Monday, March 7, 2011

good things

I am officially set up to be a paid freelance writer/editor and am proud to say I got my first gig as such the past few months. I've kept it on the dl because I wasn't sure how it would pan out, but am happy to say that I hope both parties will benefit from my trained and professional past as a copy editor/writer and as a creative person who needs an outlet from 24 hour baby talk. Good things come to those who wait - NOT TRUE!! It comes to those who takes chances, reach out to old friends, keep some bridges unscathed, and who stay confident in their own abilities.

We all have insecurities...but they don't get you any gigs :) Hope all of you have a great Monday...Jude is looking at me like "are you my mom?"

Good thing this writing gig can be done at night...I quit Facebook about a month ago in anticipation of making my free time more "free" and once my husband returned from business trip, I realized I needed to get off the sharing highway for a while.

Take care!

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