Friday, July 30, 2010


Taking the family to Santana! hope the rains hold off or get over with before it starts. Good times, humidity, bugs, laziness and long summer nights. Yee -frickity- haw.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Internet fun for cowards...

The perfect haven for passive-aggressives, cowards and punks is the internet. Unfortunately, they can sometimes spoil the landscape. Otherwise, it can be a great way to gather information, and share some very insightful information. It can be used for pure entertainment (which we enjoy) and also some true question and answer sessions via our personal emails accounts, facebook and blogs. know people are saying things they may not be able to articulate among real people. It can be good for shy people with good intentions, on the other hand- a powerful tool to insult people and then not be around "really" to have anyone respond. This has been a topic my husband and I have discussed the past few years- how passively people respond to things on the internet, or they post things without accepting that someone may not agree. If you are going to post something somewhat devisive (and you know this) then why would you be so angry that someone may disagree with you? It's very un-couth. It's an abuse of the free exchange of ideas....but some people will never see it that way- it's all about them, their ideas, and their opinions that they put "out there" but don't want anyone to respond to. It's silly, and wastes time.

I have found that if people are "real" in "real life" than they behave the same on the internet. However there are some damn shady folk out there. They act one way but then "behave" differently online. Yes, we can be what we want online, but the fact is, despite technology, most of us know each other- whether we are old friends, or new friends, or family, or people we meet traveling around- and the people we see in the real world should be the people we see online....weird how that doesn't always happen. Or- people act one way to your face, and then you see what they

What do people have to prove? That they are smarter or more hip than yourself? I have found that many online groups I love to read are very "intelligent elite" and although amusing can be so self- congratulatory they make me remember high school student government.

Be real, people. Be yourself. You will always be admired and loved if you show your true colors, no matter what they are!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Into the Wild- a great set of words..

"Mr. Franz, I think careers are a 20th century invention, and I don't want one."
Christopher McCandless (from one the best movies I have seen despite one wary review I made, I changed my tune after a second took a second look to see alternate messages besides the straight-forward and somewhat predictable "I hate my parents and their whole lifestyle" storyline). The film is more subtle than that, underneath, and I appreciated the beauty of the fact that what Christopher wanted, in the end, he got- utter isolation and an end to his journey that was tragic, long, suffering, yet he accepted his choice he made as his own, having noone else to blame for his end but his own solitary choices. Pride. A man's last wish- most of us don't get those choices do we, enough?


"The key to to let go of fear." Rosanne Cash

Full time Rv'ers

It's a new movement in the US. Due to people sick and tired of the old "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality of the 80's and 90's, more and more younger folks with and without children are packing up, and moving out to see the wide open road of the Americas. I have read several links already today about this movement, and will post them asap after my tutoring session this evening. People aren't waiting until retirement to see the country, they're actually leasing, selling or keeping their "homes", packing up for months at a time, and living in travel parks, state parks and even Walmart "free' lots while taking the time to take time to see parts of the country most people spend a few years planning on. It does seem to take some planning, and there are millions of cool blogs and official rv brand websites that detail important things to remember to bring, and advice for postal, internet, communication, weather, siteseeing and safety issues that you need to know. Can't wait to check this out further and see if it may fit into our master plan, which is to hit the road with the family in a little under 2 years. Almost seems too far away!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes

as many of you know, a line from the great Paul Simon song we listen to quite a bit here. The "Graceland" album is not to be has no real comparison in albums that I can find. I went to the Scottish highland class and was put to task by some true bloods and visiting folks who grabbed my elbows and led me along the Scottish Highland way of dancing.

I came in midway between a six week basic class (not knowing this) so was caught up quick. I still don't know what I was doing but had a blast. It's always good for the soul to do something completely new. I had forgotten this. Half the crowd were actually true Scots, accent and everything. Dunedin FL is a haven for them, and has been for more than a century.

My Scot ancestors landed here around early 1800's, but these were some "new folk". They took me up as one of their own and we did some reels (mirrored, figure eights, etc) like it was in your blood. I still have alot to learn. I look at floor alot, following the patterns, need to relax more and watch my partner for guidance (isnt' that a familiar tune?)

I want to do everything myself, and quickly so as not to disturb the others, but my fate, I was taught is not in my hands, but is supported by a large group of dancers who don't let anyone fail...and this is my lesson. Let the others guide, and the music be my guide. It's fast, it's passionate, it's true Scot music. I loved letting my toes glide along to short hops and the early ballet "positions" I learned from ballet classes in my youth. I felt free, scared, and entirely unskilled. This is new to me, this is good.

Try something new. It's the salt and it's the lime.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Scottish Line Dancing- Yee haw!

Tomorrow night I will attend my first Scottish line dancing class at the Scottish American Society clubhouse here in Dunedin FL. A nice older gent called me back tonight about my inquiries and from what I understand the summer classes are great for beginners. There is a HUGE population of Scots here and they are prominent in local parades, festivals and hold several annual dinners and dancing events each year. Since my McMullen family has direct from Scotland roots directly into this county...I was always interested in joining this group. I may be the youngest person there at age 36 but I don't give a hoot- the more clubs I join like we did in PC, the more neato people we meet- so I'm diving in, red hair and all.

Now, I will have to write about this after the event tomorrow night if possible. We are getting up at 5 am Monday to do some early morning fishing (watch the sun rise with our boys) and then my husband is going to leave me on the beach alone at some point so I can read in peace and later pick me up. Holiday!! He is in the middle of a five day work break so we're on a mini stay-cation. So, I will be packing our coolers with bananas and peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches tomorrow night for our morning ride and camp out. We usually pack the X-terra (otherwise known as Big Red) up at night so everything's ready to go the next day except for any fishing poles that go on top...we live in a good neighborhood but you never know if someone wants your "Ugly Stick" for some beer money.

Anyway, enough about me- what about you? Are you doing alright? Are you happy, and do you feel good with life tonight? Sometimes, I have noticed happiness is a choice I have to make, but most days it reveals itself by the end of the day. So much to be grateful for, so glad to be here among the living, so excited each morning to try to show my sons something cool about this world.

We went to Brandon FL tonight (about 45 minutes away) for my sister Andrea's party and it was very nice. Very relaxed and we were smart about it, not trying to insist that our three year old stay one minute longer (about two hours) and get so loud and tired that it may ruin the peaceful dinner evening for others. I hope she is having a great time tonight and we will see her and John again soon. They are truly awesome people and I am so proud to see them be such good parents (spoken like a true older sister, right?) But really, they are the bomb and we love having long nights with them when possible.

You guys sleep well- it's about 11 pm here in muggy, hot, insect infested FL and it's time for this Cinderella to retire the carraige for the pumpkin. You be good, be true to yourself, and remember how short life is. Take chances, no fear!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


In the year 1759 Arthur Guinness leased an old rundown brewery in Dublin and made a good deal: 45 pounds a year until the year 10759. The St. Jame's Gate Brewery has been the home of Guinness beer ever since.

Hooray for this very important business transaction that surely changed the entire course of mankind's later cultural endeavors.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gourmet baby food

My sons could live off of Cheerios alone if left to their own devices.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Valentine's Day in July

What is it about love and that feeling of love (maybe two different things) that is so important to our soul's well being. Anyone can coast for a while, living as a solitary figure, enjoying life and being completely "themselves". Oh, but when someone tells you that they love you... how it changes your mornings, noons and nights...your ego is fed, your soul is quieted and perhaps also awakened. Do you feel a little disturbed? Do you feel like whipping out the "Two out of Three Ain't Bad" song from Meatloaf? Do you feel a humane impulse to return the words, not knowing if you really mean them or not? Do you only really like the feel of a comforting body at night to snuggle with until you both figure it out the next day over coffee?

Love is not simple, but it's the Greatest Show on Earth. It's the best thing to happen to us little Humans...give someone a hug today!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A pretty face? A beautiful mind? A short skirt?

There is a big article on MSN and on the Today Show about how being "good looking" affects your hiring probability and also your promotions. Umm..yess. do we really need to be reminded of this? I have worked in alot of advertising, radio, magazine, and promotional jobs, among others. Yes. looks matter. As does attitude. I could fling around a client like a catfish on shrimp bait when I wore the tall sandals, skirts and loose blonde hair in PC and any other places we have lived.

In contrast, when I wore pearls, button up shirts (which was what I wore most times anyway) and talked in a no-nosense kindof way, the men listened and didn't make any little come ons....but there were always the cocky exceptions. Some of which I could professionally accept, to be honest, because I "liked" them, due to some compass in your head that tells you they are "OK" but the others- just some old men or cocky young lads trying to get the better deal or think they could charm you.

I learned early in my career- charm them first. Not with your looks but with your brain. The ones who are turned off by it will leave you alone, and the ones who like it will respect you and keep comming back. That's not to say, in the business world, that cheap tricks don't work- I've had clients send me flowers, gift certificates etc in order to get their job done quicker. It works at times, only because they were worthy in my mind due to their own hard work outside of their wooing and due to their personality. I accumulated info about that let me know they were just good people and deserved a break or some extra attention.
I worked once for a Chapman employee (read : People's First in PC, but their charity organization....) that said once " our red t-shirts are worn on Fridays (for casual Friday) but it's good if it matches your underwear".

What?? I should have sued the shit out of them. I had too much more important going on at the time- a big wedding, a big marriage, a big union, a big departure from that job. When I left, I wrote a nice long letter to the female head of Corp. and listed all the problems this particular person had hoisted upon me. But Ialmost felt bad for him- old enough for a heart attack, old enough for retirement and he had to go say something stupid.

I love my big hair (always have had it, mostly due to humidity, somewhat due to massive inherited Scot thick hair), nothing against my big anything- in fact, I sometimes think it's other women who are more incensed by other women's "big" anything that get on their nerves. Both genders bring women down, not just the men! believe it. I have lived the double standard. Women's equality is very much held down by their own just as much as from the men. If you walk into a place of work with blonde hair, good legs, somewhat of a real body...just let the women start tearing you down. It happens quick- that bitterness of others. The ones who are the haters miss out on what you have upstairs, and too bad for them. It's easier to be lazy and think that the stereotypes fit your mold isn't it??
Now, the soothing soundtrack of "Out of Africa" is beautiful. Always reminds me of my mother (this is her favorite film), and my own musical playlist (one of my fave films of all time). I cannot imagine a more delicate sound set against such harsh landscape for a composer- but they did it! A soundtrack worthy of a few hours of listening while playing cards, painting, etc.

Friday, July 16, 2010


You are the music while the music lasts- T.S. Eliot

who needs to be in more movies

Julianne Moore
Cillian Murphy
Helen Mirren
Tilda Swinton (cannot wait to see "I Am Love"
Kate Winslet (ever seen "Holy Smoke"?)
Harvey Keitel- before he kicks the bucket
Holly Hunter (the "Piano" connection to Harvey was too good)
Ewan McGregor
John Leguizamo (he's very good in "Romeo and Juliet" and "Moulin Rouge")
gotta go- my husband's getting ill from the flu but it's reality......

Thursday, July 15, 2010

sublime useless entertainment

There are several actors that I love for their combined talent, looks, uniqueness and all around interesting demeanor. Some popular actors- I just don't get it!
For example
Leonardo Dicaprio- "The Aviator" was a spectacular movie (I'm a huge Howard Hughes fan, being a crazy rich recluse myself.) So, I loved this bio. Also great -"Gangs of New York". I appreciate "The Departed" and several of his roles have been ones to remember for a lifetime.
I don't get it though. Why do all the women love him? He's always squinting and looks like his tan skin is pulled a little too tight around his tummy. He looks like a boy-man, and everyone knows I don't like the boy-men! be one or be the other, but no in betweens. He's a good actor, and talented...but I just don't get the hype.

Orlando Bloom- was very beautiful in "Lord of the Rings" and I envied his long blonde locks and ability to shoot elfin arrows at wild beasts. His accent is great in the Pirate movies, and he seems pretty talented. Again- I just don't get the hype. He's kind of the same Brit type in all of his roles and if that sounds like stereotyping - it is. And he is a part of it. So blame Orlando.

Brad Pitt- have i mentioned him in previous post similar to this one? He was so very very nice in "Thelma and Louise" and is good at doing the cocky cute thing for most of his roles. He's just too perfect symmetrical. He looked best with a big black eye or two in "Snatch", like some drunken Pike a girl finds at a bar and wants to take home to tend to his wounds. The rest of his stuff he's all too "Brad Pitty."

Maggie and Jake Gylennhal- I'm not the only one to poke fun at these two and to question the great roles there are given. Maybe their family connections in the biz? I like the boy in "The Good Girl" and both were good in "Donnie Darko" but was really disappointed they didn't put someone alot more edgy in the "Dark Knight" film as it was one of the only females roles in the entire male driven movie. She looked like her cheeks were melting down into little puppy dog jowls and looks too All- American like her brother to fit some of the darker roles they have snagged.

Gwyneth *Is there any other? - Would someone please tell Miss Coldplay that standing straight and tall and murmuring through thin glossy lips is for MUPPETS, not actors. We know she had family connections but that's fine if you can act. Using hair straightener and hooking up with each co-star does not a thespian make, missy. I ah-dore her pretentious British accent mixed in with her So-cal slang. It's so very....

Next time- I'll be put a positive spin and suggest actors I'd like to see more of....are you listening Hollywood?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fonts and how you can go green with them

Little help with the whole "green" movement. Century Gothic, a light, thin font uses about 30 percent less ink than popular (but somewhat cold feeling) Arial font. Also good fonts to save ink are Times New Roman, Calibri, and Verdana. This tidbit from "O" magazine and its resources. For all of you who do some home business or alot of writing and printing like I do using our home printer, this is helpful and easy to use information. Ink cartridges are a dying breed anyway but are still expensive. This is written in TNR and I have always loved it newspaper style look. I took a class at UF where we studied how fonts express certain emotions. Even Obama's campaign posters were scrutinized for their font use, and how they expressed certain feelings and people react subconsciously to them. All smart politicans have marketing people who know about this font "language". Weird, but true. It's all advertising and psychology. We all know it, just aren't always thinking of it when we read menus, ads, books, zines, flyers, campaign posters or billboards.
Fonts- are a little bit of subversive pop culture that have only been around since the German presses of a few centuries ago.
Just don't try to be cool and use the wingdings - oy.

wise man

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public" H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"2012" A Review

"2012" starring John Cusack, we watched in two nights. It was long. Too long. Much like "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow", it spent the first hour showing us diverse characters who are living different types of lives (scientific, bohemian, middle class, divorced, capitalists and all in between) who by the end, are all mixed up in the end of the world. This just doesn't work plot-wise. Unlike the awesome Lord of the Rings trilogy, or even the Harry Potter movies where you get enough time to build characters you care about, there has to be a magician-like writer who can make you care enough about each character in 2.5 hours to care about how they die. And believe it, most of them die in this one.
This film is big on one thing- destruction of the human race. And how many ways there are to die! Highways splitting apart, ashes, lava flow, floods as tall as the White House (which of course has to die too), car crashes, drowning, etc.
John Cusack does well as the harried, divorced, "writer" type who is the anti-hero hero. He looks like he's smoked pot all day and despite the odds, gets his family to safety by way of stolen cars, stolen helicopters, stolen seats in high priced "arks" that are supposed to save the human and animal races. His son is named "Noah" by the way (get it?)
My favorite character is a super rich man named Uri or something who has bought seats for his two weird twin sons and who takes Cusack's family along until the bitter end for all. Uri doesn't make it, but is the single most funny and interesting character in the film. The writers give him the best lines and we like him until we are supposed to hate him for being rich and perhaps offing his girlfriend because she falls in love with his pilot. The writers need to learn about consistency and also that people watching movies need to have someone to like, someone to hate and someone to love. There are none of those in this movie. It's not done on purpose, but done out of laziness.
Do you remember being a kid, and when you mixed alot of paint colors together you thought you would get a bright, new very cool color, but only got brown?
This is "2012". Too many plots going on. I love complicated stories if they are done on purpose. This was done haphazardly, like 5 different people shared in the writing and just agreed on the ending. How do we end it? With the massive "arks" flying to space to land the humans on the moon to repopulate? Do they become large mechanical islands that the people must survive on for at least a decade until the waters recede? These ideas make more sense than the end to this film.
And don't forget that within about two days, the Earth's plates have shifted, so that Wisconsin is the South pole, no joke.
It's a big move, with lots of big ideas to cover. There is not enough land on Earth to cover the piles of mud this film piles on.
Dig your way through and enjoy the action. Don't worry about plot, people, bad dialogue and a very corny ending. If you follow these instructions, you will be fine.
You survive another day.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

he said it best.

Freedom lies in being bold. - Robert Frost

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


is where you find it, now, isn't it? I have noticed that when I am not looking it is right there. You know- there. It is not found within another person, or among some big planned event. It is in the moment, and if you let it- can stay with you as long as you allow. I've always been attracted to darkness, maybe through my own analytical mind's strive towards solving problems. When someone looks upset I want to know why. I want to help. Then over the years, I realized I was being selfish. It wasn't my problem to solve and I don't hold any answers. I can only love, and offer help if asked.

At the moment, the song "Mountain" by Tonic is playing- a great song. No direct correlation to this post. But good song just the same. Good album, after a decade or more.

Happiness- is it learned, or does it just happen? Do I recognize it enough? Do I give it credit? I have never been "happier" by most people's definitions. Yet are their definitions different than my own- big houses, big cars, a perfect face?

Maybe - my happiness comes in parts- little places of time well spent, good reading, brilliant moments of nature, great music, baby feet, my first son saying night time prayers in bed, my grandparents still here to delight me with their history and lives, dolphins jumping, the sunrise at dawn with a coffee mug while my son tugs at my leg, oil paintings to finish, friends old and new I wonder about.....

a life that still intimidates me at times.

Happiness- it's where you're at, and where you are going. It is there. If you've already figured it out, good for you. I still enjoying the dark and the light- and perhaps in my old age wanting the middle....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ick- Levi Johnston has spoken again- this time to say he's sorry for some untruths against the Palin family. Conspirators say he was facing lawsuits, perhaps. Maybe because he was being a slanderous fame%$#@!. But, you never know do you. Depends on what news you read, and what your own mind tells you. Not that we go to bed at night pondering about these political entanglements and their tabloid offshoots. We don't care, but the media sure does, don't they. And if someone out there wasn't reading their headlines, they wouldn't be in business.
Here's hoping most people do remember Mr. Stewart was an old MTV comedian. But, then again, does it really matter- most people look for it where they want to.

8 things to fill this space

1. No matter how hard he tries, Jared Leto will always be Jordan Catalano in My So Called Life. And Claire Danes will always be Angela, always pining for that brooding, non-speaking, dark haired boy who shares her love for silence, pondering their sucky lives, and the Ramones. What a great show!!

2. I read recently that the talented actor Morgan Freeman was recently discovered having an affair with his step-granddaughter- yuck. This was someone who saw him as a long time father figure...Woody? Woody?

3. People are nutso these days over our politicians, our political viewpoints, and everyone thinks that they are the most educated on these things. I get very amused with people who say they love politics but really they mean that they only love talking about their own- not having open debate or discussion.

4. I think the best line in the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp is "Mumbler!" This is perfect writing.

5. Craigslist has brought some interesting phone calls to me lately, about several ads. People offering to trade computer software (what's this? a naked Swede embedded in my Word program?),and alot of people trying to offer less. I know we aren't rich people. But my junk isn't free.

6. Sour dill pickles (one of my favorite salty treats), are only 5 calories each. Yummy

7. Speaking of food, "veggie" burgers don't taste good to me. I need to keep making the homemade kind full of mushrooms, barley, and all that good stuff rather than spend the cash on the storebought kind that look like a gray hockey puck and turn to mush.

8. My papaw McMullen is 89 years old. I am so proud of him and his sweet, kind heart.

Found Mr. Green

Mr. Green, the littlest tree frog that could, was sitting in my kitchen floor at 6 am yesterday, like he had been waiting all night for someone to throw him back outside. So I did. The fireworks were great Sunday night. Nick covered his face but he peeked to look when he thought we weren't watching him. He does that sort of attention- getting thing now, putting on displays of pure objection, but then not wanting to miss the big event. We let him have his fun and try to ignore his dramatic efforts.

How was your weekend? Are we already on Tuesday? Today is the only day this week with no appointments or meetings lined up for our family. I am free to roam my little kingdom, changing clothes, washing dishes, singing to my stereo, wandering the backyard on this partly sunny day. I am free to wipe hands and mouths, make endless snacks, bottles, and bowls of food. I am free to create an entire day of "daycare" like activities for my two children and watch that clock until my husband comes home at 4:30.

Also, I am free to load them up, go for a long drive to the beach and nearby playground, and stay gone. Sounds good. Sounds like a plan. Time to go...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

"High up on the Ridge"

By Dierks Bentley- the name that is so made up that if it's not I'll give away my left foot. I love some good country songs, and this one reminds me of Bay County. It's ok that it's totally cheesy, dramatic and so full of imagery that Woodsworth would be jealous.
so be it.

I have many many things to say about the past three days of reunions, fireworks, RAIN, and family. All I can say tonight is that when we went outside to enjoy neighborhood fireworks, a tiny tree frog jumped into our tiled floor dining room area. He was in my hand for a moment, and then jumped into his own little destiny. Inside our home. we looked around for Mr. Green forever. He may join us for breakfast in the morning. He is still here. Creeping me out. Perhaps crawling along my Yamaha keyboard, or canvases, leaving cute footprints.

Have fun, little green man! Our home is yours. Too much water has fallen for four days in a row for us not to expect a small invasion of insects or other creatures.

Happy fourth all! Be proud, and be proud of being proud!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

"The hullabaloo had started. The bugles blew, the banners flew, and behind the proud banners marched the young drummer boy, setting a drumbeat for history.
The battle was Bunker Hill. The spirited boy was James McMullen, a Scottish lad bringing his family name to America for the first time.
It is from this name that the warp and the woof of the very fabric of Florida is made. The seven stalwart grandsons of the drummer boy and their descendants were builders and doers who led and participated in every aspect of the development of Florida and particularly the Tampa Bay Area.The second son of James McMullen and Sarah. James McMullen Jr born in 1788 had 12 children. Seven of those sons made the name McMullen known through their politics, engineering, law and agriculture in the West Florida area. He was the son of James McMullen, one of three brothers who came from Scotland. He and Sarah had made their home in Burke County Georgia and then built a home there called Mansion House on 300 acres. (after comming from North Carolina early in life).
Between the years 1848 and 1871 the seven brothers settled the area now known as West Hillsborough County (Tampa). ..."

The records of their political and local businesses are endless. Here. If you live elsewhere, noone has heard of them. It's a strong pride I have for this family but also the stories that come from my British (McCarthy, Henry) and French (LaBonte) side. that still need to be further researched.

I live in Clearwater (Dunedin). Everywhere you go there is McMullen this, McMullen Hwy, McMullen Tennis Center (really) McMullen homestead sites, McMullen parks.... It's great for me to live near the places I was taken as a youngster. To see the history of this interesting county and know how I have relatives everywhere here. I also realize my other family history is just as interesting, and we have learned alot more about the other side of the tree lately. We even have some oil paintings (that side, the McCarthy side, is very creative and almost everyone in that family either oil paints or loves piano as I do). How neat to find out more about your own family.
It is our past that we learn about ourselves. If nothing else, to find a center to where we came from...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Big Willie vs. Big Matter

The saying " Mind over Matter " has always been a favorite matra of mine. Lately, I have realized that sometimes the Matter matters more than the Will. In other words, my Will (which has always been my own personal idol) gets pushed around by other things. Things like other Matters, and my own mind (which is completely seperate from the Will, a different beast altogether), which is smart enough to know when my Will is not always a friend. Sometimes, the Will needs a rest for the Matter to resolve.

Yes! I finally wrote something that made sense upon a second reading. good night, friends out there! Take care of yourself.