Friday, June 11, 2010

What FL is going to offer in 2 years...

1. Cow tipping in Ocala, FL. Where else can you still find the highest concentration of nationally sold beef, get weird, and tip them while they sleep. From ATL, it's worth the 6 hour drive. Ads could read "Cow tipping, FL- where else?"

2. Drive through the dusty ghost towns and meander among empty restaurants, homes and shrimp boats. Ads could read "Why go Out West? Explore our unique extinct fishing villages and huge castles in the sky!"

3. Explore grand ole' I-75. Instead of nostalgic rememberances of old Stuckey's and citrus stands, you can tour entire subdivisions and take photos of million dollar overpasses to nowhere.

4. Citrus- the trees will live, but no-one will be there to harvest it. Get your buckets and scavenge the wasteland for kumquats, tangerines, grapefruit and tangelos. All you can eat. Even in our own backyard.

5. Frozen fish at Sam's club or Costco that is from the Pacific or Northeastern Atlantic. Clammy, white, gummy, and has no salt meaty goodness of mackeral, grouper, or snapper.

6. A vast wasteland from Jacksonville and Pensacola to about north of Miami. They'll thrive because of drug money and cruises that take people so far out they forget.

7. Lots of very cheap real estate. You thought it was good the past five years, just wait, sucker.

8. Oil. Black gold, Texas tea.

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