Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Day in the Life

How is it going for you my friends? I'm taking a moment to think about you all and actually I think about you all more than just one minute a day. Things are up and down lately, not really "down"...I know what that means ("down"), and it's not the case here. I hope your lives are peaceful and happy, and that you are always finding out what exactly that means, like I am. We have attended the Big Lebowski Fest In Tampa, went to a great St. Paddy's day event that was low key and mellow like we like :) and spent alot of time on the beach lately, watching the CRAZY spring tides (real high, real low) under the crazy moon and enjoying the weird dry cool night usual the weather totally affects my moods and my husband thinks it totally entertaining, which is a good thing. trust. In the same way, I understand his moods after working all day around adults as I am around 4 and 1.5 year olds most of the day. This takes work, but after the work is over, we have come to some very good understandings this year. I just wrote a bunch of good things but deleted them due to thinking some of you might not understand...I need to trust you more, I think!!

Good night to all for now- I am going to look at the stars for a moment before falling to sleep. Remember, no matter what you read, noone is perfect, we all are working hard, and it's easy to judge others.

Ta ta for now, cats and dogs!

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