Friday, April 2, 2010

Good advice part 2

sometimes I think we (in general, not all of us, not all the time) relate our good times and bad times to other people or families. This is not a good idea. If we could, life would be better if we only lived our lives without any input from well meaning friends or family who although well intentioned, do not really know what's going on. This said, those people are crucial to keeping us balanced, to feeling loved, and they let us know that someone cares. Also, it's important to offer the same support to others, even if you think they wouldn't ask for it. If we lived in a bubble, then our worlds would not self sustain, but merely pop from their own weight. Philosophy, or family advice?

I have always been a big fan of isolationism (personal, not political, although the two sometimes intersect). This is just an adjunct of my own beliefs, a big being that you should take care of yourself, and not expect others to take care of you. It's a big deal, and important. I don't like people who get "unemployment" yet who have never taken two jobs at once, like I have done three different times. three, not two. I think laziness and excuses are the most degrading part of humans which leads to other more nasty things and personality flaws i cannot stand.
That said- be well, work hard, reap the rewards, feel proud, and be ok with making money and being successful if it's all in a good way!

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