Thursday, July 29, 2010

Internet fun for cowards...

The perfect haven for passive-aggressives, cowards and punks is the internet. Unfortunately, they can sometimes spoil the landscape. Otherwise, it can be a great way to gather information, and share some very insightful information. It can be used for pure entertainment (which we enjoy) and also some true question and answer sessions via our personal emails accounts, facebook and blogs. know people are saying things they may not be able to articulate among real people. It can be good for shy people with good intentions, on the other hand- a powerful tool to insult people and then not be around "really" to have anyone respond. This has been a topic my husband and I have discussed the past few years- how passively people respond to things on the internet, or they post things without accepting that someone may not agree. If you are going to post something somewhat devisive (and you know this) then why would you be so angry that someone may disagree with you? It's very un-couth. It's an abuse of the free exchange of ideas....but some people will never see it that way- it's all about them, their ideas, and their opinions that they put "out there" but don't want anyone to respond to. It's silly, and wastes time.

I have found that if people are "real" in "real life" than they behave the same on the internet. However there are some damn shady folk out there. They act one way but then "behave" differently online. Yes, we can be what we want online, but the fact is, despite technology, most of us know each other- whether we are old friends, or new friends, or family, or people we meet traveling around- and the people we see in the real world should be the people we see online....weird how that doesn't always happen. Or- people act one way to your face, and then you see what they

What do people have to prove? That they are smarter or more hip than yourself? I have found that many online groups I love to read are very "intelligent elite" and although amusing can be so self- congratulatory they make me remember high school student government.

Be real, people. Be yourself. You will always be admired and loved if you show your true colors, no matter what they are!!

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