Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I self -censored myself, and it felt great!

Early this morning, I wrote a post that upon later reading, was totally not on point, totally not clear, and totally could have been misconstrued. I deleted myself. The post was bad, it was written too early in the morning (around 6:30 am while my kids were eating breakfast) and it did not contain the right words for my point. This does not happen often. When you see what I have written here on this blog, it's on purpose. I do not apologize as a writer however badly written my thoughts come tumbling out. Or on good days, come out precisely as how I meant them, which is most of the posts. There are too many times in this modern life where people feel they must apologize for their true expressive thoughts, and this blog is not that place for me. It is one of my places of content and discontent. The others are more private and we like it that way. (facebook doesn't count- I dont actually talk alot about my true feelings about anything on it- just commentary on fleeting posts, opinions, and soliticited advice). This post did not say enough about my true feelings, and the content was a general thought, and did not do justice to my true original idea. So- it is deleted. I stand corrected, by myself- the best way for a writer to be corrected...wink wink.

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