Tuesday, February 22, 2011

in addition ...

To my "black and white" post from earlier...reviewing it I realized I didn't make my ending as clear as I wanted. The "smooth sailing" analogy of Dunedin with it's "cute cottages" etc. was tongue in cheek. My point is, like with most of our culture, some problems are out in the open, while others are painted over to look "nice." Hope you understand this, and also that my point of view is given as a humble p.o.v. offering to only let you know that race problems bother me, alot. Like some of you, I can only try to understand and solve problems once I lay out some things openly, and try to think of ways to communicate in a better way. Our best friend, D., (who happens to be black) and I have had many interesting talks about how blacks and whites "talk" to each other, and I agree with some very honest comedians (some of our most vulnerable and brave thinkers) that us Caucasians need to be less afraid to ask questions. Being quiet does nothing but keep things under the surface, there more for decades of timidity and tense social interactions for our children to deal with.
Also, nasty crimes are committed every day by every color of person. I assume this is implied. You aren't children, and you know me. Go from there....

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