Thursday, August 19, 2010

A moment of the day

Almost every night, around 9-10 pm, I wake Jude up from his early evening slumber and feed him a last bottle of milk. It is one of my favorite times of night, besides laying in bed with Nick to read books nightly (around 7 pm) before he goes to sleep. Jude is usually sleeping hard, like a balled up little wrestler, all full of warmth and cuteness. He has the biggest blues and opens them up like silver dollar pancakes, then gets all excited and grabs his last bottle. I hold him, sitting on a couch or on the guest bed in his room, away from tv, or music, to watch him go to work. After it's empty, he always tries to throw it down like some boxer throwing down his empty water bottle, ready to return to the struggle of going back to sleep. He is like that- very on, very off. And before you know it, he's wiping his eyes, squirming around to get onto tummy position and I lay him back in his crib. He sometimes decides to sit up, thumb in mouth, looking around in faux wide-eyed wonder. Then, he realizes that it's done, it's over, and it's bedtime for good. This usually can take him until around 7 am when the sun rises. Our sons sleep hard, they play hard and they hardly peep during the night anymore. Thank you God, for such blessings, all of them.

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