Sunday, January 30, 2011

Now Please

Dear Mr. Obama,
I have written you a letter before this one. Please pull all of our troops out of the mideast now. There are many reasons why, and I won't get into them again. They are not political, but just intellectual. I believe whole-heartedly, that this is "war" we cannot "win" and have always believed that. There are huge populations of our Earth that hold religious beliefs that are entirely incongruent with any of our Western ideals...whatever those are now. It doesn't matter what we believe those to be, because people who have Faith that strong are not ever going to submit to some type of imposed US state on their country. It has turned into guerrilla warfare, and has always been that way. In fact, I would compare it to the Japanese in WWII, who would rather commit suicide than meet in the middle on some type of imposed negotiations. I get that. Always have. What I want the US to remember is that it is ok to admit that things have to change in the way we talk to other cultures. However, terrorists are not to be talked to, but rather let's just pull out like everyone wants to do, and let them deal with their own issues. We do not need to a part of their civil wars, and their absolute belief that the sacrifice of human life is worth it, so that they may meet their redeemer one day. Christianity, some may argue, is similar, but not so. Mercy, humility and kindness are very much stressed in the New Testament, and I just dislike it so much that so many religious cultures that once shared this one truth are now relenting and letting their morality be controlled by extremist groups who are not thinking about their community's future, but rather their own heroic, suicidal and quickly forgotten terrorists acts.
Whew. I believe, most people when young, have very similar goals- be nice, be good, be peaceful, be true. somewhere along the way, our minds get alot of information to figure out and hold onto or let go. In some countries, there is not that choice. You cannot let go. It is a part of you, whatever the state says, it is. I do not believe that is freedom. I think we should bring our troops home now. Let these countries live out their historic lives just like the USA has done it's own, and is still doing. Every place on Earth has a story to tell, I just don't think we need to be in this chapter. It's like trying to help Martians. They know what they want, and it's not us. Let them be. And all will work itself out.

Thank you and have a nice evening, Jennifer Lynn

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