Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hello friends....been a while. i have been a busy bee, writing an e-book, raising my children, going stand up paddle boarding often, and creating some oil paintings that are going to be publicly displayed next month. In the meantime, I came across this today. What does God have to do with acts of Nature, and why do so many people invoke spiritual generalisms when something awful happens. I am not being redundant or snarky, this is real humanity in action, all of it's spectrum- from my growing number of atheist friends to my shrinking number of people who call themselves Christians. I want everyone I care about to find happiness in whatever form they can.

I do have specific ire for "religious" types that care about people when those people go to their church, or take Bibles from them in exchange for food, shelter and water. Those people, those supposedly charitable folks of the faith, are not Christians, they are posers who use the good parables of Jesus to push their small minded agendas of anti-intelligence, who find fear in all tragedies and who lead the poor into their gilded mega churches with promises of miracles in exchange for pocket change, their children's open minds and their dedication. In other words, most big churches are just as cultish as Scientology. But that's another discussion isn't it little marchers?

Ah well, this humble Methodist can sleep well trying to teach my children to stay away from people who only surround themselves with fellow "church members" and people who seem to label everything "mainstream" or "secular". In the same way, I don't really give any real estate in life or on social media anymore to people who have this elite sense of all knowingness, who are not up for a good old fashioned debate or who do not dare hang with anyone not like them (hello Obama lovers circa 2008).

 trust me, there are a larger group of friends I have found who are just happy as clams being somewhere in the broader spectrum, who love a good political laugh, who like to learn new things, who listen to ideas and who do not stand on some monolithic platform, unwavering and unmoved. So, what is it all about? That Wolf Blitzer assumed that everyone in OKC was praying to God afterwards. Maybe he just did it without thinking, but journalists are supposed to think. I loved this video and hope people share it as much as the one about the dog who survived the rubble. All the survivors are due compassion, our love and support, and all are lucky to be alive. Mother Nature is a beast.