Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Would you agree that most people don't actually get over someone they onced loved, but rather their lives move them on to the point that being in love with that person just gets too complicated, annoying, or emotionally difficult due to outside influences (jobs, money, moving)? If so, where does that love get placed? Does it just fade away?
This isn't a Hallmark card, but a true question of how we "put away" feelings we once had for someone or some big life event. I think it never just goes away, but stays with us, changing our future perceptions of love (for good or bad) and leaves us with answers about life, and also questions that never get answered.
There's my big one- the questions we never get to ask. Oh, my personality just isn't made to leave questions unanswered. But I have to. We all do. Some of us are perfectly fine to get along and let things lie.
Not me, my motto is "no stone unturned" (this can be a good thing, or annoying)! Whereas some of you may be fine strolling along your primrose path of new romance or true love, I enjoy these things also...yet have to look under every single footprint - searching for clues. Sometimes, when I let myself be forward and bold enough to ask, I have gotten a great deal of peace about things and find a real joy in closing a door. A few things, though, will always be out there, floating around like pieces of a book....(Ok, that's a total ripoff of Ben Folds "Smoke" but that song is a good close example of what my point is)

Oh, my man just walked in with some vino...he will get a kick out of this post. He surely questions my sanity but knows when I write honestly that I am happiest. And, everyone knows a happy writer won't write about you!
Night, friends out there ;)

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