Monday, January 3, 2011

Special invite to my own soon to be purchased island.

How was your New Year's Eve and more importantly, your first day of 2011? I usually don't like odd numbered years, but 2010 was a doozy and although it started off uneventful, quickly turned into an oil covered, evil mess of a year. I enjoy making resolutions, and I don't stress about checking them off at the end of the year, just enjoy measuring any success and appreciating any discipline I used to help keep some of them.
Here's to a more positive New Year, and a true new decade.


1. Wear perfurme every day. I LOVE good fragrances, and have a ton, just need to wear them more often.
2. To find even more ways to help local people in need, and to help international causes in some way.
3. Pick up more trash when I go to the beach, and to go to the ocean as much as possible.
4. To visit my grandparents more than just a few times a month. They need me, I need them.
5. Speak more softly to my children, and set bigger and better examples for them to learn from.
6. To stop ending sentences with prepositions.
7. Continue tutoring and strengthen the bond I have with my current student.
8. Be more "huggy" and "touchy"and stuff...I'm not a real cuddly type person, but I do feel so much better when I am in more physical contact with anyone! A real health booster.
9. To finally watch "Inception". I don't love Leo De Caprio...but like Christopher Nolan the director, so intend to watch this soon.
10. Buy an island, invite any friends and family who would like to come and live with me in a society that uses capitalism to it's best ability- you build, I buy, I create, you buy, it all works out. Included in this package will be a large fresh seafood dinner every night, live music by Band of Horses, and free wheeling/willing love to anyone who enters. It will be named "Margaux Key" and clothing is optional. During a full moon, there will be kaoroke wars and lots of umbrella drinks, sand castle contests, and jello wrestling.

That's enough resolutions for one year.
Have a good one, fellow Margauxians.

1 comment:

gretchengreen said...

oops...I posted the last comment on the incorrect blog. Sorry ;)