Monday, February 28, 2011

Michelle Obama picks a good issue to get behind

Most of us were too young to be drug dealers when Nancy Reagan made the "Just Say No to Drugs" campaign, but I clearly remember the sarcastic snickers of the press and liberal crowd and that unspoken tone "who do those old people far away in the Big Ole White House think they are? What do they know about drugs, and wow, she spends ALOT on those fashionable dresses and shoes...blah blah blah..." However, I think the campaign of childhood obesity that Michelle Obama has gotten behind to support and promote is one that we all can agree is a major issue in this country. It affects the cost of health care, it affects how our children's minds develop in order to be their best potentials in this global world, it affects how our dollars can be used to support homegrown, local and more organic food sources, it affects the behaviors of our children... etc. I have been pretty successful in really being in control of what my kids eat, I make Nick's lunch daily so I know what he is eating. We make all of their food and rarely buy processed food for them. I cook vegetables daily from the produce stand so our fridge is full of peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans and we try to limit juice and sugary drinks. this said, soon, they will be their own people, and will have the freedom to choose their own food at work, in school, on a college campus or while traveling the world. While I would NEVER support a government that dictates by law what we feed our children (that would never happen anyway) or one that condescends to know better than a child's parent (can you imagine?) I think it's great that the First Lady is promoting exercise, nutrition, portion control and healthy eating habits. It can set a good example for someone who may not have had a great mother figure in their lives to teach them these things like I did (thank you mom and dad! I know you read this...I know scary right?). There are alot of people who admire the current first couple (I like half of them) and so she has a built in choir who will listen but she may also interest some new fans. There are alot of tense parents who are confused by all the nutritional guidelines, who are less disciplined when it comes to fast food (drive fast, drive by real fast and remember it's really crappy food), or who may be working hard and not paying attention so much to what their kid eats at school. We all don't have the time to make every meal, or to be perfect parents...but their nutrition is important for their brain development, their emotional health, their ability to cope, their entire body IS what they EAT.

I am a volunteer for the Pinellas Literacy Council, which has always been my number one platform based on previous encounters with illiterate children and seeing how it affects their futures and choices in life. However, one cannot properly learn to read or learn a language (much less the bastardized English one) without a meal full of fresh, good, healthy food.

So...good one Michelle.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Willie sings old Irvin Berlin song...oldie but goodie

I grew up listening to this in my house on Pretty parent's had the "Stardust" album and it is a song and memory from my youth that makes me very happy to hear. They would play it later at night and I remember the album cover (stars). Such little things make children feel comfort and it stays with us later in life, always. Have a happy night friends - I think about all of you and wonder how you all are. Please be safe and give out extra hugs to your family or friends today!

Willie Nelson - Blue Skies

Army of slackers will dress to abide at Tampa Lebowski Fest - St. Petersburg Times

See link below. We'll be there. Among the Nihilists and Maudes and Jesus's.

Army of slackers will dress to abide at Tampa Lebowski Fest - St. Petersburg Times

Glee post below

Please ignore the fact that Kesha and her music is very annoying. But the last few seconds of this skit are hilarious. In context, the Glee kids in this episode are involved in Alcohol Awareness week. Yeah.

Glee - Tik Tok (Ke$ha) Official Video

Too much bad news

Yesterday morning, I watched the "news" for about 1/2 an hour and basically noted this:
1. dead baby dolphins are washing up all over the panhandle (oil, perhaps? tests await)
2. Kaddahfi (which is spelled about 12 different ways in all the press I have seen, even the NYT) is a plastic surgery faced nutjob who thinks he still lives in pyramids in Mesopotamia and is in total denial of his reality.
3. Wisconsin people are a bunch of whiny babies who think they are ENTITLED to more, (of course we must sacrifice...I mean THEM, not ME way of thinking is such a turnoff for me). This is the problem with our country. People want everything, but aren't willing to give up any bit. So, bring on more social programs and let's turn our country into an even more infantile and needy place. That seems to help with raising self reliant, intelligent, responsible people doesn't it?
4. All commercials during daytime deal with anxiety, depression, hairloss, bipolarism, allergies, flacidity and any other problem we might have. Pop a pill...there are no ads for nutrition, exercising, etc. Those don't have huge lobby funds or the money of pharmaceuticals.

So...I give you the wonderful GLEE from Fox. A subtly devilish show that uses humor to highlight the craziness of society- bullying, racism, homophobias and other small maladies that run amuck..all in a microcosm of high school life. Of course, they deal with these issues by singing! It's a very funny and sharp show. The past two episodes Phillip and I have laughed out loud at. Very very adult oriented and very modern. Enjoy some past episodes performance spots, but you should watch the show sometime for the witty dialogue, quick or you'll miss it one liners and of course, Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester, the Cheerios coach with a closet full of jogging suits.

Glee: Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Legions" - a food metaphor review

"Legions" (2010) directed by Scott Charles Stewart and stars Dennis Quaid, Paul Bettany, some tv show lady and a whole lotta angry angels..who are like zombies...who are also like vampires and ogres. Never mind. It's supposed to be about the whole Gabriel vs. Michael fight when God is very mad as us bad, selfish humans. It starts off good, and I love Paul Bettany- who in this movie is like some classically trained theater Brit stuck in a tv drama about bad angels. And he does look confused the whole time like "what am I doing this for?? Oh yeah, baby diapers."

Here is my food metaphor review: "Legions" is sorta like those "Totino's" pizzas one can find for about $1.50 in the frozen pizza section. It's weird, full of holes, has fake bits of toppings, smells funny, is cheap and tricks you into something that it is most definitely not - that is good, tasty and leaves you satisfied.

2 for 1 Movie Reviews in Food Ratings

For this post, because movie reviews have a bad habit of repeating the same metaphors, hyperboles, and eyeball rolling inducing sighs, I am going to review two of several recent films we have seen, " I am Love" and "Legions" using food items and images as ratings. You'll understand eventually. Stay with me...

In a minute- we have a stink bomb that is walking around right now going hello hello hello and being all cute.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The only song I have every liked by her...

because the lyrics are sweet, sharp and well written.. and were never overplayed like her other music :)

Sheryl Crow - Difficult Kind - live - 2002 - lyrics

Southern Culture?!

Saw them at the Covered Dish in Gainesville Fl many many years ago and then again at Pensacola Spring Music Fest in 2003.

Southern Culture on The Skids - Camel Walk - Portland, OR

in addition ...

To my "black and white" post from earlier...reviewing it I realized I didn't make my ending as clear as I wanted. The "smooth sailing" analogy of Dunedin with it's "cute cottages" etc. was tongue in cheek. My point is, like with most of our culture, some problems are out in the open, while others are painted over to look "nice." Hope you understand this, and also that my point of view is given as a humble p.o.v. offering to only let you know that race problems bother me, alot. Like some of you, I can only try to understand and solve problems once I lay out some things openly, and try to think of ways to communicate in a better way. Our best friend, D., (who happens to be black) and I have had many interesting talks about how blacks and whites "talk" to each other, and I agree with some very honest comedians (some of our most vulnerable and brave thinkers) that us Caucasians need to be less afraid to ask questions. Being quiet does nothing but keep things under the surface, there more for decades of timidity and tense social interactions for our children to deal with.
Also, nasty crimes are committed every day by every color of person. I assume this is implied. You aren't children, and you know me. Go from there....

Buildings that break the box

On a lighter note, enjoy these fresh and bold designs. I always agree that the space we live and work in has alot to do with our soul's well being. Even changing our home's interior space every year like I do with new colors, natural items found outdoors and new photos of friends and family can make you feel like a world class "dweller" ( i like that word alot). "Dwell" well and enjoy the space you're in. Let me know if you ever get to visit any of these places! I visited the new Dali Museum and during my travels have gotten to see some world class architecture (without breaking budgets). Someday I'll post some other places that should have been on this list. Good day to you all.

Buildings that break the box

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scottish folk music

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

W.B. Yeats

I will rise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes
dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where
the cricket sings,
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The White Stripes' 10 Best Songs :: Blogs :: List of the Day :: Paste

fun link via
Although I would include "Blue Orchid" and "Little Ghost" in my list. More of this at a later date. I am waiting for Jude to wake up and then we're off. Have a great day, be sweet to your loved ones, and remember compliments are free and can change someone's entire day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fat is not a four letter word foodies!!

I have been on a mission the past few years to take a much closer look at what I eat, what I buy for my children to eat and stick to certain personal guidelines for enjoying food. Some people are offended by meat processing factories, inhumane treatment of dairy and meat animals, polluted run- off that runs into our huge agricultural "plains", the deforestation of natural rainforest habitats, the use of steroids and other weirdness to make super large carrots...and I can understand and respect these issues.
My personal platform today is that there are certain food items that are just not good without the Fat and are not meant to be "remade" into a similar but less tasty item.

Salad dressings- I love the simple olive oil or vinegar based dressings that are fresh and fat free. However, if they are cream based, the "fat free" kind (ranch, I'm talking to you babe) taste like craft glue with minced parsley thrown in. I use the full fat dressings in moderation, and do not sacrifice the enjoyment of flavor.

Turkey Bacon- even the name of it is a total lie. Bacon can never ever be turkey. It's not physically possible. They are both pretty gross (but strangely delicious), way to salty. But one is very low fat and has little cholesterol. Too bad it tastes like rubber and doesn't OINK.

Mayo- fat free or lite mayo is really gross. It doesn't taste the same when used in egg casseroles or other spreads. Avoid at any costs. Real mayo we use in high moderation but the taste is there. (a good alternative that I use alot is mustard - it's spicier, there's variety, and I use it on sandwiches instead of mayo anyway).

Lite Ice Cream - another LIE. Ice Cream is not supposed to be "lite". It's got the name CREAM in it. Frozen yogurt is really good these days, and I cannot tolerate much ice cream anyway, however the few times I've eaten the lite kind, there's grit, a fakeness to the flavor, and I felt like someone was trying to destroy my childhood. Traumatic!!

Well....I've gotta go pick up Dominick from school at 2:20. One great snack tip I got from my mother in law is that sour pickles (yummy!) are only 5 calories. Not that any of us are counting...
Ya'll be nice! Less snark, more nice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Foo Fighters have new music April 12!!

check it out!!! If you've never been into the Foo Fighters, please check out their One by One Album first, and then follow through. They were out a little before that, and were very talented during previous albums, but this was the first album (especially the last few "b" side songs) that blew my mind and took me out of the early 2000's duldrums. "In Your Honor" (both albums) are always in rotation as is "Echoes..." We are so excited about their new's been a while!! "Wheels" was good, from a greatest hits album, but we know he was busy with Them Crooked Vultures and Probot. SO glad they are together again, and look forward to seeing them again live if possible...if not, enjoying their music and the very good songwriting of Dave G and company. I have not come across many modern musicians that write lyrics that good in a long time. There are a few. but they aren't as consistently good as Foo is as writing, year after year. If you don't care for his voice, someday, just read his lyrics. If you need the sheet music, I may have it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"This American Life" reveals original Coca-Cola recipe

Sounds like a great drink- we should all buy the ingredients and make it some time! ouch! it does sound kindof nasty.
see link below for originial Coca Cola recipe

"This American Life" reveals original Coca-Cola recipe

anti love songs

"I Used to Love Her" Guns and Roses

"Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails

"Terrible Lie" - although Trent Reznor's songs are very much about deep love, they are also full of passionate anger and love's dark side (lies, madness, depression, angst, longing)

" Why don't we get drunk and Screw" - Jimmy Buffet.. after all, you don't have to love someone to screw them. Right?

" I'm Gonna Miss Her" - Brad Paisley ...sometimes, fishing is better than dealing with "love" and all that crap.

gotta go for now...hope you guys had a wonderful day yesterday full of all that love and crap.
:) ta ta for now kitty kats and hot dogs!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

The best fictional love story I have ever read. I read it in middle school, and many times after. Other great authors of character based stories are Fitzgerald (who I did a 26 page paper on), and Faulkner. I am supposed to love Faulkner because he was given the "southern writer" crown decades ago, however I am not in love with him, am just in "respect" in him :) I get his sense of place, time and geography, but I've never been a champion of his characters. And people are what move me. Much love to you all today. Remember, despite all the hoopla, Valentine's Day is about doing something loving for someone else, a grandparent, a homeless person, a friend who is lonely or a parent who needs help. Anything is "love" that is giving of yourself. Don't worry about the hype of the media. We have all gotten flowers or cards perhaps in our past but what are the things that you remember most?? The moments you laughed, smiled and went to bed at peace. I am at peace tonight. Believe it or not, I can write for 15 minutes or so but I also know what my husband and I have been through to get this peace (financially we had a bitchy first few years of marriage). Take time to find something to hug. or write a note to someone who may need your love!

In turn, you will get so much back. Love, as cheesy as it sounds, always comes back's true!!

"We're going to have a strange life." Ernest Hemingway, Chapter 5 (Lt. to Catherine)

Romeo and Juliet - I'm Kissing you

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lusty advice

Love is not like Lust. It does not fade after a few weeks or months. It stays around, quietly lurking at times, sometimes quietly calling if we are lucky. It does not hurt, it does not play hard on our mind, but rather asks questions that can be answered. Sometimes, this Love thing can play on for years, often with other stories overlapping. It is up to us to figure out where it has begun, and where it will end. Often, not the same thing.
We all like to think of Lust as something a 15 year old thinks of as they are daydreaming. a 40 something daydreams too. This is the thing. Lust is hormones as we all think it, but also it is our dreams projected onto someone else. It is thinking someone else is sharing the same exact thoughts or that they may feel the same exact way.
Not so, dear Pirates!! Be assured that we are all built with our own perceptions, and perception is reality. Make sure you are loving someone who is really loving you back and sees the same things you see. I have learned that the most passionate relationships I can have are close and are far (in many ways) but they are all true and clear. The others, are still being worked on, or are being left alone to rest in their peaceful place. I am all about leaving things alone, believe it or not, the only things I like to question are the things that someone else has laid out.
Love is full of many interpretations. Some would like it to be one solid definition. I do not believe that "love" is the same for everyone. For me, it remains on my compass on many different definitions and always has.
Love is in your friends and your family. It doesn't have to be a Hallmark card. If you have the life similar to mine, then take the time to thank God, and share your time with people less fortunate, in however way you can. It's not about money, its about the me, I 'm a huge advocate of time spent on people who are not as lucky or as "loved."

Happy Valentine's Day to your family, friends and loved ones. You guys are smarter than I so figure out some ways to do something lovely for someone or group today!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Anna Maria Island adventures

Today, we went to Anna Maria Island and drove south through Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach, Longboat Key before turning around. Next time we will go through Sarasota and hit Siesta Key, which I have been to before once while working for SEE Magazine since their main office is there. If you ever want to visit a part of FL that is only lovely one-two story cottages and shops, than this is the place. Longboat is more country club and condos, but still like Rosemary Beach (Panhandle fans will know this) with more sea grapes and more traffic. It was like paradise for the day. We thought we lived near paradise being near a great state park (Honeymoon Island) and the Dunedin Causeway but these islands are made for walking, biking and photography. Since we both are into photography it was a great spot we are going to revisit. One place we didn't get to eat at but would love to try by recommendation from a good friend is the Star Fish Seafood Co. in Cortez, FL right over a short bridge from the islands. Cortez is a great old fishing village, and it the main eating place only takes cash, which we didn't have, so will try again. I would highly recommend staying in this area sometime for a 4-5 day vacation. Once in a cottage with kitchenette, you could bike or walk anywhere and if you bring groceries, not have to go to any store for days. It is a piece of heaven and I am totally promoting it. We drove back at 5 pm, and took us about 1.5 hours to get back into Dunedin (home) from Hwy 19. We were going to stay the night at a cottage (for about $120 per night) but decided to truck it back home. During off season those rates are lower (Nov-Mid Feb) after that, it's higher due to spring weather.

Visit Mid Central FL....where we were today, was only about two hours north of the Everglades.There are alot of great kayaking spots, fishing spots, photography opportunities and long walks on beaches without alot of tall condos.

Hope you are doing well this weekend and find some happy places of peace for yourselves. It's easy, just look around.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Free Meditations for Curious Stressed out People! is a nice little site that lets you download or livestream several of their meditations and talks from teachers who walk the walk in the meditative life. I am not a pro at this, and have only dabbled in the Eastern ways of meditation. I believe can be just as healthy for the body and mind as any athletic activity, I just haven't found the time to go to a good teacher or learn from someone who does it regularly. Yoga is my "meditation", for me it is my slow down time, and sometimes after a session, I have fallen asleep on the floor. Its that good. However, if you, like myself ever want to try something new in the comfort of your own home then check out this site.

Others are;
(both online sites that offer things for a small charge but are also full of great information)

After a long day, it might be a nice treat to find yourself a quiet corner (after the kids are in bed, mine are down by 7) and bliss out for a 10-20 minutes. Even closing the eyes this long gives me a huge pick up for the rest of my evening.

try something new today!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Disney goes after newborns

Big deal? Not really. After all you can just say "No" ( a word it seems some Americans forget they can use) or just enjoy some more free stuff. Just remember, YOU'RE the parent, not someone who has to take or accept anything except for what YOU want for your baby. As a side note, remember this while giving birth...I insisted on trying a drug free attempt at having my second 9.10 lb boy and did it, despite many questionable looks from family and friends (not all, but some). It was a personal goal for my first too, but I wasn't quite prepared for the birth experience and used an epidural, a few steps away from a more natural birth. All was well, and we were so happy with the first that it didn't matter. And he was born healthy and kicking so it was all good. Just the maternity ward, home birth (even doulas and home birth industries have agendas and need to make money...) YOU are the decision maker, from second uno of motherhood.

If Mickey wants to give you some freebies, it might not be an issue. Always remember that every step of your parenthood, huge industries are living off of your choices for your children. It starts at DAY ONE.

read below link.

Disney goes after newborns


"Buy experience, not things" - best thing I've read all morning.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oklahoma City finally gave my husband back to us after 3 days of driving through snow.

After 6 weeks of being at OKC for FAA certs, my husband is back home. He drove literally through 3 days of blizzard conditions to get home. It was surreal for us, because here in Clearwater, it was always above the 60's and never got cold since New Year's. He arrived here from my parent's home in PC today around 1, having a nice outdoor fire night with my dad and eating at Captain's Table for some good seafood. It has been a long 6 weeks, being with my young sons pretty much alone. I did have alot of help from visiting Mom and Mom in Law, both wonderful caregivers and loving family members. In the end, though, the parents do the day to day things, up for school, diaper changes, cleaning the highchair 6 times a day, cleaning the floors, trash pails, laundry, dishes and even trying to plant some things (spinach, herbs and tomatoes and peppers, the usual easy early spring stuff). Every night as time went on, I felt like a rubber band that was being pulled a little tighter. When Phillip got here today, it was like "Titanic" or "Casablanca" but we've had those moments in our past...times apart that almost make it worth it just because it lets one see the value you place in each other. The love is always there, but there is something dramatic and romantic in our relationship that has always made being apart that much more intense. Our family is once again whole, and although we usually go altogether to these FAA certs and live in the apartments for a short time and explore the weird city that is OKC, I opted out this time due to Nick being in school and the nasty Jan weather. Phillip wanted us all to go.But, good thing, because I don't know how I would have entertained our kids day after day until 3 pm when P is done is such nasty cold weather. Here, I was able to take them to the trails, the park, the beach, the gym, to see family and to have family over to visit. Much different.

Have you ever been to OKC? It's a very odd spot. Big city in the middle of NOWHERE. We have been to a great blues fest there, and an art fest when Nick was 1.5 but it is always very windy there, I am talking a strong, nonstop wind that blows orange dust over everything, and it gets into your clothes, your hair and your cars. It is totally flat, even flatter than Clearwater. It is wide open, which I love usually in the Western States, but this state has no substancial plants, geography or scenic views to enjoy in their vast landscape...just plains that were bulldozed by pioneers about 100 years ago and left no trees behind because of their farming. All the natural prairie grass or trees are gone, replaced by strange subdivisions and alot of interstates running amuck. Anyhow, it's always great to visit new places, but that is one place I could never live.

Good night folks, I hope your family... whatever the unit size doing great tonight. We could all use comfort after such a nasty last year and I look forward to making this one better, in many ways.

Ta ta for now!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Holden Caulfield’s Goddam War Culture:

Great "Vanity Fair" article below. Please remember that I don't post things thinking that we all are experts on every single issue I might link, but rather hope that you, like me, are still curious about things as adults. I think it's sad that as we leave college or that exciting time when we are younger, we take on responsibilities such as family, careers and "other" oriented lives, and we forget to feed our own minds and keep educating ourselves through humour, prose or just new information. In the end , our loved ones and those we touch benefit from having great conversations and it's nice to at least learn something that is not Hilton, "Hills" or TMZ.

Happy reading!!

Holden Caulfield’s Goddam War Culture:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I am slightly annoyed because my blog keeps my posts in purple and doesn't take my color command any longer. Little thing, but still..must work on :) This should be in yellow

"Mad Men" and one critic who decided not to like it...

I love Mad Men. Always have, and hope it goes on long enough to wrap up some of it's storylines like a sweet little pastry. For some people, it's too slow and all set design. For me, it's been a jewel of fine writing, great characters (all imperfect as we all are) and a nice way to spend an hour on Sunday nights. Now, we don't have AMC so we have to wait to get the whole season when it is released but in some ways, it's like Christmas, getting that first one in with 3-4 episodes. As an advertising and journalism student, I first fell in love with it due to the whole ad agency subtext, but then quickly realized it was evolving into a larger context of the early 60's and I in some ways get a kick out of remembering things my own parents and grandparents have said about that time in US history, and see some of that played out. This critic is trying to be the devil's advocate, saying from the beginning railing against what he sees as overhype by the industry and fans of the show. However, even after reading and understanding and respecting his critique, I have to disagree. The show is entertainment first, great writing second, spectacular acting third and finally a vision into a changing time in our parent's lifetime that paved the way for us children of the 70's and 80's. Women smoked, men drank, people didn't know what "green" meant, and people dressed up for shopping. Some things change, some things don't! For better or worse, it is a show worth getting involved in, just start from the beginning.....

see link below and also read the comments that follow for more insight..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sometimes I write something and then think, "that's shite". So you'll never see it. You're welcome. Hope your day was very good. Did you have some fun, or a good laugh? Did you give a little to the world and take something interesting home to your household? Never forget that even a household of one is still a home, and the power of one is just as powerful as many, because sometimes the individual can accomplish just as much as a crowd. It's not the loudness, it's the message.

Hope you are happy and find some peace in this very goofy world we live in right now. Everyone's so high- strung, so "better than thou" and so many people have walls up. What happened to people just being who they are? Oh... the internet. Thank you world wide web ( I know noone uses that term but I just love it!) for forever warping our world in some ways that we are not really conscious of during the day.
Where are the real people? Are you still one of them? I can tell my children of the days when my friends would call my parent's house to talk to me after school. They won't know what to think of that. They'll think I am so old when I say "but that's when we were real".....