Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sweet dreams

The sun just sank into the horizon, getting bolder and hotter every day, little by little. It's 8:28 and we're on Eastern time down here in this part of Fl, which I still find so weird, having lived most of my life next door in Central. I spent a great day getting a good solo beach walk in early this morning, followed by an afternoon with both sets of grandparents, my parents and an aunt and uncle thrown in for good measure, I've decided it's a great time to do something I haven't done in a few weeks - going to bed early.
The past few years we've done this occasionally, getting into bed early for different reasons such as colds, early morning plans, and wine drowsiness. Also, I learned that when I work full time my brain waves were sharp and full loaded when I had at least eight hours sleep. Since I always read for at least an hour, some nights creep into the 11 pm hour, after we've watched some favorite show, then reading, then planning for the next day, then walking the dog one last time...blah blah blah.
So, since not so newly pregnant, the urge to get to bed early has struck again. Enjoying the silence of night - no tv lights, no voices in my head saying all the things that didn't get done that day, and no second child, just yet- needing to be fed every two hours. What did people do one hundred years ago when there weren't alot of man-made distractions? They worked their hineys off until they collapsed into their straw filled mattresses. They slept until that first dull purple streak shows in the morning sky. The one we see almost every day when Nick wakes up and need Cheerios and a banana. But oh- the difference it makes when I've got that sleep behind me.. no dragging of the feet, no wishing I had been smarter, nothing but looking at the early humid air and thinking "this is a going to be a darn good day."
Besides, don't those doctors say it's good to get enough sleep? True true, just like eating an apple a day....
enough preaching to the choirs for now...ya'll know what's good for and what's not. Tequila with salt and lime only on every other Wednesdays after 5 pm, and ending before 8 so that you have enough time to fall into bed peacefully after drinking your two glasses of water. Doctors say that's really good for you too.

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