Thursday, August 23, 2012


If this little storm looks like it's coming your way in the next 3-5 days, here's a list of things we have personally found to be handy to have in case of...emergency. Phillip and I have been through many storms together, losing electricity for days on end, waiting for dampness to leave our homes, and watching the sun go down, wondering if it's time to high tail it to my parent's house on higher land, When younger, I stood with my dad on our front porch during Hurricane Elena and watched our pine trees bend in half. It was exciting, I still love good storms.

The list:

Old style boom box radio that works, with batteries that work.

Big fat candles and flashlights.

bags of ice.


Charged cell phones.

Good friends who have generators.

Cash on hand (before the storm hits).

avoid the Home Depots, etc..if you need to get supplies, get them now. If the storm doesn't come your way, you have some stuff for next time.

Don't panic.

Dog cologne.

Beer, fresh water.

instant coffee, because it's so nasty but is a nice reminder that you're camping out now, and living a dangerous life of no electricity and inconvenience.

Vehicles full of gas. If the heat gets to you after losing electricity like it does me, nothing better than to drive around and check out all the debris. Watch out for power lines. duh.

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