Friday, April 23, 2010


Tori Amos is currently playing in the background "Total Eclipse of the Heart":- anyone who knows me knows very well how much I have always loved her. I still have the special edition of a vinyl (record) edition of "Hey Jupiter" that I still play on my Zenith record player...need to play that thing more often. I have vinyl of Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel, and about 20 newer others. Love them , my little friends. It's not unusual or weird to think of artists who happen to play music as your "friends", after all- they bookmark major events, they begin your loves, they end your journeys, they sing while you drive to Walmart, Target and all the other crappy places we have to endure. Through it all, I can endure anything if some good Johnny Cash, Tori Amos, or even the cheesy but lovably strong vocals of Journey (anyone ever think of PC when they here "City by the Bay"? I do!
How songs carry us along, and although us hipsters collectively "hate" pop music, it's the modern version of radio/net waves that bring us new sounds to add to our musical daily soundtracks. What did pre-modern man do before this version of sound? They probably sang it all envious ASCAP and BMI would be :0 Sorry Adj....

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