Saturday, April 11, 2009


Folks, there is a revolution going on...across the lovely nation of ours, a bunch of people are meeting this week, most on April 15, to protest the growing government, bad economic bailouts, and alot of other various issues that generally are bothering Americans who aren't in love with our current president. Ok- that's a bit exaggerated- it's not a revolution, and it's not new. But it is cool that we have a country that allows for groups to meet, rally, protest and display their feelings if they want without causing personal injury to others, and without being arrested (without cause we hope). So, being that I'm always curious about politics and new happenings, I am going to the Tampa Tea Party on Wednesday to check it out and will report. I am sure there will be the fringe groups, the right wing extremists who want the US to go back to complete isolationism and those who believe that there were never dinosaurs. However, I don't go to these things to make fun of others but to see what's going on out there in our country, to listen and to take notes. I also get exasperated with the pundits on tv, like John Stewart's twin brother Rachel Maddow, who spew cynicism and snarkiness with such intellectual arrogance over these events (calling the attendees 'teabaggers' is funny, but somehow not so much comming from the current liberal media), that I want to see for myself some events as to cut out that negative noise and get a clearer picture of what really goes on, not just reported by opinion. (sorry for such a run-on sentence). As a side note, we don't have cable anymore, actually not one channel, so it's easier to cut out the constant droning of the media and get involved and active without hearing the blubbering drooling swooners as of late.
So, it may end up seeming silly, or it may make sense, but I will attend the Tampa Tea Party to see what the fuss is all about. There is one today in downtown Clearwater, but judging from the small attendance list at their FB page, most locals are going to the Tampa rally on tax day, so I think that one may have better organization and turnout.
Until then, we've got alot going on this week besides politics -with family coming, appointments, Easter tomorrow with Brother John staying here, going to church, and having lunch with us tomorrow while Andrea visits PC. Who can forget the Easter egg dyeing today - Phillip was so excited he got a dozen more, in case there's not enough for me to make my delish deviled eggs with paprika. yum. I'm feeling great, fit and never better, and got to the beach yesterday for a sunny, albiet windy day.
Have a good one, folks. We love Saturday!

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