Saturday, April 18, 2009

Comrade Found

Yesterday while having a day all for myself, I found some great thrift stores and met a few people. One lady running a store got to talking with me about local music and gave me some great radio stations to listen to for progressive, blues, or world music and suggestions for live music- finally! Phillip and I always have at least 4-5 places we hang out in for music and this being a new place for us to live, are looking forward to mingling with some new crowds and finding new friends afer this summer. One thing led to another, and we shared Nashville stories and went into the realm of how friendly the people in Florida are, in general.
"Except for"- this lady said," election time."
I about fell out. We went onto discuss how crazy it got during this election, how frenetic, angry and smug alot of the Democrats were that crawled out of the woodwork. She also mentioned that Dunedin was not a very friendly place to be as a conservative minded person- like myself, she has always been a hard worker who doesn't think a larger government full of fat programs helps people learn to help themselves, and that alot of the programs are racist and insulting to human beings and their capabilities. We also talked about how alot of the media and Democrats gleefully lumped Republicans into a category (done on both sides of course) that included religious fanatics and other fringe groups. Thank goodness there are some new movements out there that are trying to regain the true nature of conservatism, which should really leave the whole religious moral compass issue alone, including abortion, gay rights and evolution arguments to private families and not on the public candidate's platforms in 2012. (But that won't happen with Palin and I personally can't stand Mitt Romney- he's like Al Gore's smug twin brother. )
So, we giggled at the fact that she runs her little radio with NPR on it for her thrift store customers, although she, like myself does catch up on it for news while also picking up on the talk radio (but can't put that on- Dennis Miller is just too right wing for most- wink wink). She was super cool, and what a breath of fresh air. We talked about how we hope the next election isn't as ugly and how embarrasing it got for our country, and how so many people could be seeing the exact same event but yet have such opposing emotions.
Ahhh...but that's why we have such a wonderful that we can vent our feelings and though we may not agree with others, we tolerate the outcome of our system because it's done without bloodshed, and done with the people's voices as they change their every whim.
So..nothing else on that topic....good thing huh?

need coffee...have lots going on this weekend. It's beautiful outside !!!!

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