Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sometimes I write something and then think, "that's shite". So you'll never see it. You're welcome. Hope your day was very good. Did you have some fun, or a good laugh? Did you give a little to the world and take something interesting home to your household? Never forget that even a household of one is still a home, and the power of one is just as powerful as many, because sometimes the individual can accomplish just as much as a crowd. It's not the loudness, it's the message.

Hope you are happy and find some peace in this very goofy world we live in right now. Everyone's so high- strung, so "better than thou" and so many people have walls up. What happened to people just being who they are? Oh... the internet. Thank you world wide web ( I know noone uses that term but I just love it!) for forever warping our world in some ways that we are not really conscious of during the day.
Where are the real people? Are you still one of them? I can tell my children of the days when my friends would call my parent's house to talk to me after school. They won't know what to think of that. They'll think I am so old when I say "but that's when we were real".....

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