Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vague but uplifting prep talk about my blog.

I was going to write something silly beginning with "Dear Internet God...please help me deal with...." but then I realized how silly that would be. I cannot explain this further tonight because I have some things to unravel but life is still pretty simple and very good in my world and I hope yours is too. Sometimes, I realize what I write on this blog is an excerpt from my life, and not at all a whole picture. In fact, I keep most parts pretty sacred. As do you, I am sure. I write about frivilous new stuff, some serious old romantic stuff (fun right? to remember those days) but also I try to bring to light new personal concerns every few weeks. Stay with me. I get so involved with my children, as a mother should, that sometimes it takes me many nights to even remember what I wanted to write about. That's what paper is for ;) my lists keep me going and also my personal journals. Don't you worry..I haven't forgotten about my promise to give some Bay High gossip. It will all be anonymous and also without malice. Just keep reading. Someday, you might recognize a story about a friend. (we were all heroes).

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