Saturday, January 15, 2011

Facebook Diet

On January 31, I am going on a Facebook Diet, so would love for any of you who I am in contact with on FB to please send me an inbox message with any super secret BatCave contact information if you would like to continue any kind of "how are you doing" sortof contact via email or texting (all confidential of course). I am going to do this again on FB this month because I have alot of people who I would love to hear from time to time, and see how they and their family or lives are going. The FB Diet will consist Facebook. Not for any one reason, but for many. And maybe just for a few months, maybe longer. The problem i come across while doing this, is that now, I barely contact anyone using my email account and vice versa, and FB has gathered most of my social eggs in one basket so to speak. Soo.

That's that. I just saw a tiny fat owl in our back yard jacaranda tree. It's awesome, it looked at me and flew down to our mulchy yard looking for some grub.

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