Friday, March 25, 2011

Curious George drives me bonkers

"Curious George" is playing right now, as it sometimes does during the weekday afternoons if my husband works an evening shift at the airport.No, he's not an air traffic controller, and yes, we have our opinions about them, ESPECIALLY ONES THAT FALL ASLEEP WHILE PLANES ARE FLYING AROUND AND LANDING THEMSELVES. (as was in the news this week).

Some afternoons are nice and peaceful, and I get a little lazy and put some show in the DVD thinga majig and let the kids watch some shows they like. I am much happier when we load up the family and drive out the causeway, a park or walk around downtown like we did yesterday, but this bliss cannot happen every single day. I have to pick and choose what we do based on my super sensitive mommy radar that lets me know when one of my sons will just not enjoy himself, pitch a fit, pick a fight, or in general come loose at the seams as soon as we are out in public.

There was a big blip on the radar today when I picked Nick up from school, that little warning light that stays on until he is safely tucked into bed at 7pm after i read a few books. I listened to the blip and here we are. This is one of THOSE afternoons, lazy, somewhat peaceful, me sighing alot because i STRONGLY DISLIKE children's movies, cartoons, songs, etc. I didn't even like many cartoons when i was young! I loved "Lost in Space" and some things geared towards kids, but the sing-songy voices and manufactured cheerfulness grates on my every last nerve.

But, here I am...writing away as my son Jude rides around on his big plastic car backwards with butt up on a horn that is repeating over and over, and Nick enthralled by his beloved weird monkey Curious George.

Children are mysterious. Why do they enjoy the things they do? Why do I read Gawker online daily and find it hilarious? Why does General Khaddafi get facial injections? Does he think it makes him look younger?
These things are ponderous. Let's ponder.... (and one, two three)

Well, that was a nice moment of zen, but my three bean chili is bubbling, and the kids are in need of attention from something not animated on a large screen.

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