Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Freaky Tuesday

Woke up to the sound of wind and goodness it's gotta be in the 5o's this morning! I like the change of weather, since it will be in the hotness for the rest of the year till Thanksgiving here. I am praying that I get used to the heat this summer during the pregnancy -when I had Nick it was nice and cool in NashVegas. Oh- the sacrifices we make for little people. I used to call children that before I ever wanted any. In fact, I never saw myself getting married or having children because I knew that alot of my big plans would just never materialize. That is somewhat true, but we still manage to have some fun as a couple, travel and enjoy friends and family. The trick is to find happiness where you are, and not think it's somewhere else out there waiting for you.
Speaking of entertainment, it's been a few days since our cable cut cut off- not even a few public channels or Spanish networks. So, in the early hours, while the dog is sniffing out the new yard adn Nick is eating toast and bananas, I put on our stereo for the news. First it's NPR, then some talk radio- so it's completely bipolar and two different views on the exact same news. Fun! Then, i've been writing a little and scanning the net for fun stuff and friends, then cleaning up, and then- the dreaded worded- unpacking. We have so much stuff in our new two car garage. Mostly stuff Phillip and I have carried around with us for 6 years- boxes of high school journals, books, old bills, old holiday decor, and random items we need to throw out. Soon! It drives me nuts to get up and see things not quite in order...but patience was never a virtue of mine. That's why Phillip is nice to have around- he could walk through a mile of rubbish and be calm, cool and collected. He helps my blood pressure go down when I get all geared up - Tinkerbell - he calls me when I flutter around trying to get a million things done in a day. I try to explaining- it's not that I'm stressed, it's that I feel satisfied when all is finished. But the problem is...things are never finished! Not when you have a 2 year old running around moving the books you just shelved and sticking his fingers in your oil palette you tried to hide and then running them over his face like Wallace in "Braveheart."
So- this week we'll get our home together. My only goal when I go back to work someday is to buy a one bedroom condo back in the panhandle- Mexico Beach is always a great spot for our family to have fun- and have a place to get away from it all.
Well, I'm off to enjoy my half-decaf coffee, which does not taste normal at all, and then we're motoring to an appointment and some errands. Have a great day kids. JLynn

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