Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The gift that keeps on giving.

Recently, my husband made good on a "gift" and took himself and my two sons to Pensacola to stay with his family. They were in great hands, they love their grandparents and have visited before in their young lives. All their special things were sent along, food, blankies, toys, books, dvd's, whatever it takes to make them happy.

I was left all alone for the first time in many years since being married. Here's what ensued:

Old oils paints came out of their storage boxes, I changed our diaper changing table back into my "art" table which is what it was in high school (being my mother's old high school desk when she was growing up, now having changed two babies butt's on it for three years). From now on, Jude has another set up which is just as good and he doesn't care. trust me.

I cleaned windows, baseboards and mopped floors all in within about two hours. normally, this would have taken me about 5 days.

I went to the beach -whenever I wanted, got sun, walked, and never had to load up bottles, and kid paraphanalia that they love. I just got in my truck, drove, got out, walked around like normal humans get to do every single day.

I listened to the quietness in our home. It is always so loud until bedtime. I missed that quietness, then turned on our mammoth stereo system circa 1994 with 6 cd changer and rocked out like it was...2004. I call this stereo system our "monolith". They are almost extinct now, but it still works and every time we move I reprogram our favorite local radio stations for instant entertainment.

I barely watched tv.

I hung out in downtown, shopped, and wrote notes in my journal about the people I see like I used to.
I walked, went to yoga, had coffee with my sis at Starbucks, donated a bag of stuff to a thrift store, and enjoyed my nights walking in our home, without any toys underfoot down hallways.

Only did one load of dishes, one load of laundry...in four days. AMAZING.

I missed my boys ALOT. When they arrived back here, tons of stuff to unpack, kids to bathe, to feed to love on, I felt back at home. But oh, how mommy vacation was much needed. I feel whole again, in many many ways.

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