Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Mad Men" and one critic who decided not to like it...

I love Mad Men. Always have, and hope it goes on long enough to wrap up some of it's storylines like a sweet little pastry. For some people, it's too slow and all set design. For me, it's been a jewel of fine writing, great characters (all imperfect as we all are) and a nice way to spend an hour on Sunday nights. Now, we don't have AMC so we have to wait to get the whole season when it is released but in some ways, it's like Christmas, getting that first one in with 3-4 episodes. As an advertising and journalism student, I first fell in love with it due to the whole ad agency subtext, but then quickly realized it was evolving into a larger context of the early 60's and I in some ways get a kick out of remembering things my own parents and grandparents have said about that time in US history, and see some of that played out. This critic is trying to be the devil's advocate, saying from the beginning railing against what he sees as overhype by the industry and fans of the show. However, even after reading and understanding and respecting his critique, I have to disagree. The show is entertainment first, great writing second, spectacular acting third and finally a vision into a changing time in our parent's lifetime that paved the way for us children of the 70's and 80's. Women smoked, men drank, people didn't know what "green" meant, and people dressed up for shopping. Some things change, some things don't! For better or worse, it is a show worth getting involved in, just start from the beginning.....

see link below and also read the comments that follow for more insight..

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