Thursday, April 23, 2009

the shortest blog yet?

Started this one with good intentions and, like the princess and the pea story, have a few little irritations the past few days if you couldn't tell. not to say that this week has not been outstanding- it has! But I forgot there are a few things to take care of before I can sit down to my labor of love. On a side note, I am publishing a collection of essays and shorts this year at some time, have been wanting to complete that project for years now, and I am motivated to finish it now. More on that some other time.
Give your loved ones some big hugs and no bitchin and whinin to those who take care of you best!! PS- Why is it that some people- especially women- lose their sense of humor and fun as they get older? By older, they aren't even in their 40's? Why do they feel the need to turn into little harpy shrews? No fun! Booooo harpy people - life is way too short to make everyone else miserable with your grouchiness!

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