Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Girls need their girlfriends. That's really all I have to say tonight, yes it was such a busy day that until about 9pm tonight I was able to actually sit. That is common around here. I love being busy but today was a ball buster.
I love my girlfriends. I love my sons, and my husband more than words. Having only about 3 people who happen to be female that I can really trust and who really have my back without judgement live far away but we have the best understandings and therefore the best relationships. Read into that- I have alot of "friends" like most people but there are a few who I know so well, who know me so well that our conversations pick up like it was 20 years ago, and sometimes they are.
Those are the people I value, at times, the most. In most people's lives there are those friends I would hope. Sometimes the people that are around us the longest, and are from our past are the best mirror for our own questions and for themselves.

Girlfriends are the best. I relent, I admit, I surrender- my best peeps are those who knew me even back when I was 14. What a wonderful feeling, and how comforting to know that we are there for each other.....

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