Saturday, September 26, 2009


I am writing this in honor of a true fallen hero - the FSU football team, and it's legacy. Being raised in Panama City, Florida, it was a tradition with almost every person that I knew that you would at least go to a few FSU games in your lifetime being so geographically close to Tally. We enjoyed it- my dad took us to my first game there when I was..oh maybe in middle school. He scored some tix from a family friend, and we went. My parents graduated from Univ. of South Florida, so there were no ties to FSU. It was just fun, the stadium was huge, the fanfare was great, and the games were incredible. Later, I went to quite a few games with friends I would meet up with during some weekend jaunts up from Gainesville ( always a fun time and my roomates had fun going with me too). We would have fun going to their pubs, seeing old high school friends and if they were playing anyone except the Gators, we would have a blast.
Tally is a really pretty town, with lush tree lined neighborhoods similar to Gainesville's village like atmosphere, although sometimes the capital was a little too "capitol" and full of traffic for my taste. but here's my point- someone needs to have a "come to Jesus" moment with the Bowden.
He is a legend, yes. Alot of people insist he isn't really coaching, he's just a figurehead. Well, if that's the case, then why aren't they doing some better recruiting and playing while he's hanging around "figureheading?" I graduated with a hard earned degree (thanks parents) from FSU PCC campus in advertising and communications, and found the classes there to be very intense, very useful in real life, and am very proud of that particular program and school. Because I spent so many years toiling away in Gainesville, and having established a regular football going schedule there about 3 years before actually attending UF (during which a great team played and won a national championship), I became a Gator fan.
There is no confusion. I always respected FSU's ability to come back at those scary 4th quarters, and though I resented their sometimes super -ego sized showboating and grandstanding, they were always a team to be fearful of. This was during most of the 90's, and doesn't even take into account their 1980's winning seasons with Bowden. With no irony or sarcasm intended, What Happened? and Why Doesn't Someone Say Something? It's like an elephant in the room that noone wants to look at. Bowden has nothing to be shameful of, just let someone else do the head coaching and help bring some shine back to that team in the armpit of Florida. I don't know what happens every season lately behind closed doors with the rich alumni, the coaches, the athletic staff, etc to make coaches do what they want. How does one say "Excuse me, but we need a dominate leader here, not just a figurehead?" Hmm.....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

No Pain, No Gain

Friday we had Jude. Named after the Beatle's song, and middle name Emanual after his grandfather's middle name (they spelled it a little different but we love it). So, I had him in the hospital, without any medications. Without getting graphic, here's some metaphorical examples of giving birth without meds:

You know that super computer HAL in the great movie "2001:A Space Odyssey"? Well, during one very creepy scene, HAL locks the bay doors so that an astronaut is cut off from his ship, left to float in space while his comrade looks on in horror without any possible way to help him. This scene pretty much sums up what I went through for 1.5 hours while pushing our son into the world. No relief, no possible way for anyone to help me. There was no begging for mercy (which I did ask in the form of "GET HIM OUT", and "I CAN'T") because there was no possible way to get around the situation except for me alone to get our son moving along. Afterwards, I thought about how rare that is for us all- there is so much relief from pain we may find in our lives, in the form of friends, laughter, drugs, alcohol, doctors writing prescriptions, exercise, spiritual habits, etc. This was the one time ever in my life when NO ONE, and NOTHING was going to help the pain except for me alone, and that was that. Even the doctor told me over and over, "There's nothing to do except for you to end it all, and there's only one way to do that."
Now, THAT statement gives a girl motivation.
We would have been super happy to get Jude here any means necessary. He would have been fine, but we were concerned with how long our last labor was, and there were real consequences from Nick's labor that we had to deal with that our family knows about, so we appreciate their support. It's all over except raising the children now!
In the meantime, there will be that little nugget of a memory always in my mind, that cannot be explained or described well enough to give it the respect it deserves.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Nothing new on the horizon today...visiting with lots of family the past few days so we always like that, and we love them!! I am an aunt now to a wonderful niece named Meredith and am excited about seeing her grow up and make us all so proud. I was recently scared to read the astrology makeup of our soon to be son (a Virgo) and our other son, an Aquarius, and although I don't believe in that stuff, it's fun to see the similarities of personality traits in our Nick (aloof, eccentric, unique, concentrates on details, will be friendly yet hold people at a distance, etc) similar to the sign next him, myself, a Capricorn. My horoscope read that I the most ambitious sign, with traits of discipline, assertiveness, hidden goofiness, reserved at times, and serious. Hmm.. how about also able to make pigs fly. Anyhoo, there is alot going on around here, but I cannot find the time to concentrate today on writing at all. I mean, with a baby on the way, and FOOTBALL parties to look forward to having very soon, what else is there, right? For now, I'm jsut ignoring all the crap on the pop culture horizon- except for this very important, intelligent quote lifted directly from a CSI episode I happened to catch 10 minutes of the other morning,

"People don't just disappear. It's molecularly impossible."

HOLY COW> Thanks for that bit of forensic insight, Mr. Jerry Bruckheimer (the producer) and the writers of that show, no wonder there are funny skits out there making fun of your very serious show, in all it's blue, green and orange Miami day-glo colors. If crime labs all looked like that with people that looked like that, they would be full of martinis, club music and half naked people getting nothing done but pole dancing and hooking up.
Well, gotta go drain the macaroni and be domestic for at least another hour or so. I am not good at being a stay at home mom- correction good at it, not ever been happy with it. Big difference. but my time will come again for me to join the adult world and be able to talk with people over 30 about things besides Elmo, diapers, milestones, and big nasty poopies. The day we change our last diaper I will run to a nearby Florida mountain and sing like Maria in "The Sound of Music." And yes, the whole world will hear me, at least on the Swiss side.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

About Him.

One comment I have about the Obama speech to students is simply that it is annoying that most people act like he is the first to do so: Pres. Bush (The Herbert) did this also, and I think other presidents have done similar (althought taped) speeches (before our modern technology) to students in history. I have lots of opinions about how our current president is faring and the path I hope our country follows, but now is not the time to discuss- I don't want to give my unborn child heartburn, anxiety, warts, gray hair or panic attacks before he enters into our great unknown ;)

salt and lime

Here's your salt - I've been married 7 years now, and one piece of advice I'd give to anyone planning a wedding is this: don't hang your stars on another person's wagon, you keep your own wagon, your own dreams and don't rely on anyone else to bring you happiness....
Here's your lime - Piece of advice to newlyweds: no nagging allowed- it's unattractive, unromantic and it DOESN'T WORK. Plus, nobody else likes being around that couple that went from fun loving and sweet (while dating) to one of bickering and acting like old farts (there's time for that when you're stuck together after ago 70.)
Our marriage isn't perfect, but one thing we learned to hold onto is a sense of fun, enjoyment, and being as young as we want to together. We don't worry about the Jones's, what people will think when we act goofy, or if our silly times are appropriate or not according to others.

tata for now, having first phase labor pains today (been 2-3 cent. since last Friday) so my mind keeps wandering to doing some more house stuff before we have to race to the hospital in an unknown future date this week. AND, an iced mocha shake sounds really good right now.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hoarders...the new "Intervention"??

So, A&E has this new show on called "Hoarders", and it comes on the heels of it's very popular show "Intervention", a reality show based on severe addicts, their interventions, and their treatments. Last time we had cable/television, I was pregnant in Nashville and got into this show along with most of the Bravo shows we still watch, and this pregnancy is no different. Maybe it's the hormones, but the emotional whirlpool of "Intervention" was perfect for mood swings, anxiety ridden evenings of baby worries, and general dark thoughts ....ok that's enough about the small dark side of being pregnant ;) let's get back to "Hoarders".....
This is about people who like to keep things that are not necessary, buy things they don't need, live in squalor, sleep on piles on their own trash, and don't have great social lives depending on how extreme their hoarding habit has become. Some are aware of their problem and try hard, along with caring family members, to fix their issues and then work on their huge household of trash while letting a therapist assist them. Some hoarders, though are unaware of the stench of their home, their lack of hygene, and the fact that they haven't seen their own carpet since 1989. It's fascinating. I always empathize with compulsive behaviors, because I know how common they are among us all, and I don't watch these people like they are jokes. There is nothing funny about a woman who would rather run after a garbage truck or donation van because her son tried to get rid of her junk than face the truth of her own messy obsession. These people don't live in reality, they don't have people over to visit, and most are very defensive of their homes, justifying to all that someday they'll clean up or that they are fine with it. Most don't have a place to sit and eat, a spot on the bed to sleep on, or ovens that aren't functional because they are filled with stuff. Most of the hoarders have issues over grief, loneliness, or feelings of panic when they are made to get rid of their junk. They don't see their stuff as "junk" but as a symbol of comfort, sort of like comming home to a favorite dog- these people like to see their collections as their friendly "Trash Heap" (that's a Fraggle Rock reference btw). This isn't like your roomates who may have kept a bowl of half eaten Ramen noodles by their bed for a few days, surrounded by beer cans, books and dirty clothes. These people simply go into denial after the garbage gets to be too large for them to take care of...and the slippery slope to hoarding begins. Maybe it's telling that in our society that pushes the need for more stuff, that this is such a big problem. Also telling is that family members who are older, and perhaps widowed or divorced seem to be most affected. Their adult children may not be aware of the problem, living far away and assuming nothing is wrong with their slightly messy and neurotic parent. Maybe the lesson of this is that our time needs to be filled with loved ones, memory making, and relationship building rather than shopping for things that do nothing but gather dust and fill our empty spaces. I have the opposite problem, being a compulsive neat freak, always putting away all the toys before I can sprawl out on our floors to do yoga, and can give it about half a day before I have to pick a glass someone sat down and didn't put in the dishwasher. I drive myself nuts but it makes me very happy at the end of the day so I put up with myself (the men in the house are blissfully unaware of this compulsion or at least act like it). Someday, maybe my husband will send over an interventionist to deal with my neurosis, after that fifth time I've cleaned the dog (in a day) or washed the dishes....until then I remain at this end of the spectrum. Next time your garage starts to fill up with years -old newspapers, old toys, broken stuff that will never get used, clothes you meant to donate...just keep it out there. It's when your bathroom gets filled with 10 years of National Geographics, your bed is covered with unopened Tupperware and ferrets are running around wild in your living room under tunnels of cereal boxes that you may find yourself on "Hoarders."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Hello darkness, my old friend..."
This keeps running through my head this morning as it is already dark, stormy and ready to rain here in Central West beach visits in about 5 days, getting itchy. I love living so close to the beautiful state park we visit so often the gate guards know us, but the weather this week is really touch and go. Typical summer weather, and we do always need the rain. Geez, I sound like an old fart. I've got some country music playing right now after watching the Morning Joe show that I make my family suffer through for about 1/2 hour every morning. Most days, our television is off and there is some kind of music floating through the air, which is so much healthier for the mind than the crap on tv. After football season, our tv will be "off" again, and life will be like it was for those years when we didn't have a cable or satellite bill...those were the days...
My son and husband are playing on the floor with cars and dinosaurs. Speaking of crap on tv, I've seen an interesting show called "Hoarders"....maybe you've heard of it? Anyhoo, duty calls for now, and the thunder rolls, so ta ta for now kiddos- will be back soon.