Thursday, December 13, 2012

John McAfee arrives in Miami - in other words, you can rest easy tonight my friends.

Please enjoy link here: John McAfee arrives in Miami  in order to further your knowledge on this incredible journey of one man's soul into the enlightenment years (otherwise known as mid life crisis of a very wealthy, drug abusing, globe trotting "inventor" who happens to have a "brown" girlfriend half his age) Yes I mean that. If you have read this blog for the over 4 years it's been going, then you know what I meant, too. Anyway, this story just needs some coked up screenwriters, and BAM - a big movie that exploits the misadventures of a "misunderstood" possibly about to get charged with murder former multi-millionaire. I can't wait. Here are some working titles:

"McAfee and Me - Dog Will Hunt."

"Cartel City - A Man's Journey Through Booze, Boobs, and Bedlam"

"Underage Is Only a Mindset"

"The King of Blogs - How McAfee got Caught"

"Virus Scan - How McAfee was Busted"

"Broken Kingdom - John McAfee and his White Castle in Paradise"

"Palm Pavilion - Holding Court in John McAfee's World"

"Escape from Guatemala - Die Hardest"  

And that's all for now friends, I have much more to come this weekend so you cats and dogs behave (mostly) and stay sane! 

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