Thursday, December 20, 2012

What did Miss Venezuela from Miss Universe 2012 say?

WHAT HAPPENED HERE PEOPLE?! Some gadget in her whirly head went "ding ding, splat splat" like the mechanical gadgets in Edward Scissorhands and went kaplooey.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not Judging Here. Ok yes I am. This is hilarious and why can we not laugh at fellow human beings who say really dumb things whether on purpose on not, just like you and I have done on occasion. I really like her answer, and for a brief shiny happy moment, pondered what I would have answered if I was representing a foreign nation in a pageant like this (albiet even trying to translate the moronic questions from English).

Here are some possible answers:

"Si, no, eh - I don't not think Trump hair is really spun gold but rather smooth like yacht boat."

"Me tu tambien. Yes please sex on the side and zapatos con peros also. Yes."

"Brazil si is el bano y discotecha tambien. Oh!"

You see, I can be just as tacky as all the other websites making fun of her, perhaps because I know that I could never do those pageants, cannot imagine having a body like that ( cannot imagine!). If I had a body like that, I would never wear clothes. Ever. I would just go to my local coop and beach just butt ass naked. I would be so damn proud. Who cares? YOLO, right? Stand up paddle boarding would also be a joy.

 Oh, one could only wish. But for one moment, we get to giggle. humans - because they're all messed up.

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