Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Found Mr. Green

Mr. Green, the littlest tree frog that could, was sitting in my kitchen floor at 6 am yesterday, like he had been waiting all night for someone to throw him back outside. So I did. The fireworks were great Sunday night. Nick covered his face but he peeked to look when he thought we weren't watching him. He does that sort of attention- getting thing now, putting on displays of pure objection, but then not wanting to miss the big event. We let him have his fun and try to ignore his dramatic efforts.

How was your weekend? Are we already on Tuesday? Today is the only day this week with no appointments or meetings lined up for our family. I am free to roam my little kingdom, changing clothes, washing dishes, singing to my stereo, wandering the backyard on this partly sunny day. I am free to wipe hands and mouths, make endless snacks, bottles, and bowls of food. I am free to create an entire day of "daycare" like activities for my two children and watch that clock until my husband comes home at 4:30.

Also, I am free to load them up, go for a long drive to the beach and nearby playground, and stay gone. Sounds good. Sounds like a plan. Time to go...

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