Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's New Year's Eve and I'm NOT dancing on tables yet.

What's wrong with that picture? Is it that I'm Is it that we're not in a great local dive waiting for the ball to drop and waiting in long lines to the little girls room after too many cheap beers? no. It's that we are at home tonight...for the first time in a few years, we are at home, got some martinis made, champagne for later, watching the neighbors do fireworks, listening to the dogs bark at those fireworks, watching Tennessee get their booties beat by some other team, put the Christmas tree away for next year, ate some great seafood at Joli Mon's in Dunedin for lunch, and are getting the phone calls for New Year's greetings...and making them.
What are you doing tonight? Probably not reading this, and if you are, good for you! There's nothing wrong with getting on the old home pc to check up on world events like I do every few hours some days simply because my attention span isn't long enough to watch good television or movies...we watch those in three parts usually these days. Jude is sleeping, Nick just made some weird noises from a dream so I went in and did the whole patting on the back comforting thing (something I've never been good at, but am now. In the past, that was way too intimate ;). Life is good, and though the past year was filled with some of the most trashy human interest stories this side of Wewa, we made it.
Looking forward to seeing the newly Unretired Coach Meyer do his highly paid job tomorrow and kick some Cincinatti butt, and for FSU to clean out West Virginia (that's for my beautiful sister, a fellow FSU alumn who is actually rooting for her alma mater unlike myself a big traitor and big Gator fan). My dad loves West Virginia as my folks have a vacay home in them thar hills in a tiny dot of a town called Zenith (it is not on a map but it's gorgeous). so, may the best team win.
What are your resolutions? To pick up litter on the side of the road? To read "The Road" again and try to find any sense of optimism or hope? To read more books to your children at night? To buy your beloved animals good food instead of that cheap crap from Dollar General? To give that bum on the side of the road more than a dollar bill?
Whatever they are, or it is....keep it real, and make it attainable. Losing 40 pounds is probably not realistic if you still love your steak, pizza or beer. Let's be real. Losing 10 is a good start.
Go from there...and every now and then- tell someone special that they are special. What you think, and what you say are two totally different things. Believe me, what I write is what I think, and it's not usually what I need to say.
Stay safe, friends, and keep it on the road.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Sometimes I think there are certain types of people who just enjoy being unhappy. These people tend to blame others for their own paths in life, and always default to the pessimistic viewpoint when available. They tend not to think things are funny when they should be, and unwittingly come off as sour grapes. And who wants sour grapes unless they are fermented and in a nice big bottle with a cork in it? Not me!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The "Me Decade"

As this year comes to a slow dripping, crawling end, there are many bloggers speculating on what the past decade has been about. Some people I know would automatically name the Iraq Conflict as the numero uno definitive cultural event of the decade, others 9/11...these people both really talking about the same issue but naming it differently in order to appease their own political viewpoints. I would venture beyond the most obvious military event in the past ten years so far and brand the past decade as the "Me Decade." And here's why:
Myspace- though i never used it to promote my own rock band, my own videos, or my own personal yearbook, millions did. It is still hugely popular and has launched the careers of many pop stars who would has otherwise been left singing at some dive in Opopka FL waiting for some Disney agent to discover them. It helped the idea of self promotion rise to a whole different definition, and made everyone a web-star in their own mind.
Reality TV- began in the 90's with MTV's the Real World and the CBS Survivor series among others, but the family tree took a whole new root and grew ugly, deformed cousins like "I Love New York, "Rock of Love", "The Bad Girls Club", and "Jersey Shore." While I enjoy some reality tv shows like "Top Chef" and "Project Runway" both on Bravo ( the wink wink more upscale den of cheesy reality), these reality shows took some of life's most extreme stereotypes (the ghetto girl, the aging rock star, the Guido) and exploited the hell out of them, all for our viewing pleasure. Who said we haven't made progress in our loving, open minded country? I'm all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it...
Facebook- Had to do it, had to list the most recently used of all "me" applications. For free, I can read all about whatever truths or lies my friend write about themselves, see their pictures, post my own crap, make fun of others musings and usually have a good time connecting with general pop culture ideas, nostalgia and bond over current news events. Others use it for work and networking purposes and others for bored at work pasttiming. Yes that's a word. This is the ultimate "Me" decade definer. It is the yearbook on the internet, no need for back and forth phone calls, just hear "Me" out, and I'll read your status and post later....I jest but it can be an efficient, useful and fun network to use. Just remember, "You" are not the only one out there!
Media Fame- ever since Ted Turner showed the critics that 24 hour news like CNN could work, others popped up like a 5- headed Hydra. And, since not everything newsworthy happens in a 24 hour period, the media started giving dorks like Jon Gosling and Paris Hilton segments of news time, thus making the dumber of our species think that this is actually news. Also, this led to "normal" not on tv people think that they could achieve their 15 minutes of the balloon boys parents, and led to all kinds of stupid acts of dumbness by otherwise average people who thought fame was the answer to all their middle class boring lives. Wrong! But, again, it's all about the "Me" in this decade...look at me! I'm drunk and sniffing coke with my boyfriend on UTube!

Whew that is enough groaning about this decade for a while. I didn't even mention all the sniveling politicans and athletes who cried when they got busted for serial cheating, and the fact that the CLINTONS are still with us, thank you very much Mr. Obama.
Have a great night, kids, and thank your lucky stars that in a few days, the "Me Decade" is turning into something as yet to be determined.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Poem

"When You Are Old" by W.B. Yeats

When you are old and grey and full of sleep.
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
and loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled,
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And his his face amid a crowd of stars.

Back, and there again......

And so how are you? I'm totally on overdrive, unpacked for hours, sooo glad to be home, miss my old home in PC - one would think this means my parent's house which is great, but really it's just the whole darn city and county.....too tired to write anything substantial. Urban Meyer did Tiger a great favor this weekend, hope Woods appreciates the distraction. The drive from Bay County to Pinellas county is like a history book in the modern development of the state of Florida....I've done it so many times growing up going a few times a year to see my parents relatives that I could do it blind, but I don't- that would just be stupid. Tomorrow evening--- I will catch up with the thoughts going on in my mind....Jude is slowly going to sleep back in his room listening to NPR- which would put anyone to sleep. Good forbid I put on my beloved conservative talk radio with Neal Bortz or Rush ranting and raving about our newly re-socialistic society and keep him up all night worrying about the future of our country ;) So all is well, lots of new toys to unwrap and so much plastic to recycle...yes us conservatives recycle. Get lots of sleep for me and pray for a wonderful Monday full of sunshine and fishing weather towards the end of the week when our whole family can get down to the causeway and fish our hearts out. I love this time of the year..the water is clear, cool, and there's less people taking good fish out of the water...
tata for now, until i think of some cheesy but meaningful poem to post.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, and yes I am on the road and being lazy

Just so you know, since last week I've been up in the Panhandle of FL, visiting my own family and now in Pcola visiting my wonderful in-laws before returning to PC for the last 4 days of the week. Tonight, get to leave both my sons with their grandmother so we can go get 25 cent oysters and cheap beer at some great place with my borhter and sister in law and their friends... can't wait! I didn't realize when I left Clearwater that my parent's pc was on the blitz, and their new laptop isn't quite up and running yet, so i really didn't have convenient access to write more. I can't wait to get back home and bore you with my wisdom, high i.q. and random personal opinions on this blog for the New Year. Can you believe it's almost 2010? And i will be turning 36 YEARS OLD on Jan. 16. It makes me laugh just to think about it. I am not one of those women who fight aging, in fact, I am happier now than when i was 26, but it is always a sentimental day when you are marked for that many LESS days on's that for morbid thinking?? hee hee. Anyway, YOU have a great holiday season, don't eat too much and I will write alot more when i return!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fun with Men (reposted because i think it's funny)

There was a recent online article by a writer for the NY Daily News or something that, for entertainment purposes, listed the types of women or "girlfriends" to avoid. So, for fun, and to avoid any political talk, I've done the same with men. Here goes..and do be amused, not offended.

1. The Stalker- let's get this one out of the way. Don't feel bad if you've never had one, it doesn't mean your any less attractive or meaningful in someone's life. This is the person that writes you notes, letters, or texts you on a level that means more to him than to yourself. This is the man who, perhaps by a confusing message you, the girl, sent (which happens), pursues you with the same vigor as a bluehound to a hare. This person proportionately becomes less attractive to you the more they profess their devotion. OR, this person sends you innapropriate letters to your home after you are engaged or married...not that that's ever happened to me ;)
2. The More Talented One- this has happened to me, I only realized it years later, and it was ok because I had since moved on. This man is the one who is already in mid-career, mid- higher education, or mid- traveling around the world, who although seems to spend all his time with you and introduces you to family and friends, pretty much lives his life as though you're just in a great accessory to his wonderful life. This man, although can be very kind, loving and sweet, sweeps you up in his own timeline of his great master plan without really ever asking you about your own, or even considering that the two should converge. That is why, usually, they don't!
3. The WTF Man- this man, has all the great things going for him, a good job, good friends, a car, good credit. He introduces you to his mom, he mentions "marriage", he dances with you and shows you to friends, making you feel like you're in a romantic gossamer lit dream. Then, for no reason (no fights or other reasons you can remember) he just doesn't return your call. Or he starts to make dates and then cancels. I understand that some men get themselves in too deep and then want to take a step back, but so do women! Just freaking tell us! That way, we don't feel like idiots and wonder what we did wrong, until we just remember you as the jerk went weird on us.
4. The Physical Being - This man is the one you are really really attracted to, physically. The one you love to hold hands with, kiss and generally love to look at. know that you'll never have anything in common because there wasn't anything there in common to begin with except the holding hands, the kissing and the general making out. This isn't usually just a "hook up" or one night stand, but someone you keep hoping you'll find mentally compatible with, but don't. You stare at him over breakfast and just know that if you mention "The New York Times", he'll look at his watch, add an hour, and then tell you what time it is New York. Sooner or later, you have to let this one go, he'll only disappoint you, and you're wasting his time also.

5. The One Who Got Away- ok girls, this one's for you. Most men don't even spend their time worrying about if they married or are with the right one, they just find someone who puts up with their stuff and are happy in the moment. Let This One go....this is the man you occasionally think about since you haven't seen or talked to them in about 10 years, and you sometimes are on the verge of contacting just to say "hi." Don' t do it! They are perfectly happy, and probably remember you with some fond, if not humorous memories of puppy love and have their hat hung on someone who didn't know them when they were hormonal adolescent young men who wrote you love letters, painted for you, or professed their love before diving naked off a Bay Point bridge. You know I'm talking about at least 5 people at this point, but it does narrow down to certain men you wonder about. Don't do it. Don't do it. If they really want to find you and still love you, they'll make that move. Life is too short to not take chances, they just need to be the right ones.
6. The Turd. - This man is the one who you hang out with simply because you're bored, you like having someone around from the opposite sex, and who you expect nothing from. Ideally, a great situation, but it's never that easy. Someone always gets into a groove and thinks it will last. It won't.
7. The Married One- OK- I have NO experience with this, but just stay far far away. He only likes you because you're not his wife or girlfriend.
8. The Slow Fade- This man is all good up front. Everything is perfect, fun and going great. Only, over time, the things that made him great start to fade, he starts to not shave, not bathe, not change clothes, and stops caring about going out. This is way after he has already commited his love to you, and your dumbbutt has moved in or something. This is a game, people. It's called "Catch and Release". Let him go!
That's all for now, I hate putting down men, it's so tragic. They are wonderful to have around but, this has worn me out, like most relationships. I need a break.
Have a great night, friends.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dirty is the new thing

So I read this article, in probably Oprah's zine or Real Simple while waiting for Nick to finish his vision therapy, about the new trend in parenthood- letting your children be children, and just letting them "get dirty". Sorry I can't quote the source, but it was great and novel after a decade of parents one upping each other, holding their young children to the highest standard, and basically scheduling every minutes of their waking lives with classes, training, or some kind of mental or physical skill, the new trend is to let kids play in the mud, act their age, and not be expected to act like a product of the parent's wildest dreams. I was so excited about this article, to know that finally, maybe parents can start concentrating more on letting their kids ride trikes, finger paint, and do kids's stuff rather than:

1. learning Mandarin Chinese in order to fully compete with the global economy.
2. Excelling in soccer, baseball or any other sport so much so that they wet their pants every time practice season starts.
3. Or teaching their kids at age 4 to speak to adults like they are robotic spin-offs of their own parents, saying things like " I think this year's vintage Malbec is the best wine and much prefer it over last year's Australian Merlot".
I mean, let's kids be kids before they grow up and terrorize us with their own hormonal wisdom and knowledge, please! The article was saying that alot of parents, faced with new financial hardships and one income households, are downsizing their kid's schedules, and finding that their children are more focused, less tired, more happy and less stressed about fulfilling their parent's high standards. Did this start with the whole American Idol, reality show crap we've had to deal with the past ten years? Partly so, it said. Parents suddenly thought their children were untapped vessels of high i.q. talent, artistry or athletisism.
It's not to say we shouldn't want the best education for our young offspring, or want them to be around the best teachers, mentors and friends. Just to say, let them play in the mud every now and then, let them ride bikes, get sweaty and enjoy an ice cream rather than a low-cal frozen yogurt becuase you're worried about their figure...they are kids! Let them be...and reap the rewards of a happy child who falls asleep with visions of birthday cakes and playgrounds rather than visions of mommy teaching the Arabic language and daddy giving instructions on mancala to a 3 year old.
They grow up soon enough, don't they?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

so here's what we had to do....

We went to my sister's for a pre Christmas visit with friends, food and beverages. The people my sister and brother in law are friends with down here are wonderful, fun people that come from everywhere and have somehow all ended up in the Tampa, Clearwater or Brandon area. My husband and I got there early to hang out, visit each others babies and help out. We left at 8:30 pm...the reason why that's a big deal is usually at parties we are the last people there, in fact we usually stay the night over in Brandon, as do they when they come over here (an hour drive across Tampa). We had to make that decision that every person with a child has to make- how long to stay, how long till we have children that are suddenly turning into devil's advocates running around with meatball appetizer toothpicks and trying to swim in their pool.
Jude is great right now, all he needs is a feeding every 3 hours and he chills out looking at everyone with a furrowed brow, just like I do (he is a smaller, male version of myself). The big decision consists of the comfort factors...we decided instead of staying untill 11 or so, then having to get home, put everyone to bed, then trying to stay up like we do to bond over some wine or a movie and conversation- we decided to leave. That in itself is the big sacrifice...the big "we're doing this because we have children" decision, and it worked! We were able to have a great time, visit, and then have a few hours here on a humid 80 degree Saturday night, and have time for me to write on this blog, and not feel like we missed out. What a great night.
After 2.5 years of parenthood, I felt that i finally figured out the solution. It was a moment of zen, with Phillip driving out of Brandon, past the Ybor city signs, the Tampa International Airport where he works, through the Courtney Campbell Causeway, looking at the lights on the boats docked at Rocky Point, and into our beloved Clearwater/Dunedin area. We worked it out, half the evening out with two boys, and then half the evening with them in bed and us just enjoying ourselves at home. A very nice Saturday night.
And of course, what better way to bond than over "Talledega Nights" with Ricky Bobby on cable and some weird shaped white dog named The Dude who has moved with us six times, and never once has asked us to please feed him some organic, expensive dog food. Dream on, The Dude, maybe after tax returns.
These are good times, people, good freaking times.

greetings and salutations!

Getting ready for a Christmas party in Brandon this evening- I love having a reason to get dressed up and wear something besides t-shirts and running shorts. Still trying to decide which day I'm traveling up the peninsula to Bay County will be a long trip with two younguns but what can you do? I am planning a wine party for my birthday in January, since the weather usually is wet and cold, and Jude is still too young to leave with a sitter, we decided to have it at our own home to make things easier on me. Nick will go to bed by 7 as usual, and he sleeps like a lumberjack through any kind of noise. I am looking forward to some fun games, goofy prizes for best and worst tasting wines (without insulting any of the guests) and trying to find more ideas online. I am thinking it would be fun to throw in some Strawberry Hill into the anonymous brown bag mix of wines for the tasting and see if anyone can tell that it's the infamous pink joy of grapes. is your day? What are your plans for this weekend? Looking forward to getting the new Harry Potter out of DVD like we are? Maybe not? I have added a few more goals for this new year to my list:

1. try, once again, to become a vegetarian. After I eat my mother in law's awesome ribeye dinner next week in Pcola.
2. Take up yoga again.
3. Smile more- i've been trying since Mrs. Gauiter at Bay HIgh told me that she noticed me smiling more one year, than the previous (this was due, of course, to some kind of romantic drama and turmoil that was going on). So, Mrs. G I am still trying to smile even when I don't feel like it.
4. Stop making fun and yelling at the very bad drivers down here. Some of them...need to be retested...I won't even go there right now, because I know driving is a big sign of independence..
5. Keep in touch with old friends better this year...I've already been better lately,a nd enjoy that connection to my girlfriends who know me so well.
6. Do more for the senior citizens here.

ok- weell, hope you have a good one! I got about 3 hours sleep last due to a 1am feeding, then 2 hours of baby farts, grumblings, and then my other son knocking at our door at 5 am ready for the day with a poopy diaper. JOY. My eyes are swimming in caffeine and may just stay crossed the whole day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NY Resolutions Part 2

  • listen to more of that jazz and blues, and Cash I love.
  • enjoy the oils painting and large blank canvases covered with my own creative crap.
  • walk my dog more often, he loves it.
  • accept the fact that my dreams assimilate themselves into other people's plans also, and that's "ok"
  • tell my family members that I love them.
  • give kisses to my sons every day.
  • find more time for private "me" time without compromising any "family" time- wouldn't that be perfect for anyone?
  • chill out every night, not just every few.
  • point out the stars to my sons more often this year.
  • tell my husband "thank you" again, for being such a good father and husband.
  • learn more from my grandparents, both in their 80's...more about the Labonte, McCarthy, and McMullen family tree.
  • forgive
  • to relish romance, old and new, and to never forget how important that is in life. Dancing is vastly underrated.

Well, that is enough for now, don't ya think? More to come, what do you have? weekend coming upon us and not enough time to plan it all out. Might go see the old McMullen Heritage Pioneer Park they have down in Largo this weekend, the botanical garden next door is all festooned in Xmas lights... have a good one, all of you!

New Year's Resolutions...

Be Nicer to Democrats...after all, they're people too.
2. Stop worrying about distant relatives. They're fine.
3. Find another charity to get involved with this's been a while.
4. Be more "cuddly and affectionate"- yuck!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


One another note, what are your favorite songs? If you really think about it, you probably have alot on your i-pod, your mix cds, or on your pc like we do. It has crossed my mind that my selection of songs for any of those is so widely varied, it would never make sense to anyone else. Not that we do these things thinking about others opinions, just that I believe that music is such a great form of self expression. What do your selections say about you? I have downloaded songs from "Chicago" ("All That Jazz"), "The Sound of Music", "Moulin Rouge", then some old Guns N Roses thrown in. Also, "Stupid Boy" by Keith Urban, an underappreciated guitarist and songwriter, "Bulls on Parade" by Rage, "Rhapsody in Blue" ( Gershwin i think). Let's not forget "Lights Camera Action" by Mr. Cheeks, "Nothing Compares 2 U" by Sinead, and that crazy "Can I Get a What What" song by JayZ. I'm so uncool I probably didn't spell his name right. But that is a very smooth song with the high strings and strange bouncy sounds.
What do you like on a rainy day? Some Nine Inch Nails, some Etta James, some classic Doobie Brothers? On a bright sunny day, when you're jazzed up and put in something fitting- perhaps even some cheesy Jimmy Buffet or his modern day counterpart Jack Johnson, who always seems like he smokes a bong and writes about monkeys, palm trees, walking around, and being happy?
What a crazy weekend. The Gators lost, in a very poor fashion, to a great team. I knew it was going to be a tough game but thought it would just come down to minutes left in the fourth on who won. Sigh. At least we got out and enjoyed the weather, and I did enjoy two days with my whole family being together watching Jude smile for the first time. He is a peach, and definitely will be my mellow child. His big eyes follow every single thing, and he seems to keep his thoughts to himself, unlike his brother, so this is a different adventure altogether. Who would have thought I would ever have children...not me!
I'm going to go listen to some "Strange Love" by Depeche Mode and pretend like it's the mid eighties when all I cared about were my black converse hightops, my bobbed hair, braces, and which guy was writing me the best love notes and sticking them in my locker. Smiling.
Oh, how the past defines our future.

Ta ta for now, and sleep tight.

Saturday, December 5, 2009




Friday, December 4, 2009

A little salt..

"Make haste slowly." - Emporer Augustus

Partial poetry, cuz we wouldn't want to bore you...

From "The Well" Pablo Nerudo

Darling, you will not find
in the well into which you fall
what I keep for you on the heights:
a bouquet of dewy jasmines...

Do not fear me, do not fall
into your rancor again.
Shake off my word that came to wound you
and let it fly through the open window.
It will return to wound me
without your guiding it
since it was laden with a harsh instant
and that instant will be disarmed in my breast.

A little "Rye"

From "Catcher in the Rye"

"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."

This is the last line, I already posted the first line of this book, which I always find refreshing, modern, and funny every time I come across it. Maybe I'll post it again. I do realize Catcher is old school, cliched class warfare, high brow, snarky literature that everyone takes shots at now, but I still love Salinger, and all his other works. The only reason he's poked at by writers online is that they're just mad they've yet to have an infamous "Salinger siting", and good for him... if he wants to play dead forever, that's his right damnit.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.

This is the scene on this chilly, damp, wintery Florida evening.. fat cold rain drops hitting our patio, the second CD to "In Your Honor" by the Foo (the awesome acoustic one) playing even though it is the 100th time heard in the past four years since it's release...maybe longer. It is hard finding the time to research new music lately, so i've been putting on the oldie but goodies..mostly mix CD's of downloads I leave in the Xterra, that big red gas guzzler I love. Now "Carolina" is playing, it is a wonderful song. This has been a strangely exhausting week- started out fun, visiting alot, finishing holiday food, etc, then turned into a four day marathon of P working "nights" which is really 11am - 10 pm. Not a very common occurance, thank goodness, but it's pretty much the whole day, and putting the kids to bed alone that gets very tiring for me. That said, no pity party here, no way. I have a very nice roof over my head, clean clothes, a dog, two boys, a neighbor's citrus tree, days mostly full of sun, and a free moment - right now- to write. So life is good.
How are you? Do you really care how many girlfriends Tiger has, or are we just bored with more serious issues this week? Do you hope that health care plan goes through all the way this year? Do you hope some long buried birth certificate saying Barack was born in Honduras shows up some time? Are you hating on the Palinator? Are you waiting to see if someone you love is coming in concert this year? Are you thinking about your New Year's resolutions yet?
Here are some of mine....yet to be completely reduced, deduced, analyzed, and narrowed down to one.
1. Stop wondering when I'll get to see Dave Grohl again in concert...Tampa is a great place Dave!
2. When Jude smiles at me, stop getting all choked up thinking about how cute he is, and how I never used to want children.
3. Try really really hard to show my family how much i care about them.
4. Keep losing weight- 31 lbs and counting since Jude's birth. AMEN
5. Take deep breaths and remind myself that I am still Jennifer, attitude queen, knower of all things, romantic dreamer, practical doer.
6. Fall back in love, with an old hobby, a goal, a plan.
7. Keep my hair red....go even redder.
8. Buy more anonymous people their groceries, and make their day.
9. no more fake nails, tips or purple polish,,, keep the blue for game days.
10. Plan that trip to Belgium and the one to Scotland...finish the living will for boys since i hate flying and am very superstitious about it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Part II

I used to think I was adopted. This was due to an oft repeated communication problem that happened "oft" between certain members of my family and myself. Those being referred to ala "Harry Potter" as them that shall not be named. I always wondered was there something wrong with me that they didn't seem to understand my perspective, and "oft" would take something I said in a completely different way than the intended purpose. This would repeatedly cause me to question my relationship skills, question my sanity, and question their biological and emotional attachments to their own family member, being myself.
It was never that I assumed they were trying to be difficult, but it always seemed that the simplest conversation starter, some innocent statement, would be taken completely out of context, make their brows furrow, the worry lines deepen and the next thing you know, the conversation would take a deep s- curve into communication hell.
Not that we didn't have some great talks...those still occur daily. And we love each other. But, still, after all these years, the ugly head of the "WTF" monster rears up and bites me just when I think we understand each other.
It's as if I've been on Greece this whole time, and the other is living in Italy- similar climes, great food - different language.
Say a prayer, people. Times are weird and wacky during the holidays.

Deep conversation

The thing about that they are family. The implications are endless. Busy with out -of- town family still, this week. All is well. How are you, my two dozen peeps that read this? Give yourselves a pat on the back, for being good decent people, no matter what they say about you ;)
Talk to you later friends.