Monday, April 26, 2010

I was watching a show about how the Scottish "plaids" were outlawed for so long by the British, and I realized, yet again, how much our family's history (one half French/British, one half Scottish/Austrian) has to do with our modern behavior. Some people don't like this concept, for it accepts the fact that our past has alot to do with our future. I would submit, after learning so much about my family's history, that one's ancestral movements, behaviors and historical background has much to do with our grandparent's and therefore, our parent's own relating to ourselves as children.
I find nothing negative about this thought process. It makes sense.
I have been worn out today- when my husband came home, I drove to a local causeway and ran into the wind over a bridge (i have always had a deep fear of bridges that still makes me get the chills) and worked off some calories. Came home, sat out in some very nice post- front breezes with no skeeters and determined that life was good.
You can tell when I'm tired. My writing is super lazy and my thoughts are all over the place.
I am currently doing online workshops for LCUP and am looking forward to working for a United Way affiliated program again. It will be a good subpart to my life and I wanted to find something I could do for others even after a career gets started again.
See? What a tangent!
Good night, friends! Hope you all had a great Monday. The way I see it, all days are special and every single day we are here should be the best we can make it. Sometimes, lately, I feel there are not enough moments in the day to express the love I have for my sons and family members.
Time is short...

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