Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In addition....

In reference to earlier post about Michelle Obama, something in my mind kept bugging me all day and I realized that there, in fact, was a very recent bill passed that addresses various nutritional and public school food issues called S. 3307 (look it up!). I think it was a much needed overhaul of the older guidelines and may help in giving some children the nutritional needs during the school day that they may not be getting at home. Some may say..."I can take care of my own kids and feed them just fine" well then this not for you. However, there are more and more children who do not have a full house of parents home daily to make sure they don't scarf down pizzas, sodas, cookies and chips every day. These children, I believe, are being neglected nutrionally and if they are not looked after at home, then at least they can get a healthy meal during the school day. There are several interesting subtexts to the bill, so please take the time to read it. You may know someone whose child could benefit from some of the free lunch programs and they may not be aware of these changes. The one thing that really bugged me, was that certain WIC/pregnancy clinics (however you may frame that) are awarded financially for logging in more successful breastfeeding moms and clinics. This is weird and stepping into that murky territory I like to call "Breastfeeding versus Bottle feeding MOM WARS THAT DOES NOTHING BUT MAKE PEOPLE GET ALL SMUG AND ACT LIKE THEY ARE EXPERTS area." Yes I meant to caps that.

Anyhoo, take a look. Our kids need our help. My kids' nutritional health affects their behavior during the school day around YOUR kids, and vice versa. I am very lucky to not have to work and make my kids their food. But, I would love to think every child is eating well. It's a vicious circle. It's not being mean to admit these problems, I'd rather solve the problems, but we can't if we are all in DENIAL about how our children are affected by the sugar they eat daily and how little real food some of them get. Don't even get me started on the PILLS people give their kids. AHH.

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