Monday, February 28, 2011

Michelle Obama picks a good issue to get behind

Most of us were too young to be drug dealers when Nancy Reagan made the "Just Say No to Drugs" campaign, but I clearly remember the sarcastic snickers of the press and liberal crowd and that unspoken tone "who do those old people far away in the Big Ole White House think they are? What do they know about drugs, and wow, she spends ALOT on those fashionable dresses and shoes...blah blah blah..." However, I think the campaign of childhood obesity that Michelle Obama has gotten behind to support and promote is one that we all can agree is a major issue in this country. It affects the cost of health care, it affects how our children's minds develop in order to be their best potentials in this global world, it affects how our dollars can be used to support homegrown, local and more organic food sources, it affects the behaviors of our children... etc. I have been pretty successful in really being in control of what my kids eat, I make Nick's lunch daily so I know what he is eating. We make all of their food and rarely buy processed food for them. I cook vegetables daily from the produce stand so our fridge is full of peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans and we try to limit juice and sugary drinks. this said, soon, they will be their own people, and will have the freedom to choose their own food at work, in school, on a college campus or while traveling the world. While I would NEVER support a government that dictates by law what we feed our children (that would never happen anyway) or one that condescends to know better than a child's parent (can you imagine?) I think it's great that the First Lady is promoting exercise, nutrition, portion control and healthy eating habits. It can set a good example for someone who may not have had a great mother figure in their lives to teach them these things like I did (thank you mom and dad! I know you read this...I know scary right?). There are alot of people who admire the current first couple (I like half of them) and so she has a built in choir who will listen but she may also interest some new fans. There are alot of tense parents who are confused by all the nutritional guidelines, who are less disciplined when it comes to fast food (drive fast, drive by real fast and remember it's really crappy food), or who may be working hard and not paying attention so much to what their kid eats at school. We all don't have the time to make every meal, or to be perfect parents...but their nutrition is important for their brain development, their emotional health, their ability to cope, their entire body IS what they EAT.

I am a volunteer for the Pinellas Literacy Council, which has always been my number one platform based on previous encounters with illiterate children and seeing how it affects their futures and choices in life. However, one cannot properly learn to read or learn a language (much less the bastardized English one) without a meal full of fresh, good, healthy food.

So...good one Michelle.

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