Monday, August 30, 2010

Who are you...who who who who.

No, I haven't read "A History of White People" yet. I am still on the second Steig Larrson trilogy ("The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo") so as to catch up before the American movies are made. Also, I checked out "The best American Poetry of 2009" from the library. I used to buy those every year since 1990, but since I only like about half the poems, realized it was smarter to read them for the 2 weeks allotted for free, and do with them what i like before returning. Modern poetry is just as "all over the place" as any poetry from the 1600's. Every poet is either writing about a world inside their mind, or writing about the world as they see it (Wallace was this way, and I love that about him- he was called "the first urban poet" by a commentator on PBS recently, and supposedly Jack Kerouack's 'Howl' poem was inspired by him).

So, this mystery is not solved. This "A History of White People" may remain a legend in my mind...the author still unGoogled, a summary yet unread...I leave alot of stuff unturned using the internet because really, doesn't that ruin life sometimes? Knowing everything?? Finding anything without doing it yourself?
When I read it, I'll let you know. Until then, we'll be content with "A History of Us", written by unnamed, unknown scholars who think they know us all, and know all, and who have written our history for all of us, regardless of race..and we will go on reading and believing what we read and be ok with that. And really, we are, aren't we? Who has time for all that researching and the questions- oy!

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