great for supporting area talents that range from alt/rock, reggae, folk,and jazz. Last year, we took our children to a performance by Roman Street, the uber talented jazz band from Mobile AL. Our children were so good, sitting there enjoying the music, clapping after each song and listening as the studio directors gave the audience some direction since it was being filmed. I think doing things like this as an individual or family is a great way to support local talent, and  to be in the moment of a live act rather than observing distantly on tv or video is a good choice for the soul. What a better way to spend a few hours and donating some time and perhaps cash to buy their cd's and tip your hat to their gift to you - live music!
This video is the performance we attended last year, and hope to attend more than one this year as there were two weeks worth to choose from!
Roman Street | StudioAmped | WSRE

I said goodbye to Facebook..this article is a good summary of someone else's reasons..

My breakup with Facebook  (great article via

There are many reasons why I broke up with Facebook, I am not going to list all of them here. Some reasons range from feeling somewhat bullied by long lost relatives and or friends who like to brow beat people into thinking their way is the best way (these people upon looking back were always bullies in sheeps clothing), to reasons like being amazed at the amount of complaining and unhappiness people seemed to have in their lives, their marriages and their career paths. Most of my friends, whom I had recently narrowed significantly down, are very bright, witty people who I admire and respect very much, people are doing cool things with their lives and who liked to "trash talk" things like films, music and cultural events like I do. They are not all alike, they are diverse, they are positive with a little salt in their lives (I don't mind hearing about how people's lives are going, just not an ongoing bitch list of how bad everything is - i always wanted to post "change it! quit what you're doing and change something!"), and they are still my friends. In fact, after four years on facebook, i now have more email and phone numbers and have actually MET and hung out with so many more old and new friends the past year, which makes me very happy. These are people who like to maybe paddleboard, surf, eat, read, talk politics (without getting hostile, God bless those crazy people on FB i don't miss them!), tell bawdy adult jokes, who have a sense of humor and who enjoy Life with a capitol L.

In the end, those "friends" are still my Friends. Now, we can just have fun in Real Life. They know where to find us, and I have their numbers. The recent phone calls from so many of these folks makes me smile, knowing I dont' need the crutch of FB to stay connected with those I had missed for so long! It's there if I need it for future reasons, but so far - the break has left my mind uncluttered by other people's worries and my life full of real contact :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is aqua, pine and knotty all over?

This website is fantastic! We are in love with a home that is very early 1950's era. It is full of knotty pine and neat-o built in appliances throughout the house like pencil sharpener, a Sears brand meat cutter (built into the wall) and an ice shaver. Betty Draper would be proud. Please enjoy the link below as I did and take a walk through memory lane. I LOVE that so many people are embracing this look and not wanting to granite countertop and paint everything.  Mid century "Old" is the new "new."

Oscar is here, the big weenie.

Oh, how I love Oscar season, when the "best" films of the year are chosen and then picked apart for weeks until the actual Academy Awards. One of my favorite university classes was on cinematography and film, I thoroughly loved learning more about the entire industry of film, the art of it, the money in it and how it all works together to bring us entertainment for escaping, shocking, analyzing or teaching. 

What do you think of the nominees? Did your favorite film make the list in any way? Does it matter (of course not). But I find this whole awards process interesting because it reflects what the Hollywood industry believes to be the very best, and this says so much about our pop culture. It also reveals some complex connectiveness among their own crowd (why was Kathryn Bigelow shunned for Best Director? She was previously married to James Cameron who by all accounts has supported her endevours in a friendly manner..why was Ben Afflect shunned for Argo? Maybe they still see him as the young lad from Good Will Hunting screenwriting fame? Although the rumours persist Gus van Sant wrote the whole thing...Why can't they just give an award to Phillip Seymour Hoffman every year, just for existing?? Why are we so excited that the little indie that could Beasts of the Southern Wild got so much recognition? DO people really love it, or are they once again rooting for some Southern 'magic' that Hollywood so often covets *The Help, *The Blind Side anyone?? - ugg those two films...) 

So many questions, so many films to catch up with, personally. I love this time of the year. It's time for the grunting of footballs to fade and the last cozy nights of winter to claim their fame to comfort us film lovers, as we watch the "best' films of the year, as we wait for the Big Night....Oscar's Night. And then, we make our own lists, the ones who didn't make Hollywood's...after all, they are well known for overlooking some of the most coveted films of all time. 

Oh, it is truly the most wonderful time of the year! 

Oscar Nominations lnk via

Here Are This Year’s Affleck-Snubbing,Lincoln-Lauding, MacFarlane-Dreading Oscar Nominations

Actress Emma Stone and Family Guycreator Seth MacFarlane — this year's host — got up nice and early to tell some really atrocious jokes and announce this year's Oscar nominations. If you were smart enough to avoid this stupid ceremony, here's what's totally surprising: neither Zero Dark Thirty's Kathryn Bigelow nor Argo's Ben Affleck received Best Director nominations, even though both directors were considered locks and both movies are nominated for Best Picture.
And here's what's unsurprising: Lincolnlocked up 12 nominations, and MacFarlane was fumbling and unfunny and only took 12 minutes to make a Hitler joke. (Bring back blackface Billy Crystal and/or stoned James Franco!) Here's the full nominee list. Come make predictions and complain with us!
Best motion picture of the year
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Django Unchained
Les Misérables
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty
Performance by an actor in a leading role
Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook
Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln
Hugh Jackman in Les Misérables
Joaquin Phoenix in The Master
Denzel Washington in Flight
Performance by an actress in a leading role
Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty
Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook
Emmanuelle Riva in Amour
Quvenzhané Wallis in Beasts of the Southern Wild
Naomi Watts in The Impossible
Performance by an actor in a supporting role
Alan Arkin in Argo
Robert De Niro in Silver Linings Playbook
Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Master
Tommy Lee Jones in Lincoln
Christoph Waltz in Django Unchained
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
Amy Adams in The Master
Sally Field in Lincoln
Anne Hathaway in Les Misérables
Helen Hunt in The Sessions
Jacki Weaver in Silver Linings Playbook
Achievement in directing
Amour Michael Haneke
Beasts of the Southern Wild Benh Zeitlin
Life of Pi Ang Lee
Lincoln Steven Spielberg
Silver Linings Playbook David O. Russell
Best animated feature film of the year
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Wreck-It Ralph
Achievement in cinematography
Anna Karenina Seamus McGarvey
Django Unchained Robert Richardson
Life of Pi Claudio Miranda
Lincoln Janusz Kaminski
Skyfall Roger Deakins
Achievement in costume design
Anna Karenina Jacqueline Durran
Les Misérables Paco Delgado
Lincoln Joanna Johnston
Mirror Mirror Eiko Ishioka
Snow White and the Huntsman Colleen Atwood
Best documentary feature
5 Broken Cameras
The Gatekeepers
How to Survive a Plague
The Invisible War
Searching for Sugar Man
Best documentary short subject
Kings Point
Mondays at Racine
Open Heart
Achievement in film editing
Argo William Goldenberg
Life of Pi Tim Squyres
Lincoln Michael Kahn
Silver Linings Playbook Jay Cassidy and Crispin Struthers
Zero Dark Thirty Dylan Tichenor and William Goldenberg
Best foreign language film of the year
Amour (Austria)
Kon-Tiki (Norway)
No (Chile)
A Royal Affair (Denmark)
War Witch (Canada)
Achievement in makeup and hairstyling
Hitchcock Howard Berger, Peter Montagna and Martin Samuel
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Peter Swords King, Rick Findlater and Tami Lane
Les Misérables Lisa Westcott and Julie Dartnell
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score)
Anna Karenina Dario Marianelli
Argo Alexandre Desplat
Life of Pi Mychael Danna
Lincoln John Williams
Skyfall Thomas Newman
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song)
Before My Time from Chasing Ice
Music and Lyric by J. Ralph
Everybody Needs A Best Friend from Ted
Music by Walter Murphy; Lyric by Seth MacFarlane
Pi's Lullaby from Life of Pi
Music by Mychael Danna; Lyric by Bombay Jayashri
Skyfall from Skyfall
Music and Lyric by Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth
Suddenly from Les Misérables
Music by Claude-Michel Schönberg; Lyric by Herbert Kretzmer and Alain Boublil
Achievement in production design
Anna Karenina
Production Design: Sarah Greenwood; Set Decoration: Katie Spencer
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Production Design: Dan Hennah; Set Decoration: Ra Vincent and Simon Bright
Les Misérables
Production Design: Eve Stewart; Set Decoration: Anna Lynch-Robinson
Life of Pi
Production Design: David Gropman; Set Decoration: Anna Pinnock
Production Design: Rick Carter; Set Decoration: Jim Erickson
Best animated short film
Adam and Dog
Fresh Guacamole
Head over Heels
Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"
Best live action short film
Buzkashi Boys
Death of a Shadow (Dood van een Schaduw)
Achievement in sound editing
Argo Erik Aadahl and Ethan Van der Ryn
Django Unchained Wylie Stateman
Life of Pi Eugene Gearty and Philip Stockton
Skyfall Per Hallberg and Karen Baker Landers
Zero Dark Thirty Paul N.J. Ottosson
Achievement in sound mixing
Argo John Reitz, Gregg Rudloff and Jose Antonio Garcia
Les Misérables Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson and Simon Hayes
Life of Pi Ron Bartlett, D.M. Hemphill and Drew Kunin
Lincoln Andy Nelson, Gary Rydstrom and Ronald Judkins
SkyfallScott Millan, Greg P. Russell and Stuart Wilson
Achievement in visual effects
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, David Clayton and R. Christopher White
Life of Pi Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer and Donald R. Elliott
Marvel's The Avengers Janek Sirrs, Jeff White, Guy Williams and Dan Sudick
Prometheus Richard Stammers, Trevor Wood, Charley Henley and Martin Hill
Snow White and the Huntsman Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, Philip Brennan, Neil Corbould and Michael Dawson
Adapted screenplay
Argo Screenplay by Chris Terrio
Beasts of the Southern Wild Screenplay by Lucy Alibar & Benh Zeitlin
Life of Pi Screenplay by David Magee
Lincoln Screenplay by Tony Kushner
Silver Linings Playbook Screenplay by David O. Russell
Original screenplay
Amour Written by Michael Haneke
Django Unchained Written by Quentin Tarantino
Flight Written by John Gatins
Moonrise Kingdom Written by Wes Anderson & Roman Coppola
Zero Dark Thirty Written by Mark Boal

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Zooey Deschanel declares her feminism - so she has of late, discovered she is indeed a woman.

Good for you Zooey!  You have finally discovered your inner kitty catness and decided you are truly a woman. Whew- I was worried that you thought you were a boy.
Seriously, loved this woman in "The Good Girl" indie flick with Jennifer Anniston (Zooey stole the film as a kooky cashier) but constantly playing kooky characters and being a kooky zany musician is fine with me, as long as one finally realizes which gender they belong to. In fact, I love her older sister even more,as the strong and central main character on "Bones" (the only reason I've missed cable tv for the past 3 years).

Good on you, Holly Go Sprightly, for continuing to spread your pixie dust and false eyelashes on our dear womanland and joining our cause. You rose from the nothing but a privileged Hollywood family (her parents are well known but that's ok so is Jenna Bush's) and found your fairy wings and black dyed hair just in time to save the fairer gender from destruction. Sigh- i was truly worried.

It is a bother to me, for some reason, whenever a celebrity declares that they are a "feminist". As it should.Yes they have every right to speak their mind as much as a private citizen, but often it feels like they are saving feels arrogant and gimicky. And because celebs do everything with the filter of a p.r. person and manager, we never really know what their true intent is.

Also- I have always been on the fence about what the general public thinks of the word "feminist" and how it is used. This word is bandied about like a soccer ball. I know what it means to myself, and it is positive for me. However, it is used often as a dividing line, a battle cry or an antangonistic ploy by those with an agenda or personal fight.

It is a complicated issue, it is a totem held up by many for many different reasons. It is too much to cover in one simple post. I have seen people (mostly women) get upset, crazy and angry over the use of the word, over the fact that someone disagrees on what it means, and so on. It is indeed, a lightning rod still.

Words...Zooey...Celebrity Causes...Bangs....and on we go into the weekend.

 link here:
Zooey Deschanel declares her feminism

Friday, January 4, 2013

"Sherlock" notes

This was particularly interesting to me as I perused through my little "sites" today:

If you've never seen the "Sherlock" BBC series that is now carried via Netflix (that bipolar entertainment tin can), you are simply missing out. I don't mean to sound rude or trite. But I was a skeptic, being overrun by old/new Sherlocks and "Dr. Who's" over the years. I love Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock in Guy Ritchie's movie versions, but their frantic pace and overreaching for drag queen humor is amusing but about as deep as a Yugo's truckbed.  The BBC version is like having someone serve you something that you never knew you were missing, or something that someone figured out about you - like the way you like your coffee (black, pure as driven snow, sometimes with a tad milk, no sugar ugg.) or making you a surprise feast of scallops, shrimp, oysters and red snapper (oh, sigh). This show is awesome because of it's actors (the wonderful Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch among others), but more so because of its writing. The Writing is like a gift from heaven. Every line is something to behold. Beyond that, you have to pay attention because the plot turns as often as owl's head at midnight and you are rewarded with a completely satisfied feeling in the end, not to mention you wait for the next episode like some sugared up child.

Anyhoo, the link above is a bit of a spoiler (oh, too late maybe?) but the Irene Adler character IS done just right in the tv series, and holds more mystery and intelligence than the movie version IMHO. Her character is, as I said to my husband, the other half of Sherlock in every way, and Sherlock is just as intrigued by her as the viewer. Trust me, it takes alot to get Sherlock intrigued.

Well, take or leave my advice. I am a little heady from painting found driftwood and drowsy from a busy week.

I hope the night is going well for you all, and I hope we are finding the New Year to be a more optimistic one. In our humble batcave, we wish for simple things- sleep, sleep and peaceful sleep.
Best wishes to you friends- ta ta for now.

Benedict Cumberbatch impersonates Alan Rickman, David Tennant, and Jonat...

Since the Gators BLEW IT in their Bowl Game, I thought it would be nice to begin the New Year with one of my favorite people, Benedict Cumberbatch, doing an impersonation of one of my other favorite people, Alan Rickman (long time fan). Two in one, and Swoon! It is truly possible to fall in love with voices and both of these talented actors have voices that make me go Whoop Whoop. Is it the deep tone, is it the authoritative sound of someone who is intelligent and funny? Is it the accents? Who cares, Happy New Year and here's to Benedict Cumberbatch, our personal favorite Sherlock (great BBC series by the way) who is also the voice of Smaug in The Hobbit and will be in the latest Star Trek.

 Must be a very good year in 2013!