Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where have you been?

Hi old friends! Where have you been? I've been waiting here for like, weeks, wondering where everybody was and what you all were up to! Glad you made it back for a quick chat. Don't even ask about the reunion post yet, it's coming. All good things take time, and I need a big chunk of it for Bay High 2.0 Reunion - "Back to the Bay" where everyone showed up in red bathing suits, running with pecs flexing and boobs bouncing..no wait that was definitely not us at the 20th high school reunion. 
In the meantime, please click on this link :http://io9.com/5934504/terry-gilliam-will-finally-reveal-the-meaning-of-existence?comment=51833504  and rejoice in the fact that Terry Gilliam is finally going to give the world a nice gift- another Terry Gilliam movie. If you have never seen "Brazil", which was a huge college cult hit that I still enjoy, despite bad ending (i won't spoil it for you but damn), then please do so at your earliest convenience, lazy people. "Brazil" draws the viewer in with the Brave New World/Big Brother vibe of suffocating cruel darkness (I know! I know! It sounds like fun doesn't it!!) and then bam- hits you in the end with a mind blowing finale. And feels like someone plucking downy soft wings off a little yellow chick. Nice, all in all.  So, while you're out there back in the work week, I'll just sit here waiting for your return, twiddling my thumbs and eating bon bons because that's what stay at home mommies do, and we get fat and angry too but that's another post. Until you return, look up some old Terry Gilliam clips and keep in mind he was a significant part of the Monty Python crew (the best one is dead). 

Ta ta for now old chums. Be good most of the time, and be very bad only when people are paying attention. Otherwise, what is the point. 

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