Thursday, April 2, 2009

The news

We're pregnant. I am. Have been since mid-january. Wanted another one before I go blind, get on Social Security, and have to use a wheelchair. If it didn't happen this year, we were going to be just fine with our one son Nick. Another excuse is that after the election I thought the conservative movement needed fresh faces for it's future :) But it happened. In four weeks we find out the gender. Want another boy, I like boys, always have. There's plenty of women in our family. Also I have two stepsons Austin and Quin who are older, yet gave me a few lessons early in our marriage about boys and what they need to be happy. In general- hot dogs, water, dirt, and money to buy toys. So - we're hoping for another boy!
We have gone over potential's a few we decided against.
Bianca- has a "dancer" ring to it if you know what I mean.
Scarlett O'Hara Roosen- Roosen being my husband's last name...this name is already taken right? darn.
Aquanetta - just because.
Darcy- thought it about it because they could be my "double D's" - but that's tacky isn't it.
Josiah- or any other Old Testament name that starts with a J- because the darn Duggars already took all those.
Hemingway - this being one of my favorite authors, it's just pretentious.
Fitzgerald- exact same reason- but love it!
Sebastian- love this one, but reminds me of the bad guy in "Cruel Intentions".
Angelina- don't want to raise a blood letting, puffy lipped, Billy Bob leftover homewrecker.

well- gotta go pack more stuff and make another run up HWy 19. Looks like we're getting clouds from that storm in the panhandle but no rain- again.

1 comment:

Dunedin Domestication said...

Oh My Gosh - CONGRATULATIONS!!! WOO-HOO- more little kiddies in the family! I am so happy for you guys.